Not to belittle your point, Lyineyes but I have to comment on that song. I personally find it ridiculous when some "christians" decide to write moralistic songs, plays, poems etc. that openly stereo-type non-christians. Such is the case with that particular song.
Non-believers= druggie, alcoholic, abusive... essentially all things criminal or devoid of any type of moral character.
Substitute any ethnic or religious group into this phrase and read the lyrics with that group in mind:
Two (non-believers) walking lost in this world took their baby with-in, what a sad little girl.
When you substitute another religious group or ethnic group is sounds downright bigoted...and it is!
I think your concern for the children who are hurting is far warmer and more loving than a song like this could even be. Probably, because you think with such care in your heart for little ones, it didn't even cross your mind that this song could be pretty offensive to those who are not christian. I believe I understand your personal kindness so I hope I am making myself clear in that I have an issue with the lyrics of this song, but no issue with you or your thoughts.
I'll close with a poem from a witness on "unbelieving mates". It makes my skin crawl no matter who acts like a bigot (at least the witness threw in HIV to really hit the point home)...
Poem "He Doesn't Serve God"
> >
> > I met him at work one day
> > On my lunch break, I was about to pray
> > We talked on and on and oh, he's such a gentleman
> > I wished that moment would never end
> >
> > But then reality brought forth, the end of my lunch hour
> > As he arose, he stood as strong and tall as a tower
> > We met again and again; our souls began to cling
> > I've pondered, "Could this be the real thing?"
> >
> > He doesn't smoke, drink or gamble money
> > He doesn't take drugs and he's no else's honey
> > Let's face it, he's fine and has a great bod
> > The truth? Oh well, he doesn't serve Jehovah God
> > For I know that he will change in time
> > So that is why I shall make him mine
> >
> > My friends tried to warn me. Did I listen? Did I care?
> > Little did I know, my life would be one of despair
> > The wedding went fine; the judge married us in fall
> > You see, I couldn't have my wedding in a Kingdom Hall
> > My dad? No, he didn't give me away
> > With the pain in his heart, he didn't have much to say
> >
> > Mom, can you hear me? Mom, why do you cry?
> > Don't worry bout me, we'll do just fine
> > I got a good man, who has a good job
> > The only thing is, he doesn't serve God
> >
> > Everything went fine, only recently at night
> > When the meeting times come, we fuss and we fight
> > "Who is this God, breaking us apart?
> > Don't go tonight, follow your heart."
> > So I listen, to keep the peace in my home
> > But often times, I feel so alone
> > Guess cause I don't associate much with the friends at all
> > You see, I stopped going to the Kingdom Hall
> >
> > Service? Oh, well that's history
> > I just decorated my first holiday tree
> > The holiday celebrations are now a part of my life
> > I must obey my husband, for I am his wife
> >
> > The brothers would call, I wouldn't answer the door
> > I stopped reading the literature, it got to be a bore
> > You see, marrying out of the Truth, gets one free
> > Free from Jehovah's love that I once had within me
> >
> > Oh blessed news, a little one to come
> > I couldn't wait, had to hurry and tell my Hon
> > He was in a bad mood, just lost his job that day
> > He told me all this as he struck my face
> > "I'm sorry, babe. Forgive me this time, please."
> > I've heard these words more than once you see
> >
> > Two jobs I have now, as I support my household
> > My husband stays home--still out of work--it's getting old
> > I'm tired a lot lately, and feeling kinda strange
> > My schedule at both jobs, I've rearranged
> > The baby is due anytime now
> > Things will get better some way, some how
> > For I married a man for better, or worse
> > One who refuses to put Jehovah first
> >
> > The baby came, so little and light
> > It wasn't crying, something was not right
> > What could it be, I wondered in bed
> > Then came the Doctor, he just shook his head
> > "Mrs. Unbeliever, there's something to confess
> > You and the baby tested positive to the HIV test"
> > Oh my!! What a death sentence to hear
> > That the end of both of our lives is near
> >
> > Listen to me, let me tell you to your face
> > To marry an unbeliever is a total disgrace
> > Jehovah, a loving father, who cares for his sheep
> > So he set guidelines for us to hold and to keep
> > Let me say this, just to set things straight
> > He'll give you a nice brother, a theocratic mate
> > Cause there's nothing a worldly man has to offer at all
> > But unhappiness, sorrow and a serious fall