I was reading another thread and wondered why it was that the perfect angels began to have sexual urges??? I also wondered if the resurrected ones were not to procreate why a loving God would put them on the earth to tease them. JThey're going to be perfect too, will they eventually have these urges too, just to be destroyed when it's all said and done. Just a thought.
Posts by tan
Angels & Sexual urges..
by tan ini was reading another thread and wondered why it was that the perfect angels began to have sexual urges???
i also wondered if the resurrected ones were not to procreate why a loving god would put them on the earth to tease them.
jthey're going to be perfect too, will they eventually have these urges too, just to be destroyed when it's all said and done.
Placing Publications - The Reality
by Joe Grundy ini'm not, never have been, a jw, etc.. a couple of months ago, on a mb entirely unconnected with religion a poster told of her concerns that her pre-teen step-daughter had started to study (with her mother) with jws.. the poster knew nothing of jws - her concern was because her step-daughter had asked her not to tell her husband (the girl's father) of this and keep it secret.
(apparently the mother had previously had connections with jws and the father was not happy with this).. i posted on that mb, mentioned some concerns, and later got into e-mail contact with the step-mother.
i put together a brief note about some history of the jws, some concerns i had (mainly gathered from reading jwd) and sent it to her, just to make her aware of what she may be dealing with.
I've seen them in laundromats, the library, bus stops and on the ground...
Annual Reports?
by grey matters indoes anyone have scans of the annual reports for the last 2 years?
i am going to be in california this weekend.
i will end up seeing my parents, who will tell me how "wonderful the growth is".
Just reviewed the report. Funny how they never show the numbers leaving, inactive, disfellowshipped, disassociated so forth.
Sims 2
by pennycandy inokay, i made this great neighborhood full of outlandish people.
i had a snake family, a tiger family, a demon family, a fleshless family, etc, really cool.
i raised up their kids and started to intermingle them to see what kind of horrid offspring they would produce.
I'm a simmer too. Haven't played in a while though. I've done this with my Original Sims game. Go to limewire.com (install it) then go into Programs and type Sims2 - you may be able to retrieve it there.
If you're talking in terms of the JW's I have only (2) good JW friends (well, ex-JW friends) that continue being my friend no matter what - during my disfellowshippings and reinstatements. I have "worldly" friends that have been my friend no matter what throughout everything.
Isn't that something....fairweather friends is what the kingdom hall friends are. Its so funny that up until they find something scriptually wrong they're there and the minute they find out you've "sinned or whatever" your casted out. Its sad, the control.
I just attended my first Buddhist class... in an old KINGDOM HALL!
by Kudra init was weird seeing all the typical dub stuff in another setting... .
literature cabinets full of buddhist pamphlets!
no windows!
That's so funny. I know of an old Kingdom Hall that I used to attend is now a Buddhist Church.
Elders Letter: Big Announcement/Why they want all the telephone #'s
by dannyboy inaugust 28, 2006 .
to all bodies of elders and traveling overseers
dear brothers, .
Ha! Ha! That was good and you got me. I'm sure a lot of the old heads would love it. They would love to watch people...perverts.
Your Drink (in pub, bar or club/restaurant/home)
by KW13 in.
i love carling 'extra cold' lager.. .
i am going to the pub tonight - whoo!
Tequilla shots are my absolute favorites...I like white zinfandel and pinot grigio. Beers??? I like Corona's and Heineken.
Active JW Apologists: Did you take the OATH at the Convention?
by kid-A ininquiring minds want to know: how did respond to oath # 7 which all jws were required to take at the latest dc?
"we will resist with all our strength the spirit of the world manifested in such things as materialism, unwholesome entertainment, overindulgence in food and alcoholic beverages, the plague of pornographic material and the curiosity or temptation that lures one into association with outsiders through internet chat rooms.
our resolve is to be no part of world as we carry on worship that is clean from the standpoint of our god.
I can't believe that they've resorted to this! It's ridiculous.
Did anything stick?
by agapa37 ini know that many who left the organization left for there own reasons, which are interestingly similar.
is there anything (teaching) that stuck with them.
i am mainly refering to the princibles that are taught.
However, the joys of being free from the org by far outweigh any benefits I may have gained from being a jw.
I agree. The only thing that really sticks in mind are the "sex" issues. Sex before marriage, dishonoring our heavenly father if we do have sex. It makes it very difficult to concentrate when you're think that you're commiting a grave sin. Its so engraved into your conscious when you're in that you have to find some way to get it out of your head and enjoy life.