Johnny Cip,
what topics would you suggest to know well when using your quote?
when we discuss scriptural teachings, christian conduct, morals, ect... why is jehovah's witnesses considered the measuring stick or the bar to beat or meet?.
why not the bible, why not another religion?
why is jehovah and christ looked at through the witnesses eyes or perceived representation?.
Johnny Cip,
what topics would you suggest to know well when using your quote?
i simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
I will post what I will reply :D
i simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
Thank you so much everyone for your reply's. They will help me very much when I write a response. Most of you are right in the fact that his "thought-stopping" process ignore what I say, but you never know what info I might give today will make him think in the future. Again, thank you all for your thoughts. Thanks for the long reply as wellMary, very well thought out!
i simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
im going to be replying to him, anyone have some good comments i can make? or some real hard hitting questions?
i simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
I simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me Deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:
"Its really quite simple what I think about Deut.18:20-22. I don't. The hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original Law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of Christ's death.
But thats not even the point. It comes back to my first response to you. What else are you promoting Matt? Have you found an alternative to 'the truth'? One that teaches us God's name and the importance of it? How about Christ's death and what it actually means? Or Jesus himself for that matter? The Kingdom? What happens when we die, why Jehovah God permits suffering... these undeniable CORE TRUTHS.
Thats what I meant when I mentioned the more important things, like we are instructed to do Phil.1:10. Theres nothing wrong with making sure of those things.. like Acts 17 talks about, but what YOU need to ask yourself is WHY you are doing so? Is it because you feel the Watchtower has made mistakes so it cannot be used by Jehovah? Moses, Abraham, David all made mistakes.
What is your motive Matt? Are you worshiping Jehovah with your whole heart, soul and mind? Are you striving to live your life by His standards? I know a group of people that collectively do that.
Instead of trying to think of some counter argument, seriously ask yourself those questions. Without getting wrapped up in minor details. "
I really dont know if he will ever understand what the WT has done in the fact that it has predicted the end of the world many times and say that it has come from Jehovah. Anyone want to comment on what hes wrote?
hey folks, i sent a letter to a friend, and asked him a question.
here is what i wrote:.
"hey buddy,.
Hey folks, I sent a letter to a friend, and asked him a question. Here is what I wrote:
"Hey buddy,
I am going to be writing a reply to what you wrote, but since im at work right now I cant really write that big of an email. So I just want to ask you a question and maybe you can help me out with it. Can you read Deut 18:20-22 and explain to me what that scripture means? I look forward to your reply
So I didnt get a responce so I wrote:
" I take it from the no reply from my last email about deuteronomy you dont know or understand the scripture I asked for help?"
Then I get a reply which I was not satisfied with but it went like this:
"Here you go man, straight out of the Watchtower.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus’ second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions ‘in the name of Jehovah.’ Never did they say, ‘These are the words of Jehovah.’ The Watchtower, the official journal of Jehovah’s Witnesses, has said: “We have not the gift of prophecy.” (January 1883, page 425) “Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible.” (December 15, 1896, page 306) The Watchtower has also said that the fact that some have Jehovah’s spirit “does not mean those now serving as Jehovah’s witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine The Watchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes.” (May 15, 1947, page 157) “The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic.” (August 15, 1950, page 263) “The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. (2 Tim. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. (Prov. 4:18)”—February 15, 1981, page 19."
I really did not want this as an answer, but I have to accept the fact that JW's all run to the watchtower magazine for answers. I want to reply tactfully, and with some really good quotes, and questions to make him think. I have alot of scans with watchtowers saying that the watchtower is gods truths and not mans etc etc. But what I really like from this forum is the questions and replys you folk help me with. So Im wondering if any of you have comments that I could use/say to help me write this email back to him. Thanks for your help,
something weird happened there, it didnt post.
now i have to re write it ha.. .
hey folks.
I just want to make clear for everyone that when I was growing up I had a JW live in my basement suite, I became really good friends with him and our friendship lasted 15 years. I never once was a JW, brought up as a JW or have been considering becoming one, though I did agree with lots of what they did have to say untill I did my own research and brought this up to him. This then ended our friendship, but this letter is to a completely different friend.
So I am not affraid of putting anything in writing. Thanks for all your comments though!
something weird happened there, it didnt post.
now i have to re write it ha.. .
hey folks.
Something weird happened there, it didnt post. Now I have to re write it ha.
Hey folks
I wrote a friend asking him why I have not heard from him in a while, and I received a reply, so I wrote back asking a few questions and this is what he wrote back:
Hey Matt,
First off, I think need to apologize to you for not talking to you earlier about this whole situation. I know you're a good person Matt and Ive always enjoyed hanging out with you.
We have been out of contact from you for a while now and that choice had nothing to do with *****. He never even told me that you guys stopped hanging out or for me not to hang out with you.
My choice had come from thinking deeply about certian conversations that you and I had. And about your motives behind different questions you asked. I can remember very clearly you getting hung up on certain past mistakes that the Watchtower Bilble and Tract society had made, and to me it was upsetting to hear. After all the Bible does speak about the light getting brighter in Proverbs 4:18. I guess what I've done is looked at the bigger picture, like, who is God, who Jesus is, why he died, and what is the Kingdom. Like it says in Philippians 1:10 about making sure of the more important things.
I guess I'd like to ask you if you believe what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach? Because if you do then you have made a decision to ignore it, which means I should not have contact with you. As it says in 2 John 9,10.
I hope you can understand this. By the way our simease cat Sheeba got hit by a car. It sucked, she was like our baby. I hope your little chihuahua (is that how its spelled) is ok. Take care Bud.
Best Regards;
I am going to be writing him back, and I was wondering if any of you could assist me with some questions that dont come across as "having motives" A lot of you on here have experience with this and have a lot more knowledge than I do. So any help would be much appreciated!
check out the website, make some time and view the documentary for free via the link i posted and make up your own mind.
Man wants the population down. Why not create a disease that will make tonnes of money and will kill off the population? I havnt done my research on aids, but i do believe there are greedy men out there that have made some sort of disease to accomplish this.
has anyone on this board ever used john 5:23 when talking to jw's?.
unfortunately, one of my friends is currently in a "bible" study with the jw's (and has been since last year).
i asked my friend to ask the jw what john 5:23 means, so my friend did ask the jw who was conducting the "bible" study.
Gumby said:
"The bible also says to honor your father and your, should we worship them as we do god?"
The point is that the bible doesnt say to honor your mother and father the same as you should God, but the bible does say to honor Jesus the same as you would the Father.