StillA, hope you're OK. Hope you get the opportunity to tell your parents about your situation when you're ready. Hope you don't have a JC sprung on you before you're emotionally ready. Treasure the relationship with your brother.
a few weeks ago i posted about about how my parents have been asking about wether or not my card has been sent to my "new congregation" since i moved out in july.
up until now, i have been stalling not knowing wether or not i wanted to just come out and say "i have not been going to meetings" or not take any action at all.
well someone left an interesting piece of advice on my thread that i have been contemplating doing.that maybe, perhaps i should just have my card sent to a congregation that isn't anywhere near the actual city i live in.
StillA, hope you're OK. Hope you get the opportunity to tell your parents about your situation when you're ready. Hope you don't have a JC sprung on you before you're emotionally ready. Treasure the relationship with your brother.
wow, darin just called me and told me of a real exciting experience he had.
you see darin belongs to toastmasters, and toastmasters encourages public speaking.
darin says this guy at toastmasters has been trying to get in touch with him, so finally darin agreed to meet him at a restaurant before the next toastmasters meeting.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------darin says the guy asked him almost immediately "were you a jw?
That's annoying! I'd hate to think that people could pick me as an ex-JW!
do you still believe or nurture in your heart "living forever in a paradise earth" and even never having to die in "this old system"?
or do you now belive in life after death as a spirit being in heaven?
or have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
I'm reconciled to the belief that I'm going to die and will be dead permanently.
my wife gave birth to a baby boy this afternoon!
he doesn't have a name yet so any suggestions?
for all those that care (seems only women do) he is 10 points even and over 22" long.
Congratulations to you, nonamegiven, and to your wife.
i'm just an average guy that been there, done that in the jw domain :) .
i reached my "zenith" lol in such domain at the early age of 20 (i'm now 29) while expanding the work in various foreign language congs as a ms with almost all elder privileges except participating in jc's...the only jc i took part was mine last year :).
by the way, my last wife, a christian, caught me several times reading your posts... she thinks that all of us (including myself) are just a bunch of frustrated individuals...oh well no wonder she left :).
Hi Little G and welcome!
as you can see there are alot of you!
being such, it would be interesting to note how you all found this site??
or did you stumble across it by accident?
I'm not a newbie but I found it through the freeminds site.
when you will have been an exjw for as long as you were a jw?.
i was raised in the jws from before the age of 10, and stopped going to the kh at the age of 31. i was involved with the jws for a total of 23 years.
i will be 54 years old by the time i have spent more of my life as an exjw than i did as a jw..
Went to my first meeting at about 1 week old. Went to my last meeting at about 45 years old. Hmmm! I won't dwell on it!!!
our friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
Thinking of you (((Hambeak)))
your absolute favorite song of all time.
no lists.
just your absolute favorite and artist.. mine:.
(((Terry))), I love the way you told that.
My favourite is Nature Boy, George Benson.
i want to thank everyone here for all the help and kind words offered to me as i adjust to having worth.
i guess i have a long way to go and i guess i'm going to have to go and see a counselor like someone else suggested.. no matter how hard i work or what i accomplish, i still feel so ugly and i'm still afraid of the stupidest things.
i don't know if my fears are on par with paranoia, but they are definitely distracting and i need to get some outside assistance.. the good news is that around here, with people who've gone through the same, i feel better.
I love going to your posts because you are so damn good looking. Many of us can't display our photos but it's so nice to see someone who does (it is your photo, isn't it?).
I still have moments of FEAR where the crap they taught me comes to the fore and I feel so worthless and ugly
That happens to me too. It's annoying. I try to immediately reject the thought that lead to the feeling.