Posts by Franz

  • Franz

    Is it reasonable for Christians to believe in 'aliens' ?

    by Franz in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    by "aliens" let's assume beings capable of making moral choices, having intellect, emotion, and a will (angels, who are extra-terrestrials, also fit into this category, but this answer will deal with three-dimensional, physical beings).

    i'll briefly address the question of algae or even dog or cat-like animals later.

    but first, a few scientific facts:

    1. RubaDub
    2. moshe
    3. Quentin
  • Franz

    By "aliens" let's assume beings capable of making moral choices, having intellect, emotion, and a will (angels, who are extra-terrestrials, also fit into this category, but this answer will deal with three-dimensional, physical beings). I'll briefly address the question of algae or even dog or cat-like animals later. But first, a few scientific facts: + Men have sent spacecraft to every planet in our solar system, except Pluto. After observing these planets we have ruled out all but Mars as being able to support life (one natural satellite, or "moon," of Jupiter is thought to be possible of supporting life, but that is still very theoretical). + In 1976, the U.S. sent two landers to Mars. Each had instruments that could dig into the Martian sand and analyze it for any sign of "life"--mostly micro-organisms. They found nothing. Note that if you dug a shovel full of sand from the Sahara Desert or dug through many meters of ice into frozen dirt in Antarctica and analyzed these, you'd find both samples teaming with micro-organisms--that is, life!! In 1997, the U.S. sent "Pathfinder" to the surface of Mars. This rover took more samples and conducted many more experiments. What did it find concerning "life"? Zip. In June and July 2003, the U.S. launched two more rovers, five times the size of Pathfinder, to land on and explore the surface of Mars beginning in January 2004. Expect some science data returns, but don't expect any more regarding the presence of life than what the earlier missions found. + From time to time you will read a headline that says something like, "New Planet Found in Distant Solar System." The fact is, none of these have ever been proved to be anything close to a life-supporting planet. The very existence of many distant "planets" are later disproved but that story never makes it into an updated newspaper headline. Knowing that only Earth can support life in our solar system, evolutionists want very badly to find another solar system to be able to state, "See, there ARE other planets! Therefore, there MUST be life on one of them somewhere!" There may be other "planets" (probably brown dwarfs orbiting larger stars) out there somewhere, but we certainly know nothing intimately about them to know if they could even remotely support "life." But what does the Bible say? The earth, and mankind, are unique in God's creation. Genesis 1 teaches that God created the earth before He even created the sun, the moon, or the stars. Acts 17:24, 26 states that "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth,… has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings." After creation, mankind was without sin and everything in the world was "very good" (Gen 1:31). When the first man sinned (Genesis 3) it caused the fall of mankind, which resulted in problems of all sorts, sickness, and death. Even though animals have no personal sin before God (they are not moral beings) they nevertheless suffer and even die (Rom. 8:19-22). Jesus Christ died to remove the punishment that we deserve for our sin. When He returns, He will undo many aspects of the curse that has existed since Adam, and ultimately He will remove all aspects of the curse (Rev 21-22). Christians can't wait!! But note that Romans 8:19-22 states that all of creation also eagerly waits for this time! It's important to also note that Christ came to earth to die, that He came to earth to die for mankind, and that He died only once (Heb. 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10). Putting these truths together concisely: God created the earth and mankind unique. All of creation suffered as a result of the fall of man. Christ came to earth to offer Himself once and only once to pay for our sins. Not only will believers be delivered, but all of creation will be delivered too. Implications: If all of creation suffers, that means that any life apart from earth would also suffer (I think that craters on the moon and other planets also argue for this). If, for the sake of argument, there exists moral beings on other planets, then they also suffer; and if not now, then someday they will surely suffer when everything will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat (2 Pet. 3:10). If they had never sinned, then God would be unjust to punish them; but if they had sinned, and Christ could die only once (which He did on earth) then they are left in their sin, which would also be against the character of God (2 Pet. 3:9). This leaves us with an unsolvable paradox . . . unless, of course, there are no moral beings outside of earth. Finally, I said I'd address the question: What about life forms on other planets that are non-moral? Could algae or even dogs and cats be present on an unknown planet? I suppose so, and it would not do any real harm to any biblical text. But it would certainly prove problematic when trying answer questions like, "Since all of creation suffers, what purpose would God have in creating suffering non-moral creatures on distant planets?

