quellycatface wrote: Just don't let Hannah near any pet rabbits.
I was thinking same story line! This has trouble and disaster written all over it.
losingit - You can call her on this behavior. Nothing wrong with citing boundary issues. Your friend clearly has trouble knowing where the boundaries are. You, however, know that your first priority is your children. And you have a very full plate with finishing school and preparing for pending job. She is just too much drama. (do you want the gun weilding spouse to come looking for her at your house????)
About 8 years ago, I had a similiar friend. Different players, but strange love triangles, a young child, lack of structure and boundary challenged. Abusive men were working her over. At her house one evening, she told me some stories. I told her that she was scaring me. Her stories are terrifying and I could not visit anymore. I got up and left within 5 minutes. I suggested she call the police and get to a shelter with her child. OK to call me from the shelter and we could meet for coffee, but I did not feel safe in her house with all the torment she told me about.
She chose not to call the police. Left her young child with her husband and she eventually left the boyfriend (I think he went to jail for other offenses) and then reunited with the husband. We spoke on the phone a few times but she was still way too much drama for me. It took too much from my life to spend time with her.
Funny thing though... She saw me as mentor and sort of a role model. It surprised her to see a woman set boundaries and keep them. I did not hate her. In fact, there were things I liked about her. She was fun. Crazy, but fun. But when the crazy in her and the crazy in her life started to make me feel threatened, I let her know and then I acted on by distancing my self. Couple years later, she seemed to appreciate was I doing.