i thought it was funny that i simply assumed you were a male.... then i realized, you ARE a male.
the more i think about it i must be a lesbian, because i think about p###y when i get out of bed and all day long, usually not an hour goes by that i don't think about p###y.
i look at nice looking women wondering what their p###y would be like.
i love to undress women with my mind i do this all day long.
i thought it was funny that i simply assumed you were a male.... then i realized, you ARE a male.
(sorry if this was already posted).
no, no, let me pick up the check, mom.. i think there should be more acronyms used at bethel.. i will have to remember to donate for those 42 yearbooks i sent out to my friends.. i am going to sit in the second row at the family study so my friends can see me on tv!.
i really enjoyed all the juggling in that last family night.. that watchman duty sure allows me to learn my way around bethel.. what's gleaning?.
holy crap greendawn,
for a second i thought you were trying to defend the place. then i remembered what the thread was about.
sad to say, i have a very short attention span...
whilst christians like to portray jesus as the supreme example of love and mercy ( as opposed to a supposedly wicked 'watchtower god' ), does the bible's presentation of jesus cast him in quite the same flattering light that christians like to believe?
for instance, at revelation 19:15 jesus is described as 'smiting the nations and ruling them with a rod of iron and treading the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god.
' does jesus sound just as bad as the 'wicked watchtower god'?
i'd like to have the sermon-on-the-mount-jesus as a friend,
i'm not too sure about the knife-wielding-angry-judging-revelation-jesus though.
just wondered as im prob about to give up so much, coz i dont think it is the truth but its come as such a shock!.
my family believe it so much, my dad feels he can answer any question i have, and being brought up in it sometimes it scares me.
coz my family believe it so much, .
totally relate.
sometimes i just feel like because i haven't been to a meeting in 2 months, and i've been reading on this board... that i've become biased towards the "truth". that if i started going to meetings again, i would realize how true the "truth" is.
only, i think i'm more scared to believe it isn't the truth. which means, i have to find the truth.
i remember being at a district convention when three young mormon men came in and somehow ended up sitting next to me.
i was sitting with three of my girlfriends and although we were all 19 years old we had to sit within a row or two of our parents in order to be policed appropriately.
the assembly was a yawnfest as usual but the mormon guys showing up added a bit of interest -- i immediately picked up on the fact that they were there for laughs not because they had any interest in becoming jdubs.
my best assembly is the circuit one i just skipped.
ah, that was a good one.
okay adam and eve lost their perfection because of adam's sin, his eternal life.
so why do animals die?
i am such an animal lover.
yeah, i always wondered about what the hell a serpent looked like before it was cursed to crawl on it belly...
in the new system, if there will be no sadness, tears, crying, sorrow, yadda yadda yadda... when my pet elephant dies... will i be sad? or is he going to live forever in this said new system, hmmmm?
i know i know, i'm so sorry to bug you guys about this but for obvious reasons i can't talk about it with anyone from the congregation and you guys are familiar with the watchtower.
in the watchtower, the woman is expected to be 'chaste.
' so i'm worried that if i decide to marry someone that is a jw if what i did before will be a problem.
uh, i'm confused...
if you "decide" to marry a JW...?
i'll just pretend your question was simply "should i marry a jw?"
to which i can without hesitation say: "no"
see, that was simple.
hi guys, as most of you know i have been inactive for a bit ( august of 2004 was the last time i turned in time) i changed congregations in december and have pretty much faded.
last night i had a talk with someone and he asked me why i was still in, why not just da?.
my answer ?.
my reasons for "fading" are because i created a monster and became the "spiritual star" of the family and were i do da myself, my parents would take it very, very, hmmm let me re-emphasize, very badly. they are already losing sleep over some "comments" i let slip... sigh.
otherwise, i'd totally da myself as i have no friends in the org. they've all left me b/c my husband da-ed himself.... sigh, again.
for yourself, it sounds like you have nothing to lose. but then again, you don't owe the org anything...
that didn't help much did it?
hey everyone,.
just want to thank everyone for responding so positively to my first post (a long rant...and a new beginning).
thought i'd share a little of mys story...well maybe alot of my story!.
hi joe,
i missed your original post, so welcome.
The desire to do good according to the organizatin, but the frustration that results from being human and having a free mind. So I began to have doubts.
i can relate to the above. although i'm still considered a witness "in good standing", i haven't been to a meeting in 2 months. i always had doubts, but it seemed like very few people did, so you learn to just suck it up... "don't get ahead of the [perpetual] chariot"...
anyway, sounds like you've been through some rough times but i've found that sharing and reading posts here is very helpful. it's like therapy, but free!
hey guys,.
listen, we were all "brothers" and "sisters" at one time and it didn't really mean shit.
i'd've turned my back on the lot o' ya when i was a jw and i found out you were apostates.. but now we're all truly brothers and sisters.
i'm with dave,
pm me if you need to talk. don't get to the point of despair...