  • Shining One

    Real evangelism powered by the Holy Spirit

    by Shining One in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    as jws we all were forced to participate in their evangelistic method.

    i think that it is based primarily on fear.

    here is an article about true, holy spirit powered evangelism.

    1. Caedes
    2. Franz
    3. Abaddon
  • Franz

    I believe much of what you say. We, however are convinced that Holy Spirit was an attempt to understand a strange energy source that controlled Ezekials wheel and was responsible for lifting Jesus towards his journey towards the fathers world.

  • use4d

    Uses of The 4th Dimension (Einstein was wrong!)

    by use4d in
    1. social
    2. current

    since i discovered the 4th dimension, one of the conclusions i have reached is, the 4th dimension is an infinite access to the truth.

    throughout this website, i use the term "i wish" - it is really a way to voice a person's desire - and from the work i have done - it really works.

    from the saying: "ask and you shall receive", i have understood that any human being can make an infinity of "wishes" and receive the truth (the correct answer) to every question they may have, in the form of a dream - that same night.

    1. LittleToe
    2. Terry
    3. flyphisher
  • Franz

    "We believe in nothing. We believe in everything."

    In these simple statements is contained the whole of spiritual and physical relativity.

    That which is earthly and physical believes only what can be proven physically. Other things are not believed, as they are not physically relative.

    That which is spiritual can accept things as being true, even if they cannot be seen or heard or proven.

    Thus, through this spiritual relativity, we can believe things beyond our understanding.

    Let's continue our look at relativity by examining who we are in relation to one another.

    Some of us are men and some of us are women, which outwardly can be viewed as being quite different, yet genetically, as humans, we are quite similar.

    We can look at the differences between us and the animal kingdom and see even a greater difference; yet scientists have shown us that we are genetically 90% or more the same.

    Is the similarity a part of a natural evolutionary process, or is it part of a conservation of God's efforts in the creation process?

    In other words, is this showing a physical or spiritual relativity, or perhaps both?

    We can view ourselves as being in this church, and stop.

    Or, we can expand our view and see ourselves in the State of New York, and even as part of the United States, and even as part of the Earth.

    With a little more vision we can envision ourselves as part of this solar system and even as a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, and ultimately of the Universe, but is that really as far as we can go?

    Albert Einstein envisioned the relativity between energy and matter through his relatively simple formula E=MC 2 .

    He expressed this relativity in the concept that energy and matter cannot be destroyed, but rather they convert to one another at the speed of light.

    If we slow energy down it becomes matter; if we speed up matter it becomes energy.

    Some scientists believe that the universe began from an exploding Black Hole (The Big Bang Theory).

    Black holes are so dense and exert such a gravitational pull that even light cannot escape.

    Is this where energy reverts back to matter?

    This Einsteinian theory is based in physical relativity and the laws that govern it, and of course the questions they pose.

    But where did this physical realm come from?

    Think about this as we move on.

    Let's now take a look at another example of spiritual relativity.

    In Galatians 5:22-23 we are told:

    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

    23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    These are all qualities that a Godly person is to possess, but we cannot quantify them in terms of either matter or energy.

    We can ask a neighbor for a cup of sugar, but we cannot ask then for a cup of love or peace.

    These kinds of fruit cannot be measured or limited in this physical manner.

    We are speaking of things of the spiritual realm, and not of this physical one we live in, even though they can be expressed in it.

    We can love someone, and the effects of our love can be felt by the other person, but only because of us, and not by love itself, that is, unless we also exist in the spiritual realm.

    Do we actually live in both the physical and spiritual realms at the same time?

    I believe we do.

    The Bible tells us that God spoke creation into existence, but we are not told specifically how He brought forth a physical creation from the spiritual realm.

    The closest we get to understanding this inter-relativity relationship is in God's creation of the animals and us.

    The Bible refers to all His creatures, including us, in terms of neh-fesh khah-yaw, a living soul.

    In Genesis 2:7 we are told:

    7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    The term, living soul, neh-fesh khah-yaw, appears to be the combination of the spirit and soul functioning within the body.

    The spirit is totally of the spiritual realm and the soul appears to be formed in the process of combining the spirit with the physical being.

    It's what makes us different from a rock, but not different from the animals, for we are both neh-fesh khah-yaw, living souls.

    If we look at the opposite of life, true death only seems to occur when the soul leaves the body.

