Gosh...I think about this all the time. I am amazed when I look around my former circle of friends that they are still "in," and the kids. My opinion is the numbers are stagnant, no growth from the outside in my metropolitan city area. The "hope" is still a strong belief, even though I think most are not buying into the "it's so close" mentality with the continuous let down over the past 15 years since the 1995 generation change. They want that panda/lion/swiss chalet and to see the resurrection.
I don't think the WTBS is going anywhere. I call BS on the numbers. I do believe it will continue to evolve slowly into stricter, even more fundamentalist organization. The elderly will be gone in the next 5 years, so the last of the good ol days will be gone. The baby boomers don't know where to go or what to do with themselves, but will feel freer once their parents are gone. The kids, seems like a few just need the structure, and if you have some good friends, it's a good life. I have a nephew that is a MS, and he works a little, then travels the world meeting other JW's. He absolutely needs this religion...so opposite from his siblings who left years ago. He'd be lost and has no interest in growing in basic knowledge of the world and how things work.