you know, ((((flower))))there are some people in the world that dance and prance when they walk, and laugh and sing a lot. Then there are those that don't. God made a whole range of personalities, put them on this earth, and that's the way it is.
Some of us --perhaps you too--have a lower than average baseline mood. Personally, I don't prance and dance or laugh and sing a lot, never have and likely never will (well, maybe at the Siegfried and Roy show) so I'm at the lower end of the mood continuem. So are many people. We have our place in the world.
But I imagine if I was standing in front of you and choking, you would be the first one up to do the Heimlich (sp) maneuver. Just a feeling. The world is going to have to accept us as we are.
So there!!! is a fabulous place. They are great people, and have been helpful to me.
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"