    We have come to know this from the many documented cases of near death, out of body experiences.

    I experienced this first hand some 42 years ago while I was in the Air Force, as the result of sun stroke.

    In such a state of being, you can look back upon your own body and all that is going on around you.

    You are no longer bound by the laws of this physical world, including gravity, but you remain totally you.

    You are the same person, but without your physical body.

    You are existing in both the physical and spiritual realms at the same time, only tied together by the umbilical of the soul.

    I believe it is only when this umbilical of soul is cut that we leave this physical realm, and pass through death.

    Physical death doesn't occur when our physical brains cease functioning, or our physical hearts stop beating; it occurs when our souls leave our bodies.

    But it does not appear that our life awareness and our spiritual being dies. It remains alive and intact in the spiritual realm.

    Let's now think about this relativity in terms of what we are told in Leviticus 17:11:

    11 For the [soul] life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul.

    In the eyes of God the soul contained in the blood is the atoning power to bring about forgiveness, but it must be accompanied by true repentance.

    In other words, the spiritual relativity of forgiveness and atonement are manifested in the physical realm of the repentant person.

    In the first chapter of Isaiah, he begins with a denouncement of the people's ritualistic practices that have no meaning, and says that those who kill an animal without true repentance are committing murder (verse 21).

    Here on earth, we place people in prison and even execute some of those who have sinned against us, but does that bring about their atonement, or even our forgiveness, particularly when we consider it from the victims' perspective?

    From the way the world behaves, I think not.

    True and lasting repentance and forgiveness is not something that can occur in the physical realm, but only in the spiritual realm, for it involves unconditional love.

    It's part of our being perfected in love.

    Now, let's think about this in terms of the traditional Hebrew sacrifice or the Christian understanding of the blood of Jesus Christ paying the price of our repentant sins.

    First we need to remember that without repentance there is no forgiveness.

    And secondly, we need to understand that the shed blood must come from one who is without a sinful nature.

    So how does the blood of Jesus Christ function in this respect?

    But we must remember, that if we lived in perfect love, there would never be the need for any atonement; thus this entire sacrificial concept is a concession of God and not His desire.

    What is its relative nature, its physical and spiritual relativity?

    If we return to Eden and the eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we see that sin entered into the lives of humans, having obviously first entered into the life of the serpent.

    But we need to understand that sin and evil are not a substance, but the undoing or the opposite of good.

    It's the same as understanding heat and cold in the physical realm.

    There is really no such thing as cold; there is only a degree of activity in the atoms and molecules.

    The faster the movement the more heat, the slower the movement the less heat, or if it falls below a certain point in relation to our body temperature, we call such lack of heat, cold.

    Thus, spiritually, sin was carried forth from generation to generation, because we are enticed by things that are not right and good.

    But how could Jesus have been born innocent?

    If we look at the fruit of the forbidden tree as having the ability to bring about a genetic (physical) change, the forming of a so called "sin gene", then Jesus would have been born in sin unless women are incapable of passing on this "gene".

    Even though Eve was the first to eat of the fruit, Adam was given the ultimate responsibility for it, and I believe it is because of this that it caused this perpetual genetic change in males only.

    But since everyone is born of both man and woman, we all have this "sin gene", or a knowledge of good and evil.

    And everyone was born of man, except Jesus.

    He was born of woman only, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Then the question comes up, why did Jesus need a physical body?

    So that He had a soul, that combining quality of the juncture of the spiritual with the physical.

    It is His soul, which is in His blood, that makes atonement for our souls, once and for all times.

    This is the basis of the Christian spiritual and physical relativity.

    In this context is also the spiritual relativity of our own lives, and our ability to make choices.

    We have the ability to choose to live in this world strictly as a physical being in a physical world, not caring about others or about the consequences of our actions.

    Or, we can choose to be a spiritual being, living in a physical body, a being that is so filled with God's unlimited love and compassion that it becomes totally repugnant for us to bring any harm to people, to animals, or to the environment.

    We can choose to live as beings filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

    And against such things there is no physical or spiritual law.

    In this perfected love, there is more power than is contained in all the nuclear weapons ever made or exploded.

    For millenia we had tried to bring about peace through violence, and it has never worked.

    Through perfected love we can have eternal peace and have it with no violence.

    And the use of this power of spiritual relativity rests with each and every one of us.

