has anybody seen the 300 yet?

by Crumpet 60 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Crumpet

    Has anyone seen this movie? Basically I know nothing about it except it might have some big war scenes in it and am going to see it on Saturday night with ex Mr C.

  • jstalin

    Yes, saw it a couple of weeks ago. Amazing. It's full of action and super gory!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I've seen it twice now. Loved it more the second time around. Leaving the theater I had new found respect for the spear and shield in battle.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    By the way crumpet, love the new avatar.

  • MsMcDucket

    I didn't like it.

  • Kaput

    Considering it was based on a true story.....incredible!

  • Terry

    I saw the 300 with my 16 year old son.

    I'm a huge history buff. My favorite part of history is ancient Greek and Roman times.

    I'm also a long time movie fanatic. And, I'm a guy.

    The 300 is a special kind of movie. It is aimed at a particular audience. It is for fans of a very specific genre.

    You have the "gamers" and the "graphic novel" audience; specifically Frank Miller fans which this movie is a perfect fit for on every level.

    Just as a film it has many things going for (and against it).

    My reaction was twofold:

    1. This film really delivers on what it intends. It tells the story in a straightforward way (without ruining much that is actual and historical) presenting characters and situations at top volume. It packs a wallop visually. The hand to hand combat is beautifully (if that word can be applied to violence) realized. The tempo is ramped up, gutsy and adreneline-laced.

    2.At the core of Spartan philosophy was a nihilistic, altruist/collectivist epistemology that rendered humanity wholly into engines of death. It was effective but entirely sadistic. Spartan society was sick..sick..sick. The opening narrative pulls no punches in making this clear to the audience. So, historically, there can be no mistake about how "noble" the ideology was.

    This is pure "entertainment". I know, I know, this "kind" of entertainment is controversial and anti-social to most people who are over 18 years of age and not male. However, it is ONLY A MOVIE. I hate the philosophy, but, love the filmmaking.

    Does that sound conflicted? Well, it is conflicted.

    This movie works. It is balls out committed to what it is trying to portray. It never second guesses itself. I give it top marks for that.

    What is troubling is only a peripheral. The "freedom" the Spartans are fighting and dying for doesn't exist in Greece for young boys! It is an illusory concept with no reality. "Freedom" is merely a buzzword to excuse the fighting and dying. "Glory" rhymes with gorey.

    Dying "for" something is a loser's strategy plain and simple. The Spartans almost single-handedly destroyed the glory of Greece. When they weren't facing Persians in a united battle, the Spartans were warring incessantly against the Athenians for no good purpose other than the spilling of blood for a thrill kill.

    Let's tell the truth.

    I hate mixing the REAL WORLD with movies and politicizing them!! I am only mentioning these things because I came out of the theatre thinking about them! That is NOT the usual result of watching a film.

    If you are a guy (or a female gamer into swordplay and mock-violence) you are certain to love the 300. If you are a left-wing anti-war sort of person you'll hate it.

    If you are a fan of great filmmaking; you'll love it.

    If you are sensitive to life and have better ways of spending your time that watching slaughter; you'll hate it.

    For me--it is thumbs UP for the film. But, a huge thumb's down to the actuality of who and what the real Spartan's represented. I can do that, you know, I can separate out what is real from what is mere filmmaking. It works for me.

    This is a superb film about a horrid truth.

    (I nitpick one or two historical facts as I watch. The phalanx wasn't invented for about a hundred years. Sparta had two kings: one for going to battle and one for staying home and adjudicating.)

  • nvrgnbk

    I felt like it was a pro-Bush, pro-war propaganda piece. I left the theater irritated.


  • RichieRich
    I felt like it was a pro-Bush, pro-war propaganda piece. I left the theater irritated.

    Ok. I'm calling BS on this. If you want to look at this as the Spartans are like Witnesses, they sacrifice so much to fight the masses of evil, but ultimately are triumphant because Jehovah is on their side... that works too.

    Pretty much, the Spartans gave up a lot of luxuries to kick ass. So find any other group that fights hard, and its a fitting parallel for them too. Don't make everything about the war.

    Crumpet, I will say that this movie is VERY moving. I went and saw it with some friends, and as we walked out of the theatre, we all agreed that our hearts were all pumping, and we were all ready to get in a fight with someone. I just find that interesting.

    Also, you might enjoy the gratuitous boob scenes.

  • Blueblades

    Saw it on IMAX ! In your face, up close, we felt we were right in the picture. The only way to see it is on Imax. Once you see Imax movies the others look to small. Good movie, good story. Go see it for yourself. Its engrossing to say the least. The six years of Joshua's wars in the Bible don't compare to this.



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