"I've tried them all, Baptist, Methodist, Holiness," said Tancredi, of Warrior.
It's a shame the 9 year old was never given that opportunity.
jehova's witnesses baptize 61 at bjccsunday, june 24, 2007 greg garrisonnews staff writerzachary franklin, 9, came up for air, his t-shirt and shorts soaked.
he climbed out of the swimming pool with a big grin on his face.
"i feel happier," he said.
"I've tried them all, Baptist, Methodist, Holiness," said Tancredi, of Warrior.
It's a shame the 9 year old was never given that opportunity.
just a heads up - that the hitchens brothers, one of whom wrote the above book, are being interviewed on question time on bbc1 in 5 minutes.
should be a very interesting debate.
Just stopped everything to watch this... but in Wales it's on in half an hour. Grrr! Thanks for the heads up though!
since being open to the truth abou da troof, whenever i read watchtower articles, their titles are always combinations of the same thing, just rehatched and modified to say teh same exact thing... does anybody get what i mean?.
serve jehovah and have ever-lasting peace!.
serve jehovah and keep and mild spirit, always remembering jesus christ is your lord!.
Beards: Why Jesus Could Have One But You Cannot
Why Apostates Are Forbidden From Reading This
The Watchtower: Is It Really More Boring Than The Awake?
Our Views of Evolution Attacked in Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'- We Respond!
i'm not afraid at all.
i'd like to experience a full life, and do the things i want to do before i die, but death itself just doesn't frighten me.. i was unconscious for several hours last night as i slept, and experiencing nothing feels absoluely fine.
before i was born, i went through the same thing- nothing (for several billion years or more infact).
I don't think it's right that some people be afraid of nothingness. It's not like we are conscious and staring into blackness for eternity. We won't experience anything at all. I think if anything, it helps us realize that every moment on earth is special, and we shouldn't waste it. If we want to do something, umming and ahhing about it is a horrible waste. Siezing the moment is the perfect way to live, as long as others aren't hurt. If we are a speck of life in an eternal universe, every day counts.
since being open to the truth abou da troof, whenever i read watchtower articles, their titles are always combinations of the same thing, just rehatched and modified to say teh same exact thing... does anybody get what i mean?.
serve jehovah and have ever-lasting peace!.
serve jehovah and keep and mild spirit, always remembering jesus christ is your lord!.
'Free Magazine! (But donations to cover printing costs are accepted)'
'If The Date Is 2050, This May Be Old Light'
'Porn Inside!'
'Sitting On The Toilet? Read Me If You're Bored!'
i'm not afraid at all.
i'd like to experience a full life, and do the things i want to do before i die, but death itself just doesn't frighten me.. i was unconscious for several hours last night as i slept, and experiencing nothing feels absoluely fine.
before i was born, i went through the same thing- nothing (for several billion years or more infact).
I'm not afraid at all. I'd like to experience a full life, and do the things I want to do before I die, but death itself just doesn't frighten me.
I was unconscious for several hours last night as I slept, and experiencing nothing feels absoluely fine. Before I was born, I went through the same thing- nothing (for several billion years or more infact). That felt fine too.
If death is like a sleep you never wake up from, then I have no fear of it at all. Perhaps that's why I'm not enticed by religious promises of everlasting life.
as i was reading alanf's thread on "intelligent design" (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/136111/2.ashx) i was stopped at the following comment of his:.
having only got through chapter 3 of behe's book, i wasn't aware that he actually claims that god created the exquisitely designed malaria bug.
for any normal theology, this is completely self-defeating.
If there was an evil god, I think it would depend on the punishment in store for us as to whether I would worship him.
If (as the JWs teach) we just die and experience nothing instead of a paradise, then I'd rather that than worshipping an all powerful bully.
If hell was real, I'd think twice and choose the lesser of the two pains.
the history of the question.
no one knows the exact origin of the idea of god in the human mind.
if the idea is true, it originated either from human reasoning, or from divine revelation, or from the experience and memory of a supernatural intimacy in eden, or from the experiences of the mystics, or from ordinary, present -type religious experiences.
Thanks for this info. I recently bought 'God? A Debate Between a Christian and an Athiest' by William Lane Craig and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, so I think I'll be getting this too. I love these kind of debates.
this is a valid report, but do you really think there are anywhere near as many violent fundy christians and jews as there are muslims?
seems to obscure that, but it succeeds in pointing out the dangers of fundamentalist religions.. randy.
religious extremists in 3 faiths share views: report.
Haha, that's good. I'm going to check his other videos out too.
this is a valid report, but do you really think there are anywhere near as many violent fundy christians and jews as there are muslims?
seems to obscure that, but it succeeds in pointing out the dangers of fundamentalist religions.. randy.
religious extremists in 3 faiths share views: report.
I live in the UK. Do you think it is right that I should claim some kind of compensation because the Romans invaded my country? Do you think the Danish should pay because Danish vikings conquered much of my country? Do you think that the descendants of native American Indians should be able to get their land back from the US Government? If you answer no to these questions, you will see the stupidity in a group of people trying to claim compensation for something that happened to their ancestors.
The problem is not that people are oppressed or moved from their homes. If that were the case, we would be seeing Tibetan monks blowing themselves up. After fifty years of oppression that saw all but 13 of their 6,254 monasteries wiped out, and as many as 1.2 million people killed, they would be the perfect candidates. We don't see that.
I wouldn't outlaw religion. I think there should be more discussion about it, because quite frankly, our religious differences need to be addressed when people gain the technology to kill thousands of people, or perhaps even leave this planet uninhabitable. The 'extremists' are only following their holy book. The 'moderates' are the ones not following their religion correctly.
I don't believe giving them compensation would stop the violence. They have been ordered by Allah to conquer the world and make everyone live under their rule. They won't be happy until they achieve that. Openly questioning religion without respect is the best solution we have at present.
There are other reasons for wanting other religions questioned too, but if we are talking about violence, Islam is the one I focus on here because it is the most violent religion around at the moment.