Dear Jambon1,
The LORD told me to write to you, "Don't do it."
That's it. What does it mean?
i posted this part of the story earlier this week..
so we are at the point where my daughter has been taking in my lifestyle for 4 years since she i left the truth when she was just 4 years old.
my son who is a couple of years younger thankfully seems to be immune to most of the indoctrination from the jws.
Dear Jambon1,
The LORD told me to write to you, "Don't do it."
That's it. What does it mean?
i've emailed this to several people now so figured i might as well post it and share with all.
the following information has been compiled from various sources on the web, including and free minds.
a fraction of it is from my own mind.
This post has been added to my Favorites Center.
Good work, a well researched and documented set of posts,
with addition!.
most today reading luke 21:24 draw the conclusion that ancient jerusalem is in question here.
how can it be that heavenly new jerusalem is now called the throne of jehovah?
Mr. Wannabe,
You said, "Ancient Israel was rejected, not only for their rejection of the true Messiah, but their murder of him."
They were not rejected, they were punished again. The promises depend on God's abiblity to deliver on them, not on the ability of the People of Israel to obey.
“all Israel will be saved”. If they aren't neither are you.
On your first attempt at this subject I commented and won't quote it here since multiple posts are not allowed. Here is the page,
I have noted that there is no way to connect the 144,00 with the Kings of Revelation 20:4. There is no way to connect the "other sheep" with "the great crowd". There is no way to connect anyone with "spiritual Israel" everybody seems to want that honor.
The Whore of Babylon is a woman found in "The Wilderness" and is the same woman left their previously as written about in Rev 12:1-6. That is why Saint John said "When I saw her, I was greatly astonished." She sure had changed.
a proper view of the appointed times of the nations!.
most today reading luke 21:24 draw the conclusion that ancient jerusalem is in question here.
of course that's a natural conclusion to draw, because it looks like jerusalem of old is in question, however this subject needs to be examined a little closer; because jerusalem of old is not in question here at all.. 24"and they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into all the nations; and jerusalem shall be trodden down of [the] nations until [the] times of [the] nations be fulfilled.
Mr. Wannabe,
Watchtower doctrine is a sound as a car so rusted out that it barely casts a shadow. You have failed with your Bondo patch of one of innumerable defects. Spiritualizing the ideas of Scripture such as about Jerusalem, Israel, the Gentile Times leads one almost anywhere and you followed the tracks of Watchtower False Prophets.
Discard ALL Watchtower teachings and doctrines. Read the writings of the Church Fathers going back to Polycarp, a disciple of Saint John; Clement, a disciple of Saint Peter (Whose writings are wrongly called “pseudo-Clementia” because he wasn’t Clement of Rome or Clement of Alexandria) and other First, Second, and many Third Century Authors.
Start here in Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Compare the Quality of post-reformation literature such as Literature of the German Reformation
(,authors#highlight )
with WTBTS junk babble - like mystic pyramid theology and crusades against aluminum cookware and condemnations of vaccination.
Since the Reformation, Matthew Henry, Albert Barnes, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, John Wesley and others are found at : is a one-stop-shop for good sources of Bible teaching, and you get to know the Authors by name!
Raymond Franz noted that none of the Watchtowers book from even a few decades ago was still in print or considered of lasting value. Mr. Franz is gracious in his comments, one can’t fault him for his criticisms.
Paul . "bible chronology revealed" referes in fact to the chronology of the "latter days".
see the posts from no 25 onward ... .
Harper Collins web site :
provides the following information on "A History of the End of the World" by Jonathan Kirsch.
Book Description
"[The Book of] Revelation has served as a "language arsenal" in a great many of the social, cultural, and political conflicts in Western history. Again and again, Revelation has stirred some dangerous men and women to act out their own private apocalypses. Above all, the moral calculus of Revelation—the demonization of one's enemies, the sanctification of revenge taking, and the notion that history must end in catastrophe—can be detected in some of the worst atrocities and excesses of every age, including our own. For all of these reasons, the rest of us ignore the book of Revelation only at our impoverishment and, more to the point, at our own peril."
The mysterious author of the Book of Revelation (or the Apocalypse, as the last book of the New Testament is also known) never considered that his sermon on the impending end times would last beyond his own life. In fact, he predicted that the destruction of the earth would be witnessed by his contemporaries. Yet Revelation not only outlived its creator; this vivid and violent revenge fantasy has played a significant role in the march of Western civilization.
Ever since Revelation was first preached as the revealed word of Jesus Christ, it has haunted and inspired hearers and readers alike. The mark of the beast, the Antichrist, 666, the Whore of Babylon, Armageddon, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are just a few of the images, phrases, and codes that have burned their way into the fabric of our culture. The questions raised go straight to the heart of the human fear of death and obsession with the afterlife. Will we, individually or collectively, ride off to glory, or will we drown in hellfire for all eternity? As those who best manipulate this dark vision learned, which side we fall on is often a matter of life or death. Honed into a weapon in the ongoing culture wars between states, religions, and citizenry, Revelation has significantly altered the course of history.
