Welcome, and thank you for your thoughtful post.
You are wise to "reserve judgements on all [these] issues."
Mud-slinging is not the purpose here, but some men's actions result in slinging mud on themselves. "The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgement, but as for other men [their sins] also become manifest later." (1 Tim 5:24 NWT) Judging motives is not the purpose here, but the actions of all men eventually make their motives clear for all to see. "I, Jehovah, am examining the heart, examining the kidneys, even to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruitage of his dealings." (Jer 17:10 NWT)
As for the Society, or any society, Scripture says: "It is better to take refuge in Jehovah Than to trust in earthling man." (Ps 118:8 NWT) As you say "Do not look to other human beings as a means to this end an never accept or lay down on man made policies."
You apparently have a very open mind. Keep it that way. "If anyone thinks he has acquired knowledge of something, he does not yet know [it] just as he ought to know [it]." (1 Cor 8:2 NWT)
Wishing you the very best on your journey! It has just begun.