I'm afraid it's number 1 for me, with a slight wonder at what they did. As a loyal drone I bought into the Borg line big time and totally trusted the judgement of the elders (how niave I was). I once chastised a sister for speculating though, in case the DF'd one saw the light and came back. I always thought even such wicked people as unrepentant sinners deserved some dignity.
Posts by dmouse
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #9
by ozziepost inyes, it's time to put the sunday papers down and get in some serious polling.
we've gotta be quick, because we don't want to miss any of the world cup final!
so, here's this week's topic (it's a long one!!
Any Funny Virgin Honeymoon stories?
by Perfection Seeker inanyone have any funny virgin honeymoon stories?
none here- but my brother & his wife- both good witnesses got married- didn't get to complete the act for 6 weeks- his wife had no idea he was so big- and kept crying & was afraid.
just another "well educated" witness girl.
Some JWs have a fairly normal sex life even before they are married, in secret of course.
However, many live in the twilight world of JW Victorian sensibilities. My wife was one such person. On our wedding night, we were both virgins, I was shocked to find that my 26 year old bride didn't know what an erection was, she just didn't know that the penis changed size etc. Mind you, I was so shy that I got into bed with my underpants on and took them off under the covers. My wife was so tense that we couldn't do it for three days or four days. All of the suppression of sexual desire that we had engaged in all our adult lives took a long time to recover from. Just another way that the WBTS damages people psychologically. My wife never really did relax, never really stopped seeing sex as 'dirty'. I tried my hardest, spending hours pampering, touching, stimulating (I can last a lot longer than two minutes) but to no avail. In the end I just gave up. Now, at the age of 41, I am resigned to never having sex again because I can't make love to a woman that can't enjoy the act - the main reason for sex, in my opinion, is the sharing of pleasure, it should never be one-sided; and without that sharing there is no point to it.
Sorry this isn't very funny.
Top STUPID criticisms of the WTS
by JanH inthere are certainly enough valid criticisms of the wts and the jw religion, but a significant number of often-repeated criticisms of the religion are, imnsho, just ludicruous and serves to take attention away from the real issues.
significant problems with the wts includes, but are not limited to, the shunning policy, the blood issue and of course the corporate policy of hiding child molestors.. here is a list of criticisms of the wts that i find particularly annoying to see:.
russell was a freemason (or, even worse, the wts is part of some other large-scale conspiracy like the illuminati).
What gets my goat is those attempts to show subliminal images of demons etc secretly drawn into Watchtower pictures.
Calgary Blood Case Effectively Over - We Won!
by AlanF inthought everyone would like to hear some great news about the calgary blood case.
i was sent the following, which i've modified to protect the guilty:.
at the witnesses' request, the trial has been put over till october.
This post has really made my day!
I felt for sure that the WTBS legal machine would steam-roller this one. I am stunned at this good news.
I bet WBTS legal team are stunned too, sounds like their mandate was withdrawn from higher up the pecking order.
The tide is turning folks, the tide is turning.
Well done to all involved!
TV Programme!!!
by Demitrius ini need the details of a jw 'expert'.
someone who is not a jw and never has been.
a real expert in the uk for a programme going to be shot in july.
I think you'll find it difficult to find a non-jw jw expert. JWs are just not important enough a religion to warrant wasting time on unless you've been one of their victims.
by Englishman inif you want to take part in a worth-while and incognito activity for about 3 hours, the one that alan f has referred to, please contact myself or angharad.
it may be good to talk on the phone also.
either email me with your number or request mine via email.
UK posters,
There's still time to get involved!
Act now or you miss out on all the fun!
Don't tell anyone...
by dmouse inaccording to my son, at friday's convention in nottingham the brothers were advised once more about the dangers of the internet.
but there was a new twist -- brothers were told that if they accidently saw apostate information they were to keep it to themselves and not discuss it with other brothers and sisters.
it seems that the internet really has 'em scared.
According to my son, at Friday's convention in Nottingham the brothers were advised once more about the dangers of the Internet.
But there was a new twist -- brothers were told that if they accidently saw apostate information they were to keep it to themselves and not discuss it with other brothers and sisters.
It seems that the Internet really has 'em scared. The cats are coming out of the bag and brothers are talking. The only way they can try and bundle the cats back in is to prevent brothers even mentioning such things to each other. They know that brothers are looking where they ought not, and there ain't a damn thing they can do about it.
The only option they have left is to clamp down on bros passing on information they have found out (even if it's true). I expect soon to see a rash of judicial hearings for the new crime of 'apostasy by proxy'
Edited by - dmouse on 22 June 2002 13:47:50
British XJW's! Please say hello!!
by Fe2O3Girl ini live in northwest england, i have been out of th borg for 8 years.
give me a wave, let me know i am not the only xjw in britain!
Were you chaperoned?
by writerpen innow that i'm out of the borg and realizing that i've never dated, i think it's in the near future for me.
so i was thinking about my age of 30 and never being on a date.
but even worse, i was thinking of those of you who dated while in the borg and had to deal with an audience - actually i had to laugh when thinking about the absurdity of the scenario.
Being a bit older than average for JWs when we got married (mid twenties) we were given quite a bit of slack. And I'm pleased, I don't know if that's the right word, to say we didn't abuse that trust; we were both virgins when we married!
However, there were some rumours spread about us because we met and married fairly quickly - six months start to finish.
One sister went up to my fiance at the hall and told her 'you know, you don't have to get married, if you've made a mistake'!
Once, when we were out for a drive in the country we got lost, and I tried to turn the car round in a tight country lane. Needless to say we got stuck in a ditch and had to wait hours for a passing car to come by so we could get help. The fact that we were out alone AND down a dark country lane raised some eyebrows among the bros and sisters I can tell you!
I think again it depends on the country and congregation. Some are harsher than others, and Americans tend to be more fanatical about such things than us Brits. But I can't imagine that I would have tolerated much interference even then, when I was a drone; couples who are going to marry NEED time alone to discuss private matters at least.
This chaperone lark is stupid, if we had wanted to have sex we would have found a way. The fact that we were treated like adults ensured that we made the 'right' decision because it was what we wanted to do, not forced to do.
Adult College Students - Take a Bow!
by zenpunk ini notice that there are many of us here who were discouraged from going to college/university in our younger years, courtesy of the watchtower society.
i would just like to say "congrats" to those who, in spite of the indoctrination and the fact that they've had to attend college later while holding down jobs and paying their own way, have attended college and received degrees!.
when i left high school i went right into pioneering as college was not an option in the witness world.
It all started many years ago. After leaving school in 1977 with nothing in the way of qualifications (didn't need anything as the world was about to end) I bummed my way through several mediocre jobs.
Then I had an epiphany - I wanted to be a teacher. I also realised that the world wasn't about to end. So...
I worked my butt off for several years getting enough 'A' levels and GCSEs (English exam qualifications) to enable me to apply to University.
Four years ago I was accepted at Nottingham Trent University, England, where I enrolled for a BA (Hons) degree in Education.
At the age of 41 I have now just finished the course, and this very day I went to get my results (which have just been released today).
I am now the proud owner of a 2/1 BA (Hons) degree!
(A 'two-one' is quite a good degree, the very top being a 'first', then a 2/1 then a 2/2 then a 'third', and finally 'pass')
Tonight I celebrate with a glass or two of bubbly!
It doesn't matter how old you are, if you have a dream - go for it!