After much therapy, my psychiatrists told me my problems (depression, anxiety) began in my early teens, which coincidentally was when our family became active JWs.
JoinedPosts by parakeet
Do you think a JW childhood is abusive?
by Konrad West ini had a long discussion the other day with my new flatmate, who it turns out has studied with jws and thinks they're wonderful, about my view that being raised a jw is psychologically abusive.
being indoctrinated with the concept of jehovah killing people who don't do what he says and being scared of losing your friends and family if disobedient is, in my view, a very unhealthy thing for a child.
any thoughts?
PETA Protest Backfires
by Stephanus in
a human inside an injured-chicken costume, hobbling in protest on the sidewalk wednesday in front of a kentucky fried chicken restaurant, didnt achieve the desired effect, according to many who dined there.. brad steig called wednesdays protest in grand junction by the people for the ethical treatment of animals good advertising for kfc.. the protest consisted of four adults and one child holding signs in front of the restaurant, handing out fliers and dvds and urging people to not eat at kfc until the restaurant buys chickens from humane vendors.. steig, a manager for halliburton, said he heard about the peta protest on the radio and decided right then to eat at kfc on wednesday, the day of the protest.. not only that, but he bought seven of the biggest buckets of chicken and all the side dishes and used four trips to load them into his halliburton pickup to treat his co-workers.
i don't know if there's an "ultimate" right-wingers' fantasy, but collecting 7 buckets of fried chicken in a halliburton pick-up in front of a peta protester must come pretty close.
Some of you may have heard of the Hegins pigeon shoot, a location in Pennsylvania where, once a year, hundreds of pigeons are released and shot down simply for the sport (if you can call it that). The event had been held for decades but dwindled to almost nothing in the 1980s and 90s because of lack of interest. PETA and other groups like it caught wind of it and turned out in droves to protest it. Now the shoot is thriving again because of the added attraction of rabid animal right groups making a spectacle of themselves.
One more rant!!!
by Gill ini'm afraid i haven't finished ranting yet.
sorry peoples.. we have been shunned for five years now by my husband's jw family, who are his parents, his brother, my sister in law and their two little children.. this evening, my mother in law rang, asking my husband to ring his brother as his wife was unwell and unable to work for the next couple of weeks.
could we lend them some money for a while!!!!!
You could say something like, "You predicted that I would not do well if I became a 'goat.' Well, you're right--I have no work, no future, and NO MONEY. Go to your fellow 'sheep' if you need anything. I'm sure Jehovah has blessed them in abundance."
607 bce or 587 bce
by jw injerusalem 607 bce vindicated.
why jehovahs witnesses are right for sticking to the bibles chronology of 607 bce for the destruction of jerusalem.
arguments for 587 bce are scripturally flawed, causing four bible prophecies to fail.
"Arguments for 587 BCE are scripturally flawed, causing four Bible prophecies to fail."
And arguments for 607 BCE are historically flawed. To sway anyone to your opinion, you must reconcile the biblical AND the archeaological evidence. Trying to convince someone solely from your interpretation of biblical scripture is like trying to bake a cake using instructions from a motorcycle maintenance manual. Open your eyes! Examine ALL the evidence, not just the WTS version, keep an OPEN mind, then maybe you can make a rational conclusion. -
by plmkrzy injust ranting .
as it was in the days of noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man.
37but as the days of noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be.
They can't stop predicting the "end," because that's the lure that brings people into the fold -- living forever in an earthly paradise that will come about their own lifetime. Heady stuff, if you fall for it. Once they've got you hooked, then they have to play a delicate game juggling with scriptures and dates to keep hope alive for believers, yet without committing to a particular date. That the WTS has survived how many failed predictions (5? 7?) is a testament to how good they are at playing this game. That it's psychologically devastating to their followers apparently doesn't matter to the org. Bless their shriveled little hearts.
Why this forum was important to story (Loooong post!)
by never too late to be myseld inbecause it made me think and face what i tried to push back.
i was born in the truth.
somehow i decided i would be a nice little jw and f*ck the rest.
Hi, Never too late. You've had incredible obstacles to overcome -- JWs plus a very dysfunctional family. It's no wonder you're still struggling. All I can say is to keep doing what you've already been doing for a long time: keep away from JWs as much as possible, make other friends, talk to a therapist. If you're depressed, there is good medication available to help you through it, in combination with therapy. You're still young, you've got a fighting spirit; I think you'll come through this. Good luck.
A song I wrote about my TRUE feelings
by I-follow-the-narrow-path inchanging
i cant see them hurting me.. suffocating how can that be
still im drowning
Get serious psychiatric help now.
I totally agree it would be so nice to be able to make an absolutely clean break with them. But they're like spider webs in your hair: no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, a few always manage to cling. Have a drink; punch a pillow. Good luck to you.
Witnessing at school
by I-follow-the-narrow-path ini was in class and by these two women (one who was a christian and the other student i am unsure of).
i asked them, randomly, "do you know much about jehovah's witnesses?
" -- they both said "yes" and the non-christian said "i had a jw friend and he really hated it... he disaproved of what they taught" -- i started to talk about shunning and disfellowship.
IFTNP: Your thinking and reasoning is very disturbed, especially for one so young. You need professional help (I mean big-time psychiatric, not just a therapist) immediately! The only other reason I can think of for comments as strange as yours is that you're an imposter here to stir up trouble. Either way, seek help NOW.
<thoughts> Having left just the JW's "cult" or some more to?
by spiceant ini have read a lot of text and story's about people that leave the jw's and this appears to be pretty much all that's being talked about.. i assume you believe that you have done right by your opposing stand to the jw's because you believe you have been done evil (or have seen jw's do evil) and probably right so.
do you people still pray to jehova and study the bible (on your own for once) as to get to know jehova's purpose for us?.
i wonder about this because i fear that you might "revert" back to the common western culture (assuming you live in one because you'r after all reading this over the internet) which i appal and detest in very many of its motivational aspects (that is, the motivations of its people) that are crudely speaking, selfish and ultimately, in the generations long run destructive.
Hi, spiceant. Your ideals sound too lofty to fit well with a religion as narrow-minded as the WTS, but I hope you will find that out for yourself before you get too involved with it.
As for your comments about the U.S., it sounds like you've been listening to political propaganda as well. Right now, America-bashing is the fashion throughout most of the world. As a nation, we've certainly made mistakes (as have all other nations), but nothing to warrant a casual dismissal of 99% of its population. Please be sure to look deeply into religious - and political - matters before reaching your conclusions.