I have given blood twice now, we have to wait 16 weeks between donations in the UK.
The first time the needle hurt a little going in, but the second time was fine. However, when you give blood for the first time they make you stay lying down for about 5-10 mins after donating. On my second go I was allowed to get up straight away. I had weird pins and needles in the arm and hand that they had taken the blood from, so I told the nurse and she told me to keep wiggling my fingers for a bit. The pins and needles stopped but then I came over really light headed and thought I was going to pass out. I told the nurse and she called for help and about 5 nurses came running over, it was so embarrassing. They layed me down and put a cold flannel on my head and I was ok in about 5 mins. The nurse told me that she could tell I was going to faint because all my colour had gone from my face. I had wondered why she kept hovering near me and asking me if I was ok.
Anyway, I'm still allowed to donate but I have to tell them next time about what happened and they will let me lie down for a bit so it doesn't recur.
I am such a drama queen, eh!