My soul is just fine, thank you.
Now- back to listening to my Vanilla Ice cd.
as odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
My soul is just fine, thank you.
Now- back to listening to my Vanilla Ice cd.
i believe in jesus christ the son of god conceived of the virgin mary and who is one and the same as the father and the holy spirit, and through him all things where created.
i believe that he was crucified as a perfect sacrifice for our sins and on the third day rose from the dead and later ascended in heaven.
it is through jesus christ that we enter the kingdom of heaven and there is no lack of space in heaven.
Starts reading kingdom man's thread:
scratching my head...
finishes reading kingdoman's thread...
scratching my butt.
A world without the kooky folk would be a boring, boring place. Carry on, nutboy.
i have noticed that every time i go to a local store, the checkout girl always says, "have a blessed day" as i walk away after the transaction.
has anyone else come across this, and am i the only one who finds it annoying?
it seems to me that people who do this are "show boating" their religion... basically blowing a horn and saying: "look at me!
Next time just smile and say, " ah yes, I thank his royal highness of all things dark, my lord and master, Satan, for all his many blessings!"
"hmmm, I'll bet you say that to all the shoplifters!"
"Praise Allah- right back at ya!!"
"Puhleeze! Blessings are for freaks!"
That oughta kill the mood.
.....................i received an sms from mrs ozzie last night informing me that ozzie is having an extremely risky operation on wednesday morning, 8am australian time.
i can't give more details at this stage as to the procedure due to confidentiality but i can assure you it is going to be dangerous!
mrs ozzie said that it had to be done despite the risk.. so if all of us here could take a moment tomorrow and send positive thoughts.
Please be well, Mr Ozzie. thinking of you and yours.
finally someone said Scrubs.
That show is freakin' hilarious.
this is my story... please give me some advice.
i am 25 years old.
i'm a single mother of a beautiful 8 year old daughter.
doubtfully yours, that's exactly what I was thinking. This isn't about the poster's emotional attachment to this man, really. It's about the poster's responsibility to her child.
Hey, I've been there, done that. I know all about this type of scenario and it still stings when I read these stories. That said, I don't have children. Before someone goes taking up with some high-control "religion" and dragging their innocent child into the mix, I would beg them to know every single wart this group has, inside and out.
I am convinced that once you begin to understand the level of deception, manipulation and degradation that are benchmark of high-control groups such as this one, you would never want to endanger your child by joining up. Please refer to works of cult experts on this type of topic. You may find a leading cult expert's website at
In the meantime, my heart goes out to you. Far too many people know exactly what's it's like to be treated, even inadvertently, like the dirty little secret that he hides from his friends, family, and fellow cult members. Hurts like hell. I remember.
And the old cries of "I'm so torn". The wavering back and forth about being with you...not being with you...with you...not with... what will he do? What will he choose?
Personally, I particularly liked the part where I "deserved so much more" (which is really pretty interesting when you think about the fact that I was slated to be burned to a crisp- toast- a gal en flambe according to his groups religious rantings) How does that work?
Seriously, though, these situations are far more common than you think. Sometimes when I read these stories it's like reading the story of my own experiences... and it pretty much sucks to think back to how I felt at the time. Then again, I'm fortunate in that my story doesn't have the sad ending that has plagued so many others. Pretty rare, unfortunately.
I was going to say that if you wanted to put yourself through the wringer to go right ahead, but I can't. You have a child and your child needs you to do what's best for them. Beating yourself up and promising to enroll your kid in the freak-festival that is a destructive, high-control group isn't doing the best by your child. It's not okay. Do this for your kid. Make protecting your child the first priority end everything else will fall into place. (well, somehow or other).
i was discussing with my mother (still a jw in good standing) and we were laughing about how in every watchtower, when they show "good christian witnesses" at someone's home or doing family activities, they always wear khakis, without fail.
and whenever they show "worldly" people, they are wearing jeans.
have y'all noticed this?
As for Elvis not wearing jeans, I'm looking at a picture i keep on my desk of the king and he is, in fact, wearing jeans.
That's just nitpicky, I know. But in this 1957 picture, he really did his jeans justice.
basically shake my hand meet and greet type thing.
absolutely, if you bring me a sandwich. No ham please, not my thing.
What time will you be stopping by?
i posted yesterday or day before regarding my anger at my wife being shunned the day after her father died.. in fact it was a very deliberate shun by 3 women who went out of their way to brush right past my wife.. i saw 2 of them today and went up to them in the school playyard and said very loudly for all the parents to hear:.
"i would like to thank you both for your condolensces and for walking right past my wife when her father had just died.. true christianity??
?.....isn't it lovely!!!!!!.
ah, gotta love 'em. My (ex)JW friend wasn't told when two of his non-jw relatives died. One was his grandmother. I may never meet his parents but sometimes I think that's a good thing- I might not be able to hold my tongue.
high court makes landmark church abuse ruling.
by michael kunzelman / associated press.
Hmmm. Looks like my home state "don't play that" when it comes to clergy abuse in any form.
I forwarded the article to my JW amigo. Pretty much got the same old line about how there are always a few bad seeds... etc. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
good news! Very good news!