Kirsch, whom the Washington Post calls "a fine storyteller with a flair for rendering ancient tales relevant and appealing to modern audiences," delivers a far-ranging, entertaining, and shocking history of this scandalous book, which was nearly cut from the New Testament. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Black Death, the Inquisition to the Protestant Reformation, the New World to the rise of the Religious Right, this chronicle of the use and abuse of the Book of Revelation tells the tale of the unfolding of history and the hopes, fears, dreams, and nightmares of all humanity.
The book seems to come from the mind of a faithless man at odds with God.
flesh with its soul its blood you must not eat (genesis 9:4, nwt).. .
these words are part of gods covenant with noah, which runs from genesis 9:1-17.. .
no doubt, when you have read this passage, you wondered why god (el) made this covenant, and not yhwh (yahweh / jehovah).. .
The "P" and "J" and … hypothesis is a convoluted exercise in faithlessness.
Stories in the Old Testament approximate stories of the same events in the writings of other cultures because they all refer to the same events told by actual descendents of direct witnesses or the actors themselves. Only rarely did one culture’s sacred history authors deliberately imitate or plagiarize another.
Read Moses in the first part of Genesis and you’ll notice that Moses was giving a synopsis of one historical record he had available, then another different historical document. These various documents codified the same events but by differing authors.
this tripe from the june 15 tower.
how many of the witness kids "and adults" get into trouble right within the congregation.
just recently talked to an old friend still in whose witness son in law left his daughter for another and subsequently his daughter got hooked up with that ladys husband.
The tools of rhetoric lend toward those who prefer to deceive.
How many JWs can read analytically? Going to College improved my ability to ask questions about the content of material being studied. Look harder at the WT BS (not a Bachelor of Science, of course) and you’ll find enormous numbers of misleading statements.
Liars tell lies and deceivers deceive.
Ever see a scripture quoted in a Watchtower publication in this way : "first part of scripture quote" Watchtower idea "last part of scripture quote". When I saw that in a Watchtower pub I realized this would cause one to hear a polluted message of scripture and remember it THAT way.
Adding to scripture carries an enormous penalty.
Christ died for all, to pay in full the penalty for all men's sins. Nothing can add to that sacrifice, no works, amount of study, publication distribution, meeting attendance. These can't add value to the blood of Jesus to "ensure" salvation as if works prescribed by men brought even the last 1% needed to perfect salvation.
This is the biggest sin of the Watchtower: that they equate their directives as being as necessary for salvation as Jesus death was.
Having full belief that Jesus actually paid our penalty in full is what God wants - FULL FAITH in God's provision. If one thinks more is needed - then actual faith in the provision is not present. As Abraham said, "God will provide the sacrifice." Salvation is a GIFT.
The young woman's feelings of "ugly scars on my emotions that will not go away" indicate she has unabated guilt. Guilt will continue in those who do not believe that Jesus paid the full price for all our sins.
Prayers and blessings,
"spawn of satan!".
those are just a few from jehovah's witnesses towards those who have left the watchtower organization to become a follower of jesus christ.. do they know they are blaspheming against the holy spirit?
The Holy Spirit acts for good, it does not act in an evil way. Calling The Holy Spirit a wicked spirit is The Blasphemy spoken against by Jesus.
When healings are done in our day by charismatic Christians and they are called "Demonized" with the powers seen a demonic deception then I think that my qualify. I know that there have been healing miracles in Christian Churches. Most happen without any parade though they are acknowledged.
would you let a jw's religion affect your decision to use their services?.
When I was a JW I survived 12 years of annual dead-wood disposal layoffs. I worked well enough to be trusted with difficult assignments of travel to costly labs around the Eastern United States. I think I would be a better employee now.
I would often be beating my WT drum while arguing weird concepts of doctrine. I hope that the ludicrous ideas I expounded on helped prevent anyone listening from becoming interested in them.
I like being a Baptist, I am happy and that must help to be a better employee. I am retired now.
in the aftermath of the family intervention ambush, i got a phone call from my great uncle (never been a jw).
he told me he'd heard about my wife reading my e-mail and taking it to the elders (although she didn't actually show them the e-mail, just reported its contents).
apparently, my grandmother told him about it.
The only people promoting the Watchtower religion are themselves and they do so continually. In all the dozens of Catholic Masses I have attended this past year and a half, I have only once heard The Catholic Church extolled as The True Church. Self promotion is not at all common. (I belong to a local Baptist Church but attend Mass weekly.)
Criticisms agaist The Catholic Church or other mainstream Christian religions are doctrinal and minor. There are few "horror stories" of psycho-emotional abuse in any of the traditional Christian Churches. In the Watchtower abuse is systemic AND an integral part of their doctrines.
I am out after 45 years of eating garbage at the table of the Watchtower. I heard at a convention that some had called the "Table of Jehovah polluted" implying their ideas and issue was taken against. The Watchtower does not even offer "Table of Jehovah" fare.
Blessings and regards,