  • scout575

    Is this prophecy by Jesus trustworthy?

    by scout575 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    in the last chapter of the bible jesus is three times portrayed as saying: "i come quickly.

    " the last of these three statements actually reads: "surely i come quickly.

    " ( rev 22:7, 12, 20 ) does the passage of nearly 2000 years since those words were written indicate that this bible prophecy is trustworthy?

    1. jaffacake
    2. scout575
    3. jaffacake
  • Franz

    Why we believe God is an alien who flies in a UFO? Short answer to your question: we believe that Jesus was some type of advanced alien and may have had considerable travel time even at light speed to reach his 'father' (Ha'Sha-Lemech). Also the transit time would be doubled for the return trip(Rature aka Ram'la'Kelza.

  • AlmostAtheist

    A recent Awake that said earth's population would fit in T

    by AlmostAtheist in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i bumped into a jw at the store the other day.

    he doesn't know i'm df'd (apparently) and i didn't decide to enlighten him.

    he banged on for a bit about people we both knew, how service was that morning, etc.

    1. LDH
    2. Legolas
    3. stillAwitness
  • Franz

    I think it's likely that the LORD would use some type of temporal disturbance. Consider: In the chair I sit in, a few minutes ago a cat was in this chair. We are actually both in the chair, Im in it at 12:54 and he's in it at 12:44. Perhaps the LORD will see fit to separate the Earths population into 1/7ths perhaps seperated in time by a year or so, allowing multiple people to share a certain physical location.

  • Spectrum

    blonde, ok and brunette jokes if you know any

    by Spectrum in
    1. social
    2. humour

    a guy walked into a bar with a crocodile and announced to everybody, "i bet you $10 that i can get the croc to open its mouth put my head in then withdraw it without losing my head.

    any takers?

    on getting some bets in, he took a heavy glass ashtray wacked the croc on it's head with full force, the croc opened it's mouth the guy put his head in and withdrew it safely.

    1. Clam
    2. Clam
    3. Rook
  • Franz
    Franz This is the best one I've ever seen

  • Franz

    Did UFO's play a part in Jesus Baptism?

    by Franz in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the bible strongly suggests that the baptism of christ was a historical ufo event.

    this hypothesis can be drawn from such references as "the book of luke" chapter 3 verses 21-22, matthew, chapter 3:13 and in john, chapter 1 of the holy bible.

    it was after that, where christ was then taken to a place that the holy bible describes as "the wilderness.

    1. delilah
    2. Legolas
    3. MuadDib
  • Franz

    "you're damn straight that was a UFO. What do you think the star of Bethlehem was? I fully believe that Jesus was an Extraterrestrial from a very advanced race. They knew how to use artificial insemenation just like we can do today! That's how Mary got pregnant." Friend, there is much more truth in what you've just said than you realise! I'd like to explore this a little more. I also intend to write my theory of Ezekial's wheel that I think you'll be fascinated and strengthened by. The LORD would indeed be an 'alien' by any definition and I believe Newton also did some work on this and was likely helped by this "Aliens' Ministers". There is some eveidence that they were referred to as "he'la'Sharim"

  • Franz

    Did UFO's play a part in Jesus Baptism?

    by Franz in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the bible strongly suggests that the baptism of christ was a historical ufo event.

    this hypothesis can be drawn from such references as "the book of luke" chapter 3 verses 21-22, matthew, chapter 3:13 and in john, chapter 1 of the holy bible.

    it was after that, where christ was then taken to a place that the holy bible describes as "the wilderness.

    1. delilah
    2. Legolas
    3. MuadDib
  • Franz

    The Bible strongly suggests that the baptism of Christ was a historical UFO Event. This hypothesis can be drawn from such references as "The Book of Luke" Chapter 3 verses 21-22, Matthew, chapter 3:13 and in John, chapter 1 of the HOLY BIBLE.

    The baptism of Christ took place in the wilderness, by the Jordan River. Baptism was symbolic of cleansing or washing sin from one's soul. John the Baptist was there and he performed the ritual. After Christ was immersed in the waters of the Jordan, an unidentified flying object suddenly appeared in the heavens. The Bible describes a solid physical object. The object did not make a sound. It glided down to where Christ now stood, upright in the water. The flight characteristics of this object were similar to that of a dove. The craft descended upon Christ. He was then taken up, into the wing-shaped conveyance. The craft quickly departed, removing Him from their sight. The Bible says that this wing-shaped craft drove Him into the wilderness. He disappeared and was not seen again for forty days.

