solo- if you choose not to have children and be happy
you make it sound like the alternative is to have children and be miserable , surely this can't be true!!!
Sorry, this really made me laugh, must be my warped sense of humour!
women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours?
as far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them.
now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace.
solo- if you choose not to have children and be happy
you make it sound like the alternative is to have children and be miserable , surely this can't be true!!!
Sorry, this really made me laugh, must be my warped sense of humour!
women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours?
as far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them.
now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace.
then of couse there's those who don't want children, so I'm very grateful to those women for what they did all those years ago
a while ago I was working alongside a man with a degree (I am a female without) and he was earning my salary plus half again to do a lesser job than me
I have also been in many situations where a female collegue has gone on maternity leave and I have been expected to help cover her job without an increase to my salary or even a bonus.
I don't want children but I would love to take a year off work to persue my interests whilst still being paid with the opportunity to return to my post when I'm done!
I'm not bitter don't get me wrong, we all want different things out of life. I am independent and self sufficient, I would rather look after myself and am proud that I can and do but at the same time I love my relationship with my man, I am with him because I want to be with him not because I need him or need looking after.
Other women want marriage and babies and a man to look after them, if that's what you want and you can find someone to do that for you - good for you!
good morning jwd! many of you know i live in the wilderness.this morning i woke up to scatching on my window..odd i thought,what is that?..just then a squirrel comes diving through my partially open window..i did what any fearless mountain man would do.i hid my!
!..i tried to catch the little varmint with a fish tank net.that didn`t work,he`s just too i brought one of the huskeys in the house.took him about 5 minutes to figure out why he was in my bedroom.dogs are never allowed in my bedroom.he finaly spots the squirrel grabs it and took it outside..he got a nice treat for that..whats next?..a deer in the dining room..a bear in the bathroom?...outlaw
I wonder if I have a squirrel in my bedroom because every morning I wake up to my fella scratching and grabbing his nuts?
i saw this on youtube..
that is just hysterical! I never saw it first time round because tv was banned in our house for being an instrument of satan.
that summed up my preaching, I never had a clue what to say or what scriptures to use, I just hoped the door was never opened!
Crumpet - surely CT is in some bedsit now due to his extra-curricular activities!
does god need worship and love from other entities?
it seems so by the way he made intelligent creatures.
if they are to be accepted as his children they must conform to his designated way of life and thinking.
god is just like a spoilt child, he was obviously bored on his own so he made something to entertain him, then when adam and eve went their own way he had a sulk, then a tantrum by causing the flood and spitting at soddom and gommorah, then he sulked again so Jesus said don't worry I'll go and talk to them. Well he made a few friends who would play ball but Jehovah still isn't happy so looks like he'll be throwing his toys out the pram at armageddon. Maybe he just needs a good woman
i was thinking the other day about a problem and you know how one thought leads to another and you go off at a tangent and arrive somewhere totally unrelated to what you where thinking about.
well i arrived at a time when i was walking home from work.
i pass by (thankfully) a cemetary and i was looking at all the graves thinking (at the time i was a good dubby but not very active by-the-by)about the ressurection and how i hoped not to die and all the usual programmed stuff when out of the blue a thought, as though injected by some other-worldy means entered my head and said, clear as a bell "what if it's not true".
when I was a dopey dub I can honestly say I never had any such doubts, I had a good honest, brain washed upbringing which obviously worked very well
I was thinking the other day about a problem and you know how one thought leads to another and you go off at a tangent and arrive somewhere totally unrelated to what you where thinking about.
This made me laugh, this is what I did to pass the time during the meetings. Then I would think about my end thought and work my way backward through all the tangents to see if I could remember what triggered it all off. Hours of fun!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #0033cc; } .style2 {color: #ff00ff} .style3 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style4 {color: #000000} .style6 {color: #009900} --> shattered livesthe watchtower trauma and your healing process a few days ago a topic of discussion presented itself .
regarding the subject of suicide and former jehovah's.
onthewayout: what you say about blame is interesting. I look on it much like jealousy and hate, the only person who is really damaged by these emotions is usually the person feeling them. What does blame actually achieve? If you feel wronged should you allow it to stop you moving on?
just get over it and move on: I could not agree more, this is exactly what I did and I have benefited enormously from doing so. I completly turned my back on jws and got on with my life. But everyone is different, still I think my advice would be to move on, but admittedly getting over if can be a lot more difficult and take a long, long time.
not for me, i might add.. my boyfriend, who isn't a big drinker, went out with his best mate and a few other friends last night on a birthday celebration.
they went to see some led zeppelin tribute band, and around a few pubs as well.
he staggerred in at around 1:30am, just after i'd gone to bed, very much the worse for drink, and had to make frequent visits to the loo all night.
after a very heavy nite out my tip to avoid a hang over is to have at least two pints of water and half a loaf of bread before you go to bed. Or better still drink equal parts of water to alcohol during the nite. This can be difficult though due to the ridicule you may receive from those who are more hard core drinkers. Alternativly you can just order ice and water and make out you are drinking neat vodka - that works well, make you seem like you hold your drink well.
If i wake up with a really bad hang over I go for the toast and jam and lots of tea. A fry up is great as long as you don't feel sick otherwise it's a disaster!
If nothing else works just head to the pub for a lunch time drinks and a big feed, that should do the job.
i was reading the masterbation thread and it reminded me of my is sooo embarrasing!
when i was 13, my jw friend and i dicussed this topic.
we both admitted that we had the "m" problem...and we tried to help eachother with it by checking up on eachother...." are you doing with your "m" problem?.......not so good....did it last too....." so we decided we needed to talk to the elders about it and on a thurday night we both asked to meet with them.
well I discovered the big M myself without being told what it was, I thought I had discovered something wonderful! I must have been an early starter
I remember we were having this WT study about single JW mothers and how they may get lonely in the evenings after they put their children to bed. I thought to myself that maybe I should share my discovery and tell my parents that these single mothers could amuse themselves during those lonely evenings but partaking in this thing I had discovered. Anyway I came to my senses and decided to keep it to myself.
I was glad I did because the following week we studied the big M chapter in Your Youth and Getting the Best out of it! Although I think I already had!!!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style2 {color: #ffa042} .style3 {color: #000000} --> what factors led you to write your letter of disassociation?quite a number of disassociation letters can be found .
on the internet.
some are lengthy, others get right to .
There were three things really:
1. The way my husband treated me
2. The way the elders treated me
3. I felt I could not longer live to Jehovah's standards and by the jw rules and was not prepared to be miserable for the rest of my life trying
My disassociation letter was quite simple - it is pointless trying to reason with a brainwashed cult although I didn't know that at the time
Dear Sirs
I no longer wish to be considered at one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Please therefore amend your records.
Yours sincerely
and off I toddled into a whole new world of freedom