The decade of the nineties we were all talking about the problems...
- Lack of Jesus in anything
- Emphasis on hours/works, not mercy as God requires
- SOS at the meeting
- Shunning/DF policies
etc. etc etc
The generation change we joked about, but deep down, we knew it was not funny at all.
The year 2000 brought much information to light in the media of the advances of the last 100 years. Significantly for me was learning (DUH!!!!) that life was NOT better before was crap for all but the wealthy. Another lie I never paid attention to. I could not preach that anymore.
In the summer of 2001, after listening in via phone to a Sunday meeting, an overwhelming feeling came over me that I didn't belong with these people who were talking, and this organization did not want me either. I never went back to the meeting after that day save to hear a few friends give talks, a couple of memorials, and a couple funerals.