doesn't it mean divided?Beautiful Auldsoul, very thought provoking
Posts by dobbie
Cloven Souls
by AuldSoul incloven souls.
there is a cure for broken hearts.
the salve new interest holds.. but where the cure, if such there be,.
Rememberance Day
by OUTLAW ini was a dub kid..i didn`t celebrate anything i wasn`t supposed i`m an adult ,i`m not a dub..i am thankfull for those who fought for our freedoms..the freedom to say what we want..i wear a poppy in rememberance of those who died for our freedoms..some may not be comfortable with that..that`s ok..think about it..if it was`nt for those people,freedom of expression wouldn`t exist..this board wouldn`t exist...outlaw
I will be wearing a poppy this year and i don't care what anyone thinks. My cousins truck was blown up in aghanistan in january and hes left paralysed with young kids, though he knows hes lucky to be alive, but it brought home to me what soldiers have to go through, past and present, all the lives lost and damage done mentally and physically, when they are just trying to protect others. I still don't understand why jws can't wear poppies in remembrance of lives lost can anyone tell me?
Jehovahs Witnesses on The Heaven and Earth Show BBC1
by south african beef ini just watched the heaven and earth show on bbc1.
there was a jw mum and her now 16 year old daughter on the programme.
when the girl was 15 she needed a life saving operation which apparently required blood.
i missed that but will definately stay up for wednesdays programme, thanks for that
Dang! I missed it. Convention in town today.
by frozen one ini was looking through the paper this afternoon and saw that 1,500 people from 20 congregations of jehovah's witnesses in mn and wi were gathering at the convention center today.
the paper mentioned the program would feature talks, dramatizations, and discussions on how to improve family life, cope with stress and face challenges to one's faith.
the main speaker was john kikot, a longtime minister who helps supervise 1 million witnesses in the usa.
and no collection taken
Just them mentioning exactly where all the contribution boxes are placed, and how much they've got so far, and how much they need to cover the cost of the wonderful spiritual banquet we're receiving, and how much they and jehovah appreciate our generosity - and mentioning it several times a day, each day of the convention!LOL!
JW Weddings
by Jeffro inat every jw wedding i ever went to, the celebrant has always said without fail that "the bride and groom have requested that no rice or confetti be thrown".. is this spiel used everywhere?
is it actually a request of the bride and groom, or is it just bombastically imposed by the elders (i.e.
a lie)?.
Hi BeepBeep we ended up with a sit down buffet but i also wanted an evening do for more family neighbours etc . I think barn dances over there may be different than here?Apparently ours are country dances but some of them started off as pagan dances, bit like the maypole i suppose. I was told no disco as it would be thought too worldly an atmosphere, same with alcohol.Perhaps it is more of local thing, it was mainly my other halfs family saying all this.I didn't even get to choose the songs, we chose two but the elder marrying us said one of them wasn't a suitable theme and wanted us to go with his, which we did.We were both immature, i'd only got baptised the year before and didn't have a clue, we had no help from any witnesses and my parents organised it all and with them being non jws and not seeing what was wrong with these things, and no one talking to them about it i guess it was bound to end up in tears - which it did!
Odd thing is that now these ones that were saying all this have been to discos recently and they drink like fishes!lol!
The not too many non jws was because they knew ALL my family and friends were'nt jws and they were worried that these 'worldly' people would smoke,swear etc and Jehovah would'nt like it. It was constantly drummed into us that everything was done with him in mind first.I did find it a bit offensive because my family etc is great but i was too scared to speak up
Give yourself a JW nickname
by JH inat the meetings, i didn't make many comments so i'll call myself:.
brother mute.
give yourself a jw nickname.
I'd be sister scuttle cos i'd scuttle in there just after the prayer and scuttle out again as soon as the last prayer ended, so i would'nt have to hang around looking like a dollop, waiting for the 'lurve' from the others!
Or i could be sister would'ntsaybootoagoose cos i'd never stick up for myself even when someone was unkind
Should NEVER have gotten the internet reconnected at my house...
by Kudra in'cause here i am surfin the web when i should be working... .
just got it hooked up today.
i sense immense amounts of wasted time coming my way... .
I waste a lot of my time on the net too - shopping!My husband's already banned me from going on ebay anymore...
Fireworks night tonight!
by dobbie inanybody going to a fireworks display tonight in uk?it'll be the first time since being a jw but i love fireworks and am going to one tonight(for the scouts-another no no!
)i still feel abit uneasy about it cos of why jws should'nt do it but know my little boy will love it.i was so disappointed when i became a jw and couldn't do this either!sorry to post something so unimportant but i'm being very childishly excited about it and can't tell anyone else!
Had a really good time,lots of things for the kids rides etc the boys loved it and tucked into hot dogs and jacket spuds.My feet are just starting to thaw out can't wait 4 next year!
Linda and Trevor your evening sounds good too - and you get to watch the fireworks for free without freezing your bums off!
There is no such thing as Agnosticism. Agnostics do not exist!
by nicolaou inmany here seem to believe that the position of agnosticism is somehow more reasonable than theism or atheism.
it is a misconception to believe that belief or non-belief in the existence of god/s are the two extremes which glare at each other over the fence of agnosticism.
same here poppy!
Fireworks night tonight!
by dobbie inanybody going to a fireworks display tonight in uk?it'll be the first time since being a jw but i love fireworks and am going to one tonight(for the scouts-another no no!
)i still feel abit uneasy about it cos of why jws should'nt do it but know my little boy will love it.i was so disappointed when i became a jw and couldn't do this either!sorry to post something so unimportant but i'm being very childishly excited about it and can't tell anyone else!
KK - I think they are beautiful too! (So that makes me sad AND stoopid!lol)