JoinedTopics Started by Jerohobobonadad
I was baptised tonight!
by ness21 inyay!
i was brought up as a j/w and my mum stopped going when i was a teenager.
i tried to get back into it as an adult but spent more time in the bible studies arguing, so i kind of realised after a few years it was going nowhere.. spent years just studying on my own cos i couldnt find a christian organisation i felt i agreed with and stayed clear of church cos of so called.
Child sex-abuse database?
by Jerohobobonadad inhi all.. just read the post about the court ruling in california.. i may be remembering incorrectly, but when that tv programme about child abuse was aired in the uk (early 2000's), i think the spokespeople denied the existence of a database.
my elder dad was also adamant that there was no database and i am 110% certain he was not lying to me.. how do we know it exists?
what is to prevent the wtbts simply destroying it or hiding it amongst one of it's corporations either in the us or abroad?.
What is your purpose here?
by The Scotsman init is interesting to read the posts here.
people desperately trying to convince themselves that they were right to give up!.
is this your purpose in coming here????.
by Mary inwith all the ridiculous hype amongst the dubs about how this new tract is going to help bring about "the end", i thought it would be beneficial to highlight how often they've been crying that the sky is falling in the last 1/2 century:.
***w50 2/15 p. 54" stick to your work"*** now is the time to live and work as christians, especially now, for the final end is near.
*** the time of the end is near!
The double standards continue to amaze me.
by alienagent ini am so glad i found this place.
everyone is so supportive and kind!
thanks to all for your responses to my previous threads and i have taken much of your advice to heart.
Did you make artificial smiles at the hall?
by JH ini smiled alot at the hall.. but i think it was all artificial !!!.
Finding Love with a Former Jehovah's Witness
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #e68500; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #ffc803; } .style6 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #8fa7bf; } .style7 {color: #fe0003} .style9 {color: #8ea4bb} .style10 {color: #ffc803} --> finding love with a former jehovah's witness often times, i thought to myself whether or not it .
would prove to be an advantage or a disadvantage.
dating a former jehovah's witness.. advantage or disadvantage?
Are we all gonna die?
by kittyeatzjdubs ini mean, what's to stop this psycho from north korea from sending nukes over here and blowing us all away?
~luv, jojo.