also dont try and talk to me because i will be blocking all of your communications.
Typical JW, not prepared to have a frank exchange of views. Wonder what they're scared of? :-)
i put the following comment on about changes to watchtower revelation doctrine.
there have been three different versions of god given light in the watchtower publications so far;.
1. calvin studies in the scriptures series vii- the finished mystery p.151 "calvin is entitled to the honor of having at one time been a papal star .... is called wormwood.
also dont try and talk to me because i will be blocking all of your communications.
Typical JW, not prepared to have a frank exchange of views. Wonder what they're scared of? :-)
my story as a witness follows much of a 'dumb and dumber' sort of path.
i get to be both dumb, and dumber, of course.
what drove me to post on this site was sheer despiration.
People are busy typing...
But let me welcome you to the board. From what you write, it's been a tough ride and I feel for you. I would advise you not to rush into anything, and don't let anger eat into you and destroy the good in you. That way they also win.
Read, ponder, forgive, protect.
i remember last year, a lot of blame against the republican congress for doing nothing to stop big oil companies from raising prices.
democrats are in office now, and no one seems to be saying anything.
why are the democrats not being the night and shinning armor about gas prices?.
Echoing midwich cuckoo - $4 is a price we can only dream of. Here in the UK we already pay about $8 a gallon!
Like they always have... by heavy duty indoctrination and threats.
increase in jws evidence of divine blessing when people are joining the jws in large numbers, they say it is "evidence of jehovah's blessing".
(watchtower july 1, 2002, p.13, paragraph 17-19).
but ... when the numbers are down they claim it's because "the greater number has cooled off".
Who dies at Armageddon?
Householder: You believe that everyone except JWs will die at Armageddon
JW - No, we cannot judge hearts, only God can do that, we cannot say how many will survive.
Next day, One JW talking to another:
JW1: I'll be safe through Armageddon, because I'm a JW.
JW2: Ah, but the scripture says that being saved is only 'probable', not guaranteed.
JW1: My workmates are good people, Jehovah surely won't kill them?
JW2: Look what the society says- 'Only JWs have any scriptural hope of surviving Armageddon.'
w90 5/15 page 6
"Those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. They will not be bewailed, neither will they be gathered up or be buried. As manure on the surface of the ground they will become." (Jeremiah 25:33) Any attempt to remain neutral in God’s war will cost you your life at Armageddon!"
another international slate of scientists have released their findings regarding global climate change and human's effect on that (see the above link).. after the last major study released by several hundred scientists a few months ago, it does seem there is a serious concensus here among the leading thinkers and scientists on this issue.
i know i've banged heads with a few who disagree with this, but it does seem as though that handful of folks who disagree with the science are looking more and more like deniers, as in holocaust deniers, moon landing deniers, etc.. in other words, out there on the lunatic fringe.. so, do you folks think it might be time to reconsider?.
I wish they'd make up their minds, they've only just finished warning us about global cooling!:,9171,944914,00.html
My own personal view is that of course global warming is happening, but that mankind has very little to do with it. I believe it's a natural cycle and I think it's stupid to spend billions on trying the stop it. The money would be better spent on adapting to it.
It's like building a house at the low tide mark and trying to stop the tide coming in - just build a new house farther up the beach! (I'm not trying to be flippant or downplay the problem, this is just an analogy.)
if someone is willing to host them, send me your e-mail address in a pm.
i will send you 4 scanned jpg files, of the invitation & boe letters associated with it.. .
teaser: there are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's dc!.
Well, what could possibly be 'brand-new'
I know!
An Annointed 'coming out' session? (To replace the increasingly superfluous baptism talk)
An 'Apology for all our mistakes' talk?
The Society are going to give money back to the brothers?
has anyone seen this movie?
basically i know nothing about it except it might have some big war scenes in it and am going to see it on saturday night with ex mr c.
I haven't seen it yet, but the review in today's daily mail made me smile:
'Historians may also be surprised by the fact that the Persian army employed giants, deformed ninjas and mutants with razor-sharp lobster claws. No wonder George Bush is frightened of Iran. They've got Mutants of Mass Destruction.
Despite the film's lip-service to liberty, it is effectively an incitement to gang violence in defence of your own turf.
Ethically there's nothing to choose between Spartans and Persians, except that the Spartans claim to be heterosexual and have clearly discovered dental floss.
Not even the movie's basic premise that Leonidas led 300 men to a heroic death is true. According to the historian Herodotus, he had about 7,000 men, many from areas of Greece other than Sparta.'
No. But it was understood that you never told them the whole 'truth' until they were well indoctrinated.
We knew, subconsciously, what would seem weird to potential converts and avoided such topics.
i remember reading probably in some old kingom ministries where the number of memorial partakers in great britain was reported.
i'll see if i can retrieve them.
from memory it was in the hundreds.
The last one that I knew in the US died at the memorial in the KH.
What, did he choke on the crackers?
Anyway, with the noo light about 1935 not being the sealing date there'll be lots of new ones popping up.