That was really funny quite true-- iused to dread it if people actually wanted to discuss things with us and my mind would go blank!
Posts by dobbie
Chris Tarrant JW sketch.
by Ironhead ini saw this on youtube..
Your Most Hair-Raising Moments in Field Service
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style3 {color: #ff0000} .style5 {font-size: 14px} --> your most hair-raising moments in field service throughout my tenure of being one of jehovah's.
witnesses, i am thankful that there were only.
two or three incidents which proved to be some.
Wow nothing that bad ever happened to me thank goodness! I remember just starting out on the ministry and this bloke starting shouting at me, saying i was a murderer because of the blood, also a very well known C of E member looking at me and telling me i was possessed and he could see Satan in my eyes(!) and the last time i went out was with a schoolgirl and my eldest who was about two and we called on this drunk man who chased up out of the building(flats) swearing his head off and telling us if we went near him again we'd get it!This was in front of several people i bet they had a right laugh!Mind you i certainly learnt some new swear words that day!I didn't go out on ministree again, except on other peoples calls!LOL!
The Procedure of Disfellowshiping done by the WatchtowerYour Views
by The wanderer in<!-- .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14; } .style6 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #0033cc; } .style7 {color: #000000} --> the procedure of disfellowshiping done by the watchtoweryour views the inspiration of this post comes from two .
individuals who have recently gone thorough .
some challenges with the watchtower society.. one was questioning the elders about the un.
PURPS no you haven't killed this thread!What you went through was disgusting and it just shows what an EVIL malicious act disfelllowshipping is, not loving or kind like they make out.I bet you didn't feel anywhere like it at the time but you are a very strong person who puts in some wonderful really helpful posts here dobs
by Honesty indoes the watchtower society show the bait and hide the hook when it comes to being open and honest with newly interested ones?.
in other words, do they make themselves appear to have all the answers, the most righteous crowd and the only truth from god until a person is hooked by the 'fear factor' that unless they conform to watchtower doctrines they will surely be destroyed by god at armageddon or, if they decide the jw's are not for them they will never be resurrected should they die before armageddon?.
I definately would'nt have got baptised if i new then what i do now!I remember studying with my friend and for the first few months whenever i asked about the blood issue she'd answer oh its too deep we'd better leave that until youv'e progressed a bit more, by the time she explained it i still wasn't right about it but she'd been my best mate for years and get on atme to get baptised so i thought i'd better not let her down. Of course if a new one mentions 1975 for example we all know the bog standard answer, i've even repeated it parrot fashion in the past and didn't have a clue what the truth of it was i just believed them cos it was meant to be the only place with real truth LOL!
I open my mouth and "bleah" comes out
by Seeking Knowledge ini'm pretty "new" to this religious thing.
i've always had my beliefs and i've been to just about every church there is to go to (except jw) and they all basically preach the same thing in different ways.
fine, i can deal with that.
Hi Sk my little boy keeps asking me why we don't go to meetings anymore, and wants me to talk about jehovah and jesus and tells me they are definately there, i know this is coming from jw children he sees.It is hard so all i tell him is that some people think there is a god and others do not know, and also that if we went to meetings he can't celebrate birthdays etc. There's not a lot you can say at this age for them to understand fully but just by searching the net and places like this you can find out so much stuff which as he gets older might come in handy to try and 'dejunk' the jw thoughts that he might pick up from the meetings.I know this is probably not much help but i just wanted you to know you are not alone - when my little boy talks about it all i freeze up as well and my brain turns to jelly!
POLL: Do You Believe In The Bible or God At All???
by minimus inat this point in your life, do you believe in god or any parts of the bible as being god's word???.
To be honest i just don't know. I think that something must have created this beautiful planet and everything on it, but lately i feel that whatever it was, God or some force, he or it has died at some point or faded away and is no longer there. I know this must sound a bit nuts but the terrible things that happen now and down the ages, i cannot believe he can still be there watching it all going on and if he is i couldn't think he could be worth worshipping.So although it may be a possibility he exists and the bible is real, i find it easier to think not.
by vanillamocha ini was recently in court for the domestic violence charges against my former (and still in excellent standing) spouse.
he is using all jws to say how he is such a wonderful person, etc - all total and complete lies as some of them are actual eyewitnesses to my abuse.
in his sworn statement, he says that jws do not disfellowship, do not shun, and that i am not disfellowshipped, but that all my "friends" won't talk to me because it is their choice.
Hi Vanillamocha i'm so sorry for all your'e going through and your son too, its shocking that these supposedly upright people would act this way when its you who needs and deserves the support, i hope it all works out for you.
Jwfacts - as someone who is too scared to send in my d'a letter but terrified i will be df'd eventually that link you put on here was a real eye opener, i always took it for granted that the scriptures did say shunning was in the Bible (because thats what they told me i suppose) but the dissecting of the scriptures i just read is a big help and makes me realise how totally wrong they are and what a lot of c*** it all is. All about control at the end of the day, and a big enjoyment of messing up peoples lives so that they can feel big.
How old did you expect to be when the New System would come?
by JH ini became a jw at age 28 and no way did i expect to ever get older than 40 years old in this system.. maybe at the extreme, i could have imagined being 45 years old, not more..
I was about 20 when i started studying and was always told it couldn't be more than ten yrs away but that was 14 yrs ago!Then one of them the other day (in intimadation mode) told me a gb member said in some talk recently that it wasn't a matter of years anymore, but SECONDS - funny, that was over a month ago now and we're still waiting!
It's Friday, It's Friday, It's Friday!
by Jerohobobonadad inhello all, hope you are well.. it is friday!
my two friends (a couple who are living in sin, would you believe it?
) are coming to stay.
I don't work at the moment so every's great hehe!Tomorrow there's a big model railway exhibition on and my son's nuts on the things so we're going to that, then sunday he has a swimming lesson and is going to a birthday party. I'll probably spend the spare time left over to do the usual baking tidying and gardening etc.Go over to my mum's as well cos my little boy has to see her nearly every day cos she's a brilliant nan(and mum)
Older WT quote reveals attitude toward disfellowshipped family members
by OnTheWayOut inhey, i discovered this older quote from
i could not believe how serious it was about what a family .
member was not allowed to do with a disfellowshipped .
THis is absolutely disgusting - bet they'd like to ressurrect the concentration camps and gas all 'apostates' and their kids too i expect.Reading this made me feel feel sick to the stomach.