JoinedTopics Started by deneranys
Survey/Psych Paper Results
by deneranys inthank you to everyone who participated in my jw adolescent survey for my developmental psychology term paper!
several were interested in how it turned out, so here are some of the findings from the survey.
from those that responded, fewer jw adolescents (about half as much) took illegal drugs and had sex than the average teen.
Cleaning the Kingdom Hall
by general inwhat part of the hall was your favorite part to clean?
was it the bathrooms, the main hall, library or lunch room perhaps...did people use cleaning the hall as an excuse to get self-righteous?
let me know.... lol.
Jehovah's Witnesses - Long overdue for a Renaissance
by truthseeker inthe renaissance was a revival that originated in italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout europe.
the transistion was made from the medieval era to the modern era.
during this time, a revival of classical literature, art, architecture and sculpture emerged.. .
Just got a knock at the door...yup you guessed it
by Lady Liberty inwell it wasn't the long awaited visit we have been looking for, but i guess they are still working on it!
my husband and i have been waiting for over 5 weeks for a reply back from the elders as to the date discrepancy of 607 (between the watchtower references and the appendix.
)we blew them away when they were here, and said they would go do the research...until today we have heard nothing from anyone.
by pratt1 in.
for those of you that have been dfed - how long did it take you to be reinstated, and how long did you continue to be active?.
i was reinstated after 5 months out and i continued to be active for about 5 years.. although i have to admit, i never felt the same about the dubs after i was reinstated, and should have quit the religion much earlier.
Did anyone actually enjoy field service?
by Check_Your_Premises in.
did anyone ever actually admit it if they hated it?.
Another question about JW
by Shazard inas i never been jw i can't understand why some of you bother writing some letters.
if being in wt is not legaly binding (as i understood that baptism is not legaly binding), then who cares about writing.
just stop going to kh and that's all.
Wonder their reaction
by FallenOne ini am moving soon to pennsylvania and no one will know i live there.
i've always had a great desire to play some tricks on the poor jabba's witnesses stuck out in street work and liven up thier drab routine.
here are some thoughts, what would your reaction be.. .
WTF was I thinking...
by DigitalFokus init's in 330ish in the morning and i can not sleep.
my mind has been racing due to my impending move to nowheresville,mn where my roots lie.
and i was thinking of all the dumbass shit i have done, and its makes me ponder "wtf was i thinking then and how in the hell did i make myself believe that doing whatever was a good idea".