Topics Started by dmouse
'Shepherding the flock with kindness'
by dmouse in.
sorry, i've tried but i can't change the size of the image.
i resized it in paintshop pro and it is now about 4mb in size but it hasn't made any difference to the image which comes here.
The resurrection has started!
by dmouse inofficial statistics from jan 1, 2002 watchtower.. memorial partakers 2000: 8,661. memorial partakers 2001: 8,730.
British JWs ignoring the GB.
by dmouse inwhen we have american jw relatives visit they are frequently shocked at the difference between how they live their lives and how jws over here live.
its almost as if we are from two different religions.. that divide seems to be getting wider.
i have noticed in the past two or three years a noticeable relaxation among british jws.
What is their objective?
by dmouse inask a jw if they go around trying to convert people to their religion and they will invariably say something like no, we are not trying to convert people to our religion we simply want to spread the good news.
or we are just bringing comfort to people who are crying out at the distress in the world.. why do they want to deny the fact that their main objective is to get new converts?.
well, they can deny it no longer.
Is Ray Franz on the net?
by dmouse ini wonder if ray has a computer and is on the net.
wouldn't it be cool if he was a lurker on this site?
wouldn't it be even cooler if he posted and we could have a chat with him?.
The naive JW and the naive apostate.
by dmouse inim sure you have heard comments like these from naive jws:.
the society never said that armageddon would come in 1975, it was just a few brothers who went over the top.
(so you dont remember the watchtower article why are you looking forward to 1975?
Did I do the right thing?
by dmouse inmy wife is still a loyal dub, and i allow her to take my son (13 years) and daughters (9 & 11) to the meetings, assemblies and on the service.
i cannot talk to her about her beliefs because, well, she refuses to talk about them.
she knows that i no longer believe, but not much in the way of detail.
An interesting admission.
by dmouse ini was just browsing through some old kingdom ministries (as you do) when i came across this interesting comment in the february 2001 (british)issue insert 'facing challenges in 2001':.
(speaking of 'most countries in the western world').
'however, it saddens us to realize that some have been side-tracked by the world's materialism and the lowering of moral standards.
Spot the difference
by dmouse inanswer these questions by consulting the scriptures in the holy inspired bible:.
when did god make man and woman?
genesis 1:26,27,31 and genesis 2:4-7, 21-22. how many animals went into the ark?
Tonight's memorial - did you go?
by dmouse inmy wife has just left for the memorial.. just before she went she asked me to come...this was the second year in a row that i declined.
i hated seeing her so sad, i almost agreed to go just to cheer her up but that would betray her in a very real sense.
to go to the memorial would be an admission in her eyes (and other jws) that i still believe deep down that it is the truth.