The last D.C. I attended was at the Tri-Cities Coliseum in 1999. It was DAMNED HOT! Well over 100 outside the coliseum.
To add to the misery, my soon to be ex-wife's family was sitting directly below me on the floor of the coliseum. One of her nieces sat staring up at me the entire time I was there. (I went with my father and a couple of my faithful sisters.)
It was near impossible to keep from nodding off. The only thing that made it bearable was the hard-hard bleacher bench. LOL To get leg room sitting on those benches, one must turn slightly sideways which always makes it hard to keep from bumping the ones sitting below with my knees.
To make matters worse, I have a hearing problem. The society's sound system leaves much to be desired, so most of the discussion was just a babble of noise to me.
I've experienced the same problem as far as the sound system goes at the assemblies held at the Puyallup coliseum as well.
JoinedPosts by ramtrucker
Excited to Attend D. C. Next Weekend
by Cold Creek Swimmer ingood morning friends,.
i just wanted to share with all of you the joy i am experiencing knowing that i will be attending the long awaited d.c, next week.
what a wonderful experience it will be to be able to sit with all of the loving and faithul delegates at this convention.
Prayer a Waste of Time?
by WTWizard inhow often do you hear about prayer at the meeting that, if you should pray that if jehovah wills that he should do something?
to me, this is a total waste of time to pray if that condition applies.
you see, if jehovah willed something, why would he need to wait for you to ask him for it?
This isn't exactly in line with this thread, but I believe it shows that honest, heartfelt prayer to Jehovah will result in help from him.
This story comes from an autobiography handed down to my wife's family written by an ancestor, a great-great-grandfather of my wife.
The story begins when he moves to the United States from Germany in the early, middle 1800s. I won't go into a lot of detail about why he moved here except to say he moved to escape going into the German army.
Not long after he got to the U.S. the War Between the States began, and he was drafted into the Union Army.
Eventually he was captured by Confederate Forces and imprisoned at the prison at Andersonville, which as history has shown us was operated under the most brutal conditions.
The prisoners were ill from many things including sickness stemming from the contaminated water inside the prison grounds which the prisoners were forced to drink.
As the story goes, the men finally got together, held a meeting and prayed to God for help, which especially included pleas for fresh water to be provided.
Within hours, a fresh, clear flowing spring began giving them the pure water they needed.
So at least that part of the prisoners miserable conditions were eliminated.
This story can be verified by research on the internet by the way, although there are some who doubt the veracity of the story.
Since the family has their grandfather's written record of it, I tend to believe that Jehovah did answer the prisoners prayers.
Furthermore, I believe it shows that Jehovah answers not only prayers to him from so called "Witnesses of Jehovah, but men of all faiths. -
..A new Creature in the Mountains..
by OUTLAW ini`ve lived in the b.c.
mountains most of my life..i`ve encountered a diverse range of wildlife..even one that is`nt supposed to exsist,except in legends and fairy tales.....i live in a different mountain range now,than i have in the`s either the north pole or a desert,depending on the time of year..the snow is near all gone and the desert is reclaiming the mountains.....i went to the general store for some supplys..a friggin 1hour round trip..i`m on my way home now..i get off the public road and start my way up,higher into the i get closer to the ranch..i see something cross the old wagon trail road,but i can`t make out what it looks strange though,i haven`t seen anything that shape up here..i slowly turn the corner so i don`t scare whatever it`s a bunch of wild turkeys!!
!..the females were a grey colour..the male was beautifull,with deep rich colours..he had a big fan of tail feathers just like a peacock..i mean this turkey was "pimped out!!
I live on the Western edge of the Blue Mountains here in Washington State. Our Fish and Wildlife department released wild turkeys both in the Blue Mountains, and the range of mountains that lie to the North of the Columbia River, (Washington side) near The Dalles, and Hood River Oregon.
The hunters here enjoy both a spring and fall hunt for turkeys now.
We are seeing some "strange" creatures here in the Blues too. (No not the Susquatch man.), but Moose! More and more are pushing their way down from British Columbia and a cow moose was seen several times last year, wandering on the golf course here, just north of the city. -
Back in Washington after 8 18 hour days...
by Bryan inas many of you know, we relocated to washington state.
i was in the middle of remodeling our house when we left, so i flew back 10 days ago to finish.
8 days 18 hours a day to get 98% done.
Wow...your story makes me wonder if you should have taken my advice to come to the Tri-Cities.
The wife and I visited a friend of hers, last week that just moved into a new home in West Pasco. I'm flabbergasted at all the new homes going up in the Tri-Cities, especially Pasco.
Hopefully you'll find that home soon. -
Cant get nobody to give the sunday talk
by darth frosty ini was just talking to a friend of mine who is the talk coordinator at his hall.
he was telling me that he cant get brothers to come and give talks at his hall.
i remember when i was giving talks that was all the rage.
