Thank you all for responding. It is nice to know I am not alone, and also good to hear how those with many friends handle it. I am off to join the Marines now! JK....I like my dogs too!
JoinedPosts by megsmomma
Who is your Best Friend?And why?
by megsmomma ini ask this because i have a hard time making and keeping friends since i have left.
my husband is my best friend now....but he is my only friend.
i do have some wemon friends, but i don't like to get too close.
OMG Trev in hospital now!
by fullofdoubtnow intrev (dedpoet) experienced breeathing difficulties during the night, and i had to call for an emergency ambulance.
he was kept in overnight, and is still there under observation.
he was conscious and breathing normally when i left him around 30 minutes ago, having been breathing through an oxygen mask earlier.
I am sorry to hear that you have another loved one in the hostpital! I was thinking...maybe you can admitt yourself and all could share a big suite! You could probably use someone taking care of you at this time.....and your mum and Trev would probably find some joy in you having to eat hostpital food too. (Trying to make you smile here) You are all in my thoughts!
To be a Nice Apostate or a Mean Apostate.....
by AK - Jeff in..... that is the question.. how do you react - and is it a 'planned reaction', when confronted with jdubs in public?.
i have personally determined that i will not allow people whom i knew for 40 years in some cases to 'shun' me without a cost to the reputation of their religion in the eyes of those who see it.. if i come face to face with a witness who turns the other way or rudely brushes past [as if i am dead], i will point out to all in the area [carefull not to appear the raving lunatic] that this is the way jehovah's witnesses act toward one who has quietly left their faith.
i expect two things will begin to happen as a result.. 1- witnesses will become so paranoid of the possiblility of meeting me and being embarrassed in public, that they will alter their schedules to avoid the places i might be.
"As for me and my household....we shall be nice postates" We have this hanging in our kitchen. JK.....I also have no one around here that knows me, so I don't get faced with shunning when I go about daily life. If I was around that though....I am sure I would have to show the DUB that it is ridiculous to act as if I have joined a satanic cult when they see me. I do try to act as if I am no different around my mom (on that oh so rare occasion)....but it makes her mad and then she has to say I am going to DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother called
by AnonyMouse inmy brother calls my mom all the time.
he did some vicious things to her in the past.
one of her 'war stories' was that she went to the convention black and blue because he had beaten her up (a son to his mother).
Thanks for sharing that experience. You have the uniqe situation of being made to live close to the cult and have no choice. I can totally relate to what you say as to your mom being dumb as a couple rocks...(However you so elequently put that ...LOL) My mom really has no idea what the religion actually teaches and is based on. When I have asked her things in the past.....So she would research it, she would just say.."Do you want me to get an elder to call you" Kepp trying to get through though...she is in the uniqe situation of not being able to get away from you! ( My mom won't answer her phone when I call)
Dr. Phil today...
by brianhenke inone of his guests is a woman who doesn't want to celebrate holidays.. .
I reasoned this way with my semi-dub neices...who told me the Bible says not to celebrate b-days. I asked..."Did they celebrate b-days in the bible?....."yes" Did Jesus think it was important to tell us not to?......"No". There you go...Jesus came to clear things up for us...all the important things. He would have told us if it offended him to not celebrate b-days. (I don't know what I did to make some ler=ttering dark...sorry)
How do I explain my Jehovah's Witness past to a potential mate?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #89490c; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #848a2a; } .style7 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #89490c; font-size: 14px; } .style8 {font-size: 14px} --> explaining my jehovah's witness past to a potential mate all things considered, this is the one thing that bothers me tremendously.. so much so, that it has kept me out of the dating scene let alone to be.
properly wed. .
captured by an institution called the watchtower bible.
"Worldly" people are not usually trained to be one track minded, like we I think they have a broader view of differnt people and are pretty understanding of different backgrounds. My husband didn't really understand the extent of my background for quite a while...but over time, and many discussions later, he can see how I have been affected, and is really good at helping me through it. It is kind of funny.....he can now talk with the "society lingo" since he has learned so much from our discussions. I crack up when he says things I would only expect to hear from an ex-JW.
When you meet someone to date, remember that theyhave a "lifestory" too....and you can help eachother through all your past issues. Good luck....enjoy discovering!
Who is your Best Friend?And why?
by megsmomma ini ask this because i have a hard time making and keeping friends since i have left.
my husband is my best friend now....but he is my only friend.
i do have some wemon friends, but i don't like to get too close.
I ask this because I have a hard time making and keeping friends since I have left. My husband is my best friend now....but he is my only friend. I do have some wemon friends, but I don't like to get too close. I feel like I am a private person, and that may be why I mainly just hang out with my family, but I also think I have "issues" making friends because I had SO MANY "friends" while in the BORG that dropped me like a hot potatoe, and even told me they hated me when I da'd. (Not that I expected them to still be my friends...I knew what the Da'ing would cause) I think of many here as my friends, but I still think I am lacking in the area of having the face to face type of friends. So, am I the only one that has this "problem"....Is it me, or are many affected by the reality of losing so many friends in one fell swoop that it has made them wary of making new ones?
Would Jehovah recognize you
by darth frosty inhere is another lame a$$ email from a dub (how is it the only use they can think of for the internet is to regurgitate these lame parable's.).
warning have your barf bags ready.. .
this is very thought provoking.
This illustration makes PERFECT sense.....Just view the WOLVES as the JW's....."Come with us wolf puppy...Its the only was to truely be happy...." And the Shepard is the true God...."I feel for you puppy and I will feed you and teach you and think you are cute!" And when you leave the JW's ...they are the ones who say "I don't recognize you".....God has never done that to anyone!
New here
by NanaR ini just found this place and thought i'd post.
i'm a 50+ year old grandmother who was "raised in the truth".
i have been on my way out of "the organization" for several years now, but have moved cautiously because i don't want to jump from the firing pan into the fire so to speak.
Welcome Nana!! I am so happy to hear of your leaving the BORG (organization) where you get told HOW to do things. The new world you have entered is FULL OF FREEDOM!! And....NO ONE judges you! (especially here) If you believe in God (and I do) you may believe that he is the only judge.....and he doesn't worry about all the small thing....It is the people like the watchtower society and scribes and pharisee's that do that.
So, do whatever you feel like doing. I am sure that as a are a good shopper, so if something strikes your wise...get it! It is fun! As you get little bits of freedom here and there, it stops feeling so weird. Also, keep knowing that you are doing nothing wrong. It took me a while to PROVE to myself that the Society was lying to us for their own gain.
So glad to have you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What would be something you'd like from secret santa?
by megsmomma ini am already thinking of ideas.
my sister had an online relationship with a man from holland (they are now married in the us) anyhow, they would send eachother packages and the coolest things he would send was different foods from there... cookies the us doesn't have, chocolate spread for toast.... this is my first gift exchange since i was a kid, so anyone have some ideas?
( is this kosher to ask?
You know, I am not sure if it was nutella....I have seen that in our stores, so I think it was something different. But he would send her these cool cookies that were made out of a type of waffle (Like the waffle cones at ice cream places) and it has a carmel/brown sugar type filling...anyhow they were good! And when my sister lived in Australia for a while, she found out their big cookie was a Tim-Tam. They are like the Oreo of the US.