You may also be interested to know that 'originally' this phrase, the 'faithful and discreet slave" was applied, not to a group of people, but a person, Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the original Bible students that went on to become Jehovahs Witnesses. That designation, as I understand it, was first applied to him by his wife.
JoinedPosts by Hoping4Change
I didn't know where to post this..
by I.Wonder inbut i was wondering if there are any good threads or resources that discuss who the faithful and discreet slave really is.
not what the watchtower says but what the bible is really saying.
does the bible identify this "slave"?.
The New World Translation is a Mess
by Amazing inthe new world translation (nwt) contains thousands of serious errors.
the following regarding john 1:1, one of the most noteworthy verses to jehovah's witness and ex-jehovah's witnesses alike, provides a case example of how and why the nwt cannot be trusted.
there some few scholars that translate the word was "a god" or "a god" or "divine" but they are in the very low percentages.. in greek john 1:1 says: "en arche en ho logos, kai ho logos en pros ton theon, kai theos en ho logos.
I havent fully read through the chapter in Jason BeDuhn's book on the John 1:1 subject, but in his concluding paragraph, "Summing up" (pgs 132-133), he states this:
"Grammatically, John 1:1 is not a difficult verse to translate. It follows familiar, ordinary structures of Greek expression. A lexical ("interlinear") translation of the controversial clause would read: "And a god was the Word." A minimal literal ("formal equivalence") translation would rearrange the word order to match proper English expression: "And the Word was a god." The preponderance of evidence, from Greek grammar, from literary context, and from cultural environment, supports this translation, of which "the Word was divine" would be a slightly more polished variant carrying the same basic meaning. Both of these renderings are superior to the traditional translation which goes aganist these threee key factors that guide accurate translation. The NASB, NIV, NRSV, and NAB follow the translation concocted by the KJV translators. This translation awaits a proper defense, since no obvious one emerges from Greek grammar, the literary context of Jon, or the cultural environment in which John is writing." ........ "The NW translation of John 1:1 is superior to that of the other eight translations we are comparing. I do not think it is the best possible translation for a modern English reader, but at least it breaks with the KJV tradition followed by all the others, and it does so in the right direction by paying attention to how Greek grammar and syntax actually work. No translation of John 1:1 that I can imagine is going to be perfectly clear and ovious in its meaning. John is subtle, and we do him no service by reducing his subtlety to crude simplicities. All that we can ask is that a translationbe an accurate starting pointfor exposition and interpretation. Only the NW achieves that, as provocative as it sounds to the modern reader. The other translations cut off the exploration of the verse's meaning before it has even begun."
What will the new WT arragement mean for the meeting & lit arrangements?
by Hoping4Change ini'm not sure if this has been covered elsewhere, but after hearing the announcement, i got to wondering what affect the new wt distribution arragement may have on the meetings.
also, is there any chance that they may move to a position of even more 'cloistering' of themselves, saying that only publishers (baptized and unbaptized) can go to the wt study, bookstudy, tms and sm, leaving only the public talk for 'the public' and df'd/da'd ones seeking reinstatement?
might they move the wt study to some time other than immediately following the public talk?
I'm not sure if this has been covered elsewhere, but after hearing the announcement, I got to wondering what affect the new WT distribution arragement may have on the meetings. Also, is there any chance that they may move to a position of even more 'cloistering' of themselves, saying that only publishers (baptized and unbaptized) can go to the WT study, bookstudy, TMS and SM, leaving only the public talk for 'the public' and DF'd/DA'd ones seeking reinstatement? Might they move the WT study to some time other than immediately following the public talk? Who will be given what literature? Will they actually be using both the Awake and the new "Public" WT for the public? Surely they cant be so naive to believe that the "private" literature" will stay private for very long and the days of "compare and contrast" wont soon follow the institution of this new arrangement? hmmmmmm, I wonder..... (Sorry if this is a repeat topic)
Disfellowshipping - How long to return?
by CaptK indoes anybody know how long it takes for one to get re-instated if you are not that well liked by the body of elders?
i was disfellowshiped for immorality almost 2 years ago.
with my job and attending college to keep in step with my field of work, i have only been attending the sunday talk & wt meeting every week.
Whatever you do, DON'T expect the parable of the prodigal son to be applied or used as a guiding factor for reinstatement. I have watched a sincere effort be rejected, resulting in some very good questioning n whether submitting an application to be a slave of men is worth it. It certainly has had the effect of opening eyes to what we alreadt know; that this ISNT God's org.
The Artist formally known as Prince
by Sasha indid any of you floridians see the article in the palm beach post.?
it seems they were giving a party for prince the other night (he's performing at the super bowl in miami toinght) and he would not show up because there were designs of dragons on the walls.
the article went on to say that prince is a "devoted jehovah's witness" and therefore believes that you can't look upon dragons because it is a symbol of the, my question is: have any of you current, or former witnesses ever heard of that?
He's performing at the Super Bowl this year isnt he? I'd say that's pretty 'wordly' of him. (Only cultural arrogance would "insist" that dragons are evil.)
Maybe what would take place would be something like what happened in the chapter "The Grand Inquisitor" of the book, "The Brothers Karamazov".
Suicide and Jehovah's Witnesses Blog Article
by Hoping4Change ini haven't seen this posted yet and just bumped into it.
sorry if it's already on here somewhere:.
I haven't seen this posted yet and just bumped into it. Sorry if it's already on here somewhere:
Questions form readers that make you barf/spew/sick/throw up!
by jambon1 inreading a qu from readers thread and it made me think of all the non scriptural rules that have been made up by gods organisation in the wt, regular series - 'questions from readers'.. what are your favourites?.
my jw rule book favourites are;.
dont clink your wine glass with another person - latestdont wear a bearddont rejoice when a loved one is re-instatedand my all time favourite............................... dont sook your husbands willieany more?...................
Jambon1 -Can you give a reference for the "Dont rejoice when a loved one is re-instated" question? Thanks.
When is it ok to give gifts?
by Hoping4Change inso jw's don't "celebrate" christmas.
what exactly does it mean to "celebrate christmas"?
also, what are the dates (let's say between thanksgiving and new years) which jw's are forbidden to give/exchange gifts?
This is similar to what it has seemed to me. I'd even go so far as to say that wrapping paper is fine so long as it doesn't have pictures of Santa or angels on it. Thanks all, for the replies.
When is it ok to give gifts?
by Hoping4Change inso jw's don't "celebrate" christmas.
what exactly does it mean to "celebrate christmas"?
also, what are the dates (let's say between thanksgiving and new years) which jw's are forbidden to give/exchange gifts?
Blondie -Thanks. I ask because I have recently watched someone agonize terribly over this and was wondering if there was ever any clear direction given by the WTBTS. But of course that is kind of an oxymoron, isnt it; "clear direction by the WTBTS".