Welcome, 38!
Welcome, 38!
humbly submitting to loving shepherds.
*** w87 6/15 p. 15 par.
500-501 par.
Talk about a barf factor....This article is off the charts.
Thanks Blondie. I don't know how you could even stomach this one. Feel better soon!
weighing the decisions
having spent a number of years in the organization and the opportunity to.
marry in the "truth" there was this reluctance to do so.
It really depends, Rich. Personally, I felt I was better off finding someone who has never had the jw experience. Probably, at first, because I wanted to distance myself as much from the jw mess as possible. In hindsight, I would say it was a good decision, because I have gained insight as to how "normal" people deal with life, by having that close relationship with my, (now wife). In your case, it may be different, inasmuch as you may not have as much of a need for a non-jw "sounding board", the way I did. If I remember correctly, you spent at least some of your life outside the org. before you were in, so that may not be as much as a priority with you.
OTOH, just as using this site is theraputic and beneficial to getting over the jw hangover, a good fellow ex-jw may very well work out to be worth at least dating. Keep in mind, commitments are NOT required.
the world wide jw publishers increased by only 1.6% in recent years, so it is only a matter of time until the wts will have to start showing a decrease in publishers.
here are some reasons why.
1. many young jw are 'rebellng' against wts authority and are becoming just like mini satans according to a recent wt article.
I sometimes wonder if the expansion in the third world will actually hasten their demise. If you think about it, where will the money come from? Certainly not the third world. With numbers, (and donations), dropping off in the more developed countries, any real expansion, (expense), in the third world would only contribute towards financial hardship for the WTS. Numbers won't help them here.
the world wide jw publishers increased by only 1.6% in recent years, so it is only a matter of time until the wts will have to start showing a decrease in publishers.
here are some reasons why.
1. many young jw are 'rebellng' against wts authority and are becoming just like mini satans according to a recent wt article.
1978 -1.4%
Oh, that just figures. The year of the biggest decline in membership is when my brain dead anut introduced our family to the WTS...Gotta love it...
ok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.
I'm quite certain that Einstein was agnostic,
Einstein did not believe in a Judeo-Christian-Islamic, (or any other specific), god. He was deist that had a particular take on what he perceived as a "greater power" that put the laws of physics into motion. His reasearch has been elaborated upon to present day, in such a way, to bring disagreement to his argument. He would probably not be a deist based on today's understanding of quantum mechanics, and other physical studies.
i knew of 1 person that should've been reported to the authorities for fooling around with his sisters when he was an older teen and they were much younger.
it was hushed up by the elders, as this was considered a very prominent family.
the allegations were made probably 20 years ago, well before i was ever in that hall.
Yes. The bastard is still living the good life in the Millville, NJ cong.
i don't.
it's not that i won't.
funny thing, is i've collected over 100 different bible versions and translations..
No. But I do occasionally look up certain scriptures, even in the NWT, that the org never used to even MENTION, and find it amazing that I believed their bullshit for so long. There are many scriptures that completely blow jw theology out the door. You would have been yanked off the platform if you ever mentioned them during the BRH.
many, like dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
hypothetically, if all religion was eliminated and all people stopped believing how would you see the world in a few years?
with atheism on the rise do you think that society will improve or deteriorate?.
Many, like Dawkins, think that religion is the root of all evil.
Actually, if you read Dawkins, he is careful to say religion is not the root of ALL evil...
Anyway, I would argue that we are just not ready for this yet. If tensions continue, (Islamic, ultra-conservative Christian, etc), then it may be forced upon us. That will be a scary day. Not in the jw "great tribulation" sense, but quite the opposite. People will certainly rebel, in the worst possible way agasint such an effort. At the moment, I see no good comming of it. Maybe in another couple hundred of years, but not now.
<!-- .style1 { font-size: 24px; color: #cc3333; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc3333; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} .style5 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> you must marry only in the lord!how many times do you recall that expression blaring from .
the sound system at a district convention or circuit assembly?
you must marry only in the lord!
I recently heard from a "inactive" friend of mine, that his mother, (he's 35), was talking to my ex's mother, (they are both in the same hall). My ex's mom heard that my buddy was divorcing, and actually tried to talk my buddy's mom in getting him to date my ex! Only in jw land does stupid shit like this happen....