''Maybe the Watchtower will send each congregation taped TALKS so they can all be in unity with one another and then the local elders can concentrate on more important things like investigating allegations of wrongdoing.''
My parents started attending meetings back in 1949. Then we moved about 20 miles and started attending a different congregation, much smaller.
There was an older couple there, who had been in the "truth" for many years.
He had at least one, perhaps more, old portable phonographs that the witnesses used to carry around. I'm not sure but what some of the records they had were used as public talks, back in the 1930s. -
New Stupid Assembly Rules
by WTWizard ini have heard on this discussion board numerous rules that apply to upcoming a$$emblies.
some are designed to stop people from meeting the opposite sex; others, to make sure everyone is always ready to recruit new members into the scam.
i heard that some km inserts have been urging those whose congregation has cleaning assignments to sit in the section that they are assigned to clean.
Back when I was a teenager (1953-1963), I volunteered to work in the food serving, or wash up afterwards, as that got me away from my abusive father who thought nothing of slapping me if I wiggled too much, or somehow made him think I wasn't paying attention.
And I got to meet girls that were not from my congregation. I made several pen pals that way. -
Some outrageous counsel I received once ...
by Frequent_Fader_Miles ini was reading an earlier thread about ridiculous counsel and i just had to share this one with everyone.. you know how sometimes around christmas time merchandisers would package their products in a more "festive" wrapper?
the largest bread company here does that every year.
well one yuletide season (when i was about 7 years old), i was helping myself to a couple slices of bread and my aunt saw me.
To provide a setting for this little story, I have to go back several years. My first wife's family, of whom she was the youngest were coming to our home for a family get together. With one exception, a sister, all of her family are active JWs. The exception is an older sister, more like a mother to my now ex-wife than a sister is Catholic. (she married out of the truth as the saying goes) I've always been one to pick things up, and in this case I had a number of telegraph/telephone insulators from years of hiking and hunting. I'd found an old arm from a telegraph line along the railroad that is near our home, so I put it up on a post, and then set the insulators on their respective pegs, and trained a Jacob's Coat, climbing rose around the post. Most thought it quite pretty, but then, those who were JWs thought I had erected a cross. So, get this. I had to take saw and cut the top of the "telegraph post" off flush with the top of the cross arm upon which sat the glass insulators so it wouldn't look like a cross! One has to wonder about whether in their travels when a Jehovah's Witness travels along a highway with a railroad running alongside if they have to avert their eyes because they don't believe in the cross.
Towson MD JW Patty Kelly sought by lost love
by Fe2O3Girl in
he is trying to find former towson resident patricia arlene kelly, whom he first met in 1942 when they were both in the fourth grade in a three-room schoolhouse in brewerton, n.y., according to a letter 73-year-old claude chubb wilkins, of syracuse, n.y., sent to the towson library...........
That's a very touching story. I hope the two are reunited. I myself have often wondered what happened to a little blonde girl, Jerri, that I had a crush on in the little three room grade school she and I went to located a few miles west of Yakima, WA. In the mid-late '40s, we didn't even have indoor plumbing facilities.
They're baaaack! J.W. urban legends
by NikL ingot a e mail today full of urban legends j.w.
the heading is "jehovah knows what's going on".
With respect to Story #3, the Kingdom Hall in Florida that needed backfilling, again I have problems with. Given enough volunteers, and enough wheelbarrows, and people willing to man the shovels and wheelbarrows, it wouldn't have taken long to backfill.
Also I believe the backfilling would have been done around the outside foundation walls of the hall rather than the inner areas...Making it even better, because less material needed to be moved to backfill around the hall. After all, we're not digging out a basement, only to fill it back in again. LOL
Not only that. In order to do the job of backfilling correctly, rather than using a bulldozer to backfill with, the job should be done in stages...filling and tamping/settling either by walking the backfill down by hand...or using gas or electric powered "whackers" which tamp the soil down, so that when the job is finished, there will be no unsightly settling round the area after it's been landscaped or turned into parking lot for their vehicles. -
They're baaaack! J.W. urban legends
by NikL ingot a e mail today full of urban legends j.w.
the heading is "jehovah knows what's going on".
The story about the Quick Build Kingdom Hall lacking enough trusses to finish the job, and then a truck wrecking that had the necessary trusses sound like B.S. to me.
I've worked in construction for many years until I retired a few years ago.
The chances of the trusses on the wrecked truck being of the right length so as to be useful for the Kingdom Hall being built are astronomical. The width or length of the new Kingdom Hall, the pitch of the roof, matching, all play a factor in how a truss is designed and built for the job it's intended for.
I say B.S. on that story.