    Luke said the Holy Spirit descended upon him (Jesus) in bodily form, as a dove. Luke was implying that the Holy Spirit had a bodily shape. The signs and wonders that accompanied the prophets of Old in the HOLY BIBLE always suggested that the Holy Spirit of God was a dynamic, preternatural event that was unlike anything static, earthly or temporal. If Jesus had been led up by a pigeon or a dove, that would have indicated that Jesus was a false prophet. (Luke, Op Cit).

    It is important to stress that Luke didn't say that a dove descended upon Jesus, but that the Spirit took a bodily shape, which was like a dove. Luke was comparing what was seen to something earthly, so that the reader could understand that the Holy Spirit appeared as a flying object that came down from heaven. Downing says:

    One of the difficulties with the dove' concept is that the Luke reading has been made normative for the Matthew, Mark, and John readings. The latter say that the Spirit was 'descending like a dove.' They do not say that the Spirit physically looked like a dove-they are referring to the similarity between the way in which a dove descends in flight, wings spread and motionless, and the way in which the Spirit appears when it descends. Apparently there is nothing visibly in motion when the Spirit is seen to descend, except the motion of the whole 'Spirit body,' whatever that may be; the Spirit is also by implication nearly silent in its descent." - Dr. Barry H. Downing THE BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS

    John the Baptist as well as others who were present at the christening saw this UFO event. John says "I knew him not, but he that sent me" was an angel, a messenger of God, who told John that "upon whom thou shall see the Spirit descending, and remaining...the same is he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost." (John 1:33)

    "Before Pentecost, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit among humans had been very different. In the Old testament, when the Holy Spirit came upon someone it was temporary in duration and usually limited to an individual. Examples of this included Israel's judges, many of her kings, and prophets. But as time went on, they began to long for a great outpouring of God's spirit upon all people as the prophet Joel foretold would happen (Joel 2.28). - NOT LEFT ALONE By Andrew J. Lauer

    "Jesus' words to His disciples about the Holy Spirit had profound implications for them and us. He knew that the fulfillment of Israel's longings for God's Spirit were about to take place, and not only Israel, but the entire world would benefit from the Holy Spirit's coming. This is why Jesus said, 'It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you' (John 16:7). And He has fulfilled His promise, for the Holy Spirit does dwell among us..." - NOT LEFT ALONE By Andrew J. Lauer


    One possible translation would mean that a chevron, or triangular shaped object, descended from the heavenly abyss above and took Jesus on board their aircraft. (See photo). Although some Bible scholars may disagree, this translation would suggest that when Christ was "led up" by the Spirit, that he was "caught up" or "snatched away" from their sight. It was at that point that he was taken into the belly of this heavenly conveyance, which was described as a dove-shaped UFO. It was after that, where Christ was then taken to a place that the HOLY BIBLE describes as "the wilderness."

    The HOLY BIBLE says that the "Spirit of God" was a solid, flying object that literally "drove Jesus into the wilderness."

    In the New Testament, the gospel of Mark says that the Spirit of God drove Jesus Christ "into the Wilderness." When the HOLY BIBLE says that the Spirit of God drove Christ into the wilderness, it would mean that some mode of conveyance or transportation took Him there. For example, "we drove Betty to the store," or "Scott drove his Mercedes to the graduation. (Matthew 3.1-17 and John 1.19-32).

    There are two historically significant events in the HOLY BIBLE, which document Christ's departure from the earth. Numerous people saw both of these events and each event was well documented.

    In the first report, the UFO appeared from heaven and was described as the "Spirit of God." This unidentified flying object descended from the sky with a flight characteristic similar to that of a dove. This wing-shaped object came to rest above Christ and plucked Him from the waters of the river Jordan. It then drove Christ "into the wilderness."

    In the second case, a heavenly conveyance appeared as a cloud whereupon Jesus was caught up or snatched away "from their sight." In this case, The Son of God was never seen again. This "Ascension" was an event where Jesus was taken into a "space cloud" and was "removed from their sight." The word used in the Greek to describe this abduction is the word Harpadzo, a term that means to be "caught up" or "snatched away...suddenly." (See Acts 1.8-12)

    "Who are these that fly like a cloud, and doves to our windows. - Isaiah 60:1"

    Downing says "If these 'clouds' carry the angels of God, then in the tradition of Hebrew parallelism, in which the idea of the first line is carried over into the second line, we have here a comparison between the way in which clouds fly, and doves of course often 'descend' from above to the window below. What we have here, is a clear Biblical precedent..."

