I beleive in God as the Creator of all things. What I do not beleive in is the way man has tried to explain Him.
Zack, the only thing I can say about that comment is that it seems backwards. You believe in a creator, but who told you about the "creator"? With all different theories about god, who is to be believed? Is the only basis behind your belief in a creator do to faith?
My personal feeling is that most religions are taught to be taken as the truth, be it JW or Mormon or Catholic. The basis of all these religions is on the bible and misconstrued in one way or the other from the original meaning it was intended for portray. Even if it was portrayed correctly, how can we be sure that the one portraying the original message was correct? One step further, can we be sure that Christianity is right at all, what about Buddhists or Muslims. I can’t personally believe or put my trust in any organization that is based on mythological beliefs that can’t be proven.