I have to agree with Sasha. It is a "model prayer." And as such it wasn't meant to be used as some sort of Christian mantra. Rather, it was given as an example. Better still is the advice "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the syngogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." (Matthew 6:5,6) This could apply to both Jehovah's Witnesses and members of the various Christian churches.
Posts by Pahpa
The Lord's prayer, why JW's never say it
by moomanchu inwe all know it's not an issue if people say the lord's prayer or not, but except for the fact that jw's make it an issue.
to them it's kinda like the boogie man and to say it makes you part of christendom, ripe for destruction.. this thread is in response to another thread.i finally took some time to look into information to make a reply.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/130602/2.ashx.
a jw commented on that thread.
two JW friends of mine and this site.
by Spirit Axal infor about 5 years, ive known 2 jw's that i play online computer games with all the time almost everyday.
i remember the days i spoke to them about god.
i was not christian at that time, but i still read my bible.
I'm afraid that I must disagree. I've known some really bad people in the organization. This has been particularly true of some elders and overseers. In some cases, they went from caring and compassionate individuals to cruel and unchristian tyrants. One elder I knew seem to get some sort of depraved pleasure of elevating some brothers by recommending them for ministerial servants or elders only to later set them up for a downfall. He often had sisters called before a judicial committee to ask embarrassing question that left them in tears. One of the most common complaints of XJWs has been the lack of love and the superficiality of the brothers and sisters in the organization. This is not the mark of good Christian people.
While I agree that many of them are misled, one would hope that their "goodness" would overcome the "badness" of the organization. In any case, Jehovah's Witnesses have their share of bad people such as the sexual predators and dishonest members.
The WTS and its vicious slandering of the early church
by greendawn inone of the most disagreeable actions of the wts is the vicious way in which it relegates the christian martyrs of the early church not only in seeking to minimise their number but also their authenticity.
they claim that after the first century the church went apostate and there were basically very few genuine christians so most martyrs were worthless.
yet when we examine the early church doctrines closely we see that they were pretty much based on the bible and perhaps also on books that were then circulating among the churches and considered, perhaps wrongly, to be genuine at the time.
The Watchtower aside, I think that the early church was in decline once the apostles and their peers died off the scene. John's letters to the seven churches (Revelation) demonstrate how far many of them had strayed from the teachings of Christ. (96 CE?) Later, church leaders began to mix pagan philosophy in with the gospel message so that it would attract more "intellectual" people. Another factor was the church wanted to sever its Jewish past and rejected any semblance of Jewish origins. (Example, the celebration of Christ's death on the passover date.) By Constantine's time the church was totally different from that of the early primitive church.
So, I don't think it is a matter of what the Watchtower teaches regarding the early church. I think history itself testifies to the quick decline and corruption ot it just the the Bible writers warned.
Dirty Rotten WTS
by cultswatter inaugust 15, 1996 watchtower in the following 'questions from readers" article.. questions from readers:.
the reports for some years show that the number partaking of the memorial emblems increased slightly.
does this suggest that many new ones are being anointed with holy spirit?.
This has become an embarrassment to the Watchtower Society. Undoubtedly, the increase of partakers in the last few years reflects that some refuse to accept the caution of the organization about the seriousness of "partaking unworthily." The Society can not take any judicial action against these individuals because it has always stressed that the "anointed calling" is a manifestation between the spirit of God and the individual. (Romans 8:15-17) In a sense, it is trapped by its own teachings. However, JWs can expect to have more articles warning them against any rash actions during the Memorial celebration.
"Hey buddy, can you spare a dime?"
by gumb in"hey buddy, can you spare a dime?".
we can all help make the world a better place to live in without even involving our purse/wallet, and requiring only a tiny amount of time.
these 'dime time' acts of kindness to our fellow human beings can help reduce stress in others and therefore contribute to a happier world.
That one is what we consider "a groaner"....haha
When will the calling of christians come to an end?
by jeshurun inin de wt of may 1, 2007 it is written:.
so the adoption to sons is being stressed (ro 8:15-17, 23; ga 4:4-7; eph 1:3-5) ].
of course nobody can set a specific date.
I had always assumed when reading Romans 9:24-26 that the " 'my people' who are not my people...." were the Gentile believers. But a careful check of Hosea 1 and 2 clearly shows that the prophet had Israel in mind. ("Lo-Ammi") Paul must have used the example of unfaithful Israel and its restoration to God as an example of how God can choose whom he will. It would further underscore the future of Israel when God once again calls her to him after the "full number of the Gentiles has come in" in spite of the hardness of their hearts respecting the gospel of Christ.
It might be noted that there has been an ongoing controversy among many Protestant fundamentalists as to when the deliverance of Christians would take place. Pre-tribs, Mid-tribs and Post-tribs all have their theories and scriptural references.
Law...written on their hearts
by Pahpa inpaul, in his discussion about god's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (gentiles) but lived by its principles.
"(indeed, when gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.
) this will take place on the day when god will judge men's secrets thorugh jesus christ, as my gospel declares.
Thanks to everyone for the input. It's always refreshing to have various points of views on these subjects. I appreciate the response
I did not know this
by TooBad TooSad inthe book study conducter said tuesday night, during coverage of the revelation book,.
that the real purpose of the holocaust was not to rid europe of the jews but rather satan .
was moving hitler to kill all of the j.w.'s..
It shouldn't surprise us that some JWs have strong unrealistic views of modern history as it applies to the Watchtower Society. The Society itself is troubled by tunnel vision. Just read its publications about its own organization and the fulfillment of scriptures: the "two witnesses" of Revelation 11, the delievered "woman" of Revelation 12 or the "bowls of wrath" in Revelation 16. It may reinforce the importance of the organization in the minds of most JWs. But it was also a troubling aspect of doubt for many of us when we were in the organization. We now look back and realize just how ludicrous the whole concept was/is.
Law...written on their hearts
by Pahpa inpaul, in his discussion about god's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (gentiles) but lived by its principles.
"(indeed, when gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.
) this will take place on the day when god will judge men's secrets thorugh jesus christ, as my gospel declares.
Note that Paul ties in people being "declared righteous" with the final judgment by inserting this parenthetical example of the Jews, Gentiles and the law. (Romans 2:12-16) (Most translations contain the parenthesis on verses 14 and 15) Would not this imply that a similar principle would apply in declaring people righteous in the final judgment?
Law...written on their hearts
by Pahpa inpaul, in his discussion about god's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (gentiles) but lived by its principles.
"(indeed, when gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.
) this will take place on the day when god will judge men's secrets thorugh jesus christ, as my gospel declares.
Paul, in his discussion about God's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (Jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (Gentiles) but lived by its principles. "(Indeed, when Gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets thorugh Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares."
If this principle applied to the "law" can it also be understood to apply to the millions of humans who have never had an opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ ? What are your thoughts?