I worked at the shipping complex ( 360 Furman building ) when I was serving in Brooklyn. I worked on the second floor, and the view of the Manhattan skyline was excellent. I used to go up to the gym which was located on the 12th floor, and I would just stand and stare out of the windows sometimes at the view. Those are going to be some extremely nice appartments.
Posts by Arthur
Condominium Sales Kick Off at Former Watchtower Shipping Complex
by DannyHaszard inwatchtower land lord condominium sales kick off at former watchtower shipping complex.
brooklyn daily eagle, ny -46 minutes ago.
by brooklyn eagle ([email protected]), published online 05-15-2007. brooklyn heights said to be the largest residential conversion in brooklyns ... said to be largest brooklyn conversion ever.
Attention former elders and ms: I have a question.
by R.F. ini'm currently a ministerial servant and pioneer in my congregation.
i want to begin my fade soon.
i'm going to get off the pioneer list first instead of quitting both positions at once, hopefully to ease potential gossip.
I was also a Ministerial Servant while serving as a Regular Pioneer. From what I observed, the elders are generally sympathetic to Pioneers going off of the list when personal difficulties arise for them. When I was a Pioneer, there were two Pioneer sisters who went off of the list for personal reasons. They told everyone that it was only temporary - and most of the friends were sympathetic. I, on the other hand, never stepped down as one, because I was accepted to Bethel while serving.
There is a very easy way to step down as a M.S. without actually stepping down. You could move congregations. You will not be re-appointed in the new congregation unless you are getting at least 10 hours of service each month (which is the general rule of thumb in most areas). You could begin a gradual decrease of service time and meeting attendance as soon as you arive at the new congregation.
The thing about doing the "fade" is that it is extremely difficult to pull off unless you are able to move far away and never attend a new congregation. If your family are JWs who live in the same area as you, then I would say that doing the fade is almost impossible, as has been the case with me. I tried to fade, but it has become totally obvious to my JW family.
Those of us who have family in the org usually face disfellowshipping when our views become known. It hasn't happened with me yet, but I know that it is a certain eventuality.
My Update
by R.F. inhello all.. as some of you know recently i've realized the importance of really examining the jws yet i'm still a part of it(ms, reg pioneer).
well i have as of late put alot more time into bible reading(with different translation) with a more open mind without the watchtower blinders and it has been very refreshing to me.
the more i read about first century christianity and the message they preached the more i realize just how off the the wt really is.
Well I have as of late put alot more time into bible reading(with different translation) with a more open mind without the Watchtower blinders and it has been very refreshing to me. The more I read about first century Christianity and the message they preached the more I realize just how off the the WT really is.
This was precisely my experience. I have come to realize how so many of the required practices of the JW organization are traditions of men, and are carried out by rote. There never was a centralized organizational structure that required everyone to comply with it's assigned treadmill of works. If one looks for some sort of spelled out organizational manual in the NT; they will look in vain. What's interesting to see is how the modern day Watchtower organization has very little in common with first century Christianity. It actually has more in common with fourth century Christianity.
I've got a scan of that letter!
by SirNose586 ini just scanned the boe letter about the wt format change.
it's in .tif format.. enjoy!.
Comments you will not hear at the 5-13-07 WT Review (Loyal to GB Jesus)
by blondie inloyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
Next Week's Study Article:
"When The Slave Asks You To Move To Guyana, Will You Act?"
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovahs Witnesses Are Settled
by Dogpatch inpress release 5/10/07.
sixteen child sex abuse lawsuits against jehovahs witnesses are settled.
As a JW the one thing that always baffles me is the parents that would allow their children to be alone with these pervs.! Now, they want to sue the WTBS? I understand the victims suing the WTBS based on the cover up and proclivity to admit guilt, but someone should slap the stupid parents!
( long exasperated exhale ) . . . . Boroean, are you not aware that many of the parents of abuse victims were not even aware that there was a pedophile in the congregation? This is the whole point. Because of WT policies, many pedophiles were able to move congregations several times, and the friends would have no idea that this "nice brother" had allegations against him in another state. How were the parents to know that this "nice Ministerial Servant" was a potential danger?
So instead of slapping the parents, as you so eloquently put it; why not slap the Governing Body, or anyone else's sorry ass who created these policies?
"Religions tell us we have to give up this life for another ...
by serenitynow ingive up our desire, passions, pleasures ... what type of comfort is that?
'die while you are alive so you can be alive when you are dead?'".
this was a thought-provoking quote i read on the weekend from a french philosopher michael onfray, particularly when we know how much one gives up for life as a dub.
For many JWs, bowing down at the Watchtower alter and paying homage to the Ted Jaracz squadron is a small price to pay for an eternity of sitting next to a waterfall, eating grapes,and playing with lion cubs.
Any Non Religious Single Women on here?
by What-A-Coincidence ini've been on dates with very nice women.
but we just don't match up in the beliefs departments.
so...any single non-religious women on here?
So...any single non-religious women on here? Any that you can recommend? I thank you ahead of time for your input. Profile available upon request.
LOL - WAC, you crack me up sometimes. If you want women to come forward to help you meet other singles, you might not want to have the avatar picture of a character who tried to kill his wife and young son with an axe.
Puppies, flowers and kittens = good
Axe murderers = no no
Comments you will not hear at the 5-13-07 WT Review (Loyal to GB Jesus)
by blondie inloyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
Yeah it was! One sister said "Yes, so if we reject the Slave, it's like we're rejecting Jesus and Jehovah!"
Heil das
FeurerSlaven! -
Board Demographics
by snowbird inmaybe this thread has already been started before.
please forgive me if it has, but i would like to know how many on board are active witnesses, inactive, da/df''d, or never been witnesses.. i am inactive since 2005, black female, separated, head of household, etc.. rsvp.
Inactive for a little over a year. Single, never been married.