Official statistics from Jan 1, 2002 Watchtower.
Memorial partakers 2000: 8,661
Memorial partakers 2001: 8,730
official statistics from jan 1, 2002 watchtower.. memorial partakers 2000: 8,661. memorial partakers 2001: 8,730.
Official statistics from Jan 1, 2002 Watchtower.
Memorial partakers 2000: 8,661
Memorial partakers 2001: 8,730
well it appears new light has once again come to pass.
please review the following link and you will see children really need a good beating to help them learn respect and wives with unbeleveing husbands can now christmas shop and make christmas dinner-if their conscience says ok.. enjoy!.
It deeply saddens me that these people are so unused to using their OWN brains and consciences that they need to print advice like this.
What next, a QFR about if it is ok buy a bicycle because they saw the Pope riding one once?
education was strongly discouraged among the witnesses.
i am curious as to how many of you went on for further education and in what fields.
i will go ahead and list the ones i already know.. larc - advanced degrees in organizational psychology.
I am now in the 4th year of my BA(Hons)degree in primary education.
I just turned 40. Didn't do it earlier because Armageddon was coming and why start a degree when the big A was going to come before you finished?
just wanted to wish you all a festive time - take care handling the fireworks, but enjoy, enjoy, one and all.
do any of you participate in guy fawkes/bonfire activities?
i'm sure some of us yanks would like to hear about it.
As JWs we used to worry about celebrating bonfire night but it seems ok now.
It's those bastards who let off heavy-duty air bombs at three in the morning that piss me off. Not much sleep tonight then.
people usually turn to god in times of distress and tend to forget about god when things are going a bit better,right?
so if the devil really wanted to succeed in turning people away from god all he would have to do is make life more comfortable for all of us.
i mean lets face it if everyone was loaded with money had access to every convenience, if health was not an issue we all had to confront would we look to god for salvation then?
The devil is a real dumbass. He hasn't even got the sense to read the bible and find out what God has predicted he will do so he can thwart it by not doing it.
well, our resident sooth-sayer yk has once again missed the mark, as october ends and the world spins on.
but then again, as was the case in 1914, the world may have come crashing down but i failed to notice.
Those who look for signs will find them. Any month, any year. Guaranteed.
Forget YK, like all armchair prophets his predictions are not worth even reading.
His point of view will be that I want to turn my back on the truth; that I am not prepared to consider with an open mind all the facts; that I am putting my head in the sand to avoid being too aware of my imminent demise.
That's what they all say. And every single one of them is wrong.
who brings about moral change in the organization?.
we, who are called "apostates", "opposers" and the .
You are absolutely right Metatron.
I find it amusing to look for evidence in the mags that the Society have been stung by opposers!
WE are the source of new light for them, not God.
when we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
Latte, I live in the East Midlands. Don't want to be more specific at the moment because my father-in-law is the PO of the congregation, and, while he is a staunch defender of the Society, he is also a reasonable and tolerant man and I don't want to get him into trouble.
But you are right, if it gets any more mainstream I might consider going back myself!
when we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
When we have American JW relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how JWs over here live. It’s almost as if we are from two different religions.
That divide seems to be getting wider. I have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among British JWs. I have seen elders giving birthday parties for their children, I have seen JW children dressing up at Halloween, I have seen JWs openly talking to disfellowshipped ones and inviting them round for meals (even non-family). I have seen people get away with all sorts of antics that would years ago have got them disfellowshipped. Loyal JWs are sending their kids to college and University in droves.
Even when GB bleat about it in the magazines the British JW shows no discernable proof that they have heard, and carry on as before. (Except, of course, when the CO visits then everyone is holier-than-the-next-JW). Field service rises briefly then drops back to the token amount needed to keep elders off their backs.
Why is this happening? Have the British Bros finally wised up enough to take what the Society says with a pinch of salt? After years of disappointments I think they have.
This doesn’t apply to the head-up-the Co’s-arse types lingering hopefully around Bethel but I really believe that the GB have lost the hearts, if not the minds, of the British JW.
thanks to hwakaw, here is the latest documents.. 1) 1994 dpi directory of ngos front page.
2) 1994 dpi directory of ngos first inside page.
3) 1994 dpi directory of ngos alphabetical list cover page .
No need to be disappointed Hawkaw, Along with many others I appreciate the hard work that you have put into this.
But, I was trying to be realistic. Imagine the conversation:
Me: ‘Did you know the Society was a registered supporter of the UN?’
JW: ‘Apostate misinformation, the Society would never have anything to do with the UN.’
Me: ‘Well, there is documented evidence, the Society’s name is no longer on the UN website but…
JW: ‘Told you, nothing official, just apostate rumours.’
Me: …but there is a record kept by the UN in book form, I can show you a copy on the web if you wish.’
JW: Well, OK, where is it, what website is it on?
Me: ‘Well, a site called Watchtower Observer…
JW ‘ Watchtower Observer eh? Sounds like an apostate site to me…forget it, and don’t talk to me about this apostate lie ever again’
To break through the cult mind-conditioning sometimes requires a metaphorical ‘slap in the face’ wake up call. We may only get one chance, and if we blow it through not knowing how the enemy prepare their recruits, then we may never get the opportunity to try again.
It is unlikely that any practising JW would willingly go to an apostate site to verify information negative of the Society – only a neutral source , a hardcopy of the UN document, would suffice.
It is unlikely that it will be available at any of the libraries that I have access to here in the UK (though I intend to check), which is why I was interested in BUYING a copy of my own, (perhaps last year’s edition). I just wanted to know if that is possible? It would be a good document to keep on file and would have more power than a photocopy. I think it is a good idea to have access to it at home because you never know when it would come in handy.
However, the work you have done should not be underestimated, especially the fact that you have made us aware of the document’s existence in the first place. Also, it will have helped many on the edge of the cult to realise how hypocritical the WBTS are. Keep up the good work.