We are taught that the reason why we can not celebrate birthdays is because
1) Two instances in the bible where someone was killed: First of all nothing bad happened to the person having the birthday. example: If someone is getting married and has a reception and there is alcohol and someone leaves drunk and gets in an accident and dies are we never to have a reception again because someone died? More important the bible talks about a wedding in 1 King 9:16- (Phar'oah the king of Egypt himself had come up and then captured Ge'zer and burned it with fire and the Ca'naanites dwelling in the city he had killed. So he gave it as a parting gift to his daughter, the wife of Sol'omon.) 1 King 3:1-(And Sol'omon proceeded to form a marriage alliance with Phar'aoh the king of Egypt and to take Phar'aoh's daughter and bring her to the City of David, until he finished building his own house and the house of Jehovah and Jerusalem's wall all around. So the society says no birthdays because two people were killed on the birthdays mentioned yet it is ok to give wedding gifts. Not sure how they justify that accorting to the quoted scripture above. What about wedding anniversary parties? People have them all the time. Isnt that celebrating the birth of the wedding on the date every year.
2) We should not put someone on a pedistal: What about baby showers, I have never understood why we could have a baby shower but not a birthday. What is the difference? I asked an elder once that ? and he said it is to help out the parents. Well I dont know about you but my kids grow every year and they can always use new clothes and other things. What about bridal showers?
Just a few thoughts that have bothered me.