JoinedPosts by skyking
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Like my new avatar? LOL
by ButtLight inyou may have to hit refresh!.
a long time ago, we were giving people pics for new avatars.
so here i go............... jh, this is for you lol.
Love it and like dismembered as well
The Scent of a Woman!!!!
by AK - Jeff inyour intentions are good - entirely manly.
you step into the shower intent on grabbing a skin-drying manly soap - dial or zest or similar.. then it catches your eye - that little 'womanly scented' bath-bar.
you try and reach past it - to get the large man-size bar on the soap tray - but inexplicably you pick up the lady's perfumey soap.
I hate the smell of those soaps that adorn my bathroom and take away my freedom to smell non polluted air. I literaly throw them away when I can get away with it. I hate scented candles etc... I throw them away as well.
How many converts are there to different religions?
by bluesapphire inmy mother in law came over and started telling my husband that the jws are in every land except 3 bla bla bla... we knew it was coming.
it was fun that i had told my husband ahead of time what she was going to say next time and it happened.
posted to put this back on top of list I hope someone knows
Could This 'Preaching End' Have Legs?
by metatron inok, so they reamed the idiot bethelite who dared to suggest that the preaching work was fufilled - but does that.
end the matter?
suppose you're a witness in a western nation in which all the witness kids are leaving?
Very possible
How did you hide things?
by Nosferatu infor those of you who had some evil in you, how did you hide the things that you didn't want your parents or fellow jws to find?.
i used to hide porn magazines under the carpet in my bedroom, and i had a gutted vcr that i used to hide my rap tapes (along with other things i can't remember).
I hid porn mags in the old car on the creek in the barn, in the hole in the wall that was covered by a six by six board that my brother and cut the nails off so it looked nailed down. After grew up we and were married we snuck back in the house and found two old penthouse Mags and Zig Zags still behind the board. We pulled the fake nails out and nailed the sticky board back.
LOL this thread is great.
The Golden Age editor admits being demon possessed!!
by Lady Liberty insome newbies and or lurkers may benefit from this.. sincerely,.
lady liberty.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Seeker 4 I agree totally with you. As I have said so many times on this forum I believe evolution because it has be proven to me by my personal study of it. But both sides have the exsact same thing to over come, the singularity. Until evolution can explain this or creationism can exsplain the beginning of God as Dawkins so admitly said in his book is a much bigger problem explaining how God came to be. Then I will keep an open mind.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
Just to mention some more things that has changed in my life time. Scientists thought that eggs were bad for you, drinking wine caused cancer, man could never go to the moon, teleportation was impossible, Mars never had water on it, Color TVs were impossible, That it was impossible for man to be able to put all the books ever printed into a space smaller than city block. Grow new human parts on animals then surgically put them on the human host. They thought there were no other small rocky planets like the earth out side our solar system. They thought all comets were ice balls. They thought there was only nine planets. Solid Rocks could not have life in it. Thought an aeroplane could not exit out of the earth atmosphere and then re-enter to be used again.
I could go on all day scientist had their theory's to prove everyone of this things were impossible but yet science pressed on. When Dawkins makes comments in his books that is meant to prove only his ideas are correct he is doing the same thing his claims religionist are doing. Only his ideas are correct, he is not living up to what a real scientist does and that is keep an open mind.
He would of been the first to tell Orville and Wilbur Wright science proves heavier than air travel is impossible, because science says it is. He has made science his God.
Further incite on Dawkin's The God Delusion
by Abandoned ini started a thread after i finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, i'm an atheist.
i finished chapter three and i have to backtrack a bit, but i also feel the need to explain why since i was so vocal.. first, let me say that i think everyon should read the first two chapters of the god delusion by richard dawkins.
he brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
tetrapod.sapien You forget to look into the mirror and see your own reflection.
Last night I re-watched the show which I have half of it recorded and that is almost exactly what he said. He also mentioned when a scientist proved viruses were causing people to get sick but the others ignored the facts refusing to change their ideas. He also mentioned The Right Brothers proving they could fly, even after they did it scientist still wrote articles saying it was impossible. It took weeks after the first flight even though the Right Brother showed hundreds of people, then and only then, did the scientific community admitted it was true.
He then said the same thing is happening today in regard the study of dark matter.
So all of you closed minded people are proving human nature stays the same.