  • Franz

    Does the Lord's Word predict an alien attack?

    by Franz in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the following scenario is based on research from the writings of .

    the jewish prophets, jeremiah and daniel and in the new .

    testament 1st john, luke and revelation.

    1. silentWatcher
    2. Franz
    3. kid-A
  • Franz

    The following scenario is based on research from the writings of
    the Jewish prophets, Jeremiah and Daniel and in the New
    Testament 1st John, Luke and Revelation. It is the opinion of
    this writer that the following scenario will begin very soon.
    This opinion is based on research into other areas of
    eschatology and does not reflect a declaration of an exact day
    or hour however. For this is forbidden!

    Bible UFO Prophecy Scenario:

    And so because of the alien threat from outer space the nations
    of the world unite and through the UN elect the first president
    of the newly formed one-world government. The world president,
    now having dictatorial powers, gives the order that all alien
    saucers that violate the earth's air space be shot down using
    the newly developed, multi-megawatt SBL Alpha Laser death-ray.
    Sixty-six saucers are shot down and crash to earth because of
    this new technology. The alien commander is surprised and filled
    with awe and respect because of his adversary, the UN President
    (antichrist). The nations of the world are adoringly grateful to
    the world president for his effective and saving leadership in
    defeating the aliens. They love his strong leadership.

    Bible Proof:

    Does all this sound like a science fiction story? Not if
    you believe in bible prophecy.

    In Daniel 8:9,10 (KJV) it states, "and out of one of them came
    forth a little horn (antichrist) which waxed exceeding great,
    toward the south and toward the east and toward the pleasant
    land. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it
    cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and
    stamped upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince
    of the host."

    Revelation 13:4 says, "And the world worshipped the beast
    (antichrist) saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to
    make war with him?"

    As more truth about UFOs, alien abductions and UFO crashes come
    to light through the world's TV and printed media, the cover-up
    crumbles, then fear grips the nations of the world. But God
    gives comfort to Israel concerning the alien threat as stated in
    Jeremiah 10: 1,2 (GNB)

    "People of Israel, listen to the message that the Lord has for
    you. He says do not follow the ways of other nations, do not be
    disturbed by unusual sights in the sky even though other nations
    are terrified."

    And in Luke 21:11 GNB) "there will be terrible earthquakes,
    famine and plagues (aids, herpes, Ebola flesh eating viruses,
    Small Pox, super-killing influenza) everywhere; there will be
    strange and terrifying things coming from the sky "(UFOs).

    The NEB translations says, "In the sky terrors and great
    portents.." The American Standard St. Joseph Edition says,
    "Awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky."

    The question still arises. Will there indeed be an alien
    invasion of earth? The bible seems to hint that the world's
    people will perceive that an alien invasion is imminent.

    In Luke 21:26 it says, "Men's hearts failing them (cardiac
    arrests) for fear and for looking for those things which are
    coming on the earth." (KJV)

    Could the 1991 NASA STS-48 Starwars footage be a precursor to
    Daniel 8:9,10?

    Some UFO enthusiasts interpret the STS-48 footage (that was
    shown on "Sightings", "Hardcopy", "Encounters", "The Larry King
    Show", etc) as several alien spacecraft being fired on by U.S.
    Starwars technology (probably Brilliant Pebbles) but missed.

    Strangely, in 1991 the Alpha High Energy Laser (HEL) death-ray
    demonstrated megawatt class power levels in a low pressure, space operation

    the same year as the STS-48 incident, 1991.

    Many UFO researchers have wondered, are the extraterrestrials
    good or evil? Are they sinners like us? Do they have the ability
    to kill, lie, and do all the things that sinners here are
    capable of doing?

    The bible answers these questions in the affirmative.

    In 1st John 5:19 it says, "the whole world lieth in wickedness."

    In Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, page 43 in the Greek
    Dictionary section, the word "World" in that particular verse
    means Kosmos, which is the same as Cosmos or Universe. Therefore
    what it really says then is, "The whole universe lieth in
    wickedness (sin).