JoinedTopics Started by looseend
Need some of your help
by superman ini'm currently still attending meetings and am "considered" to still be in good standing.
i've cut back on how much i go, because to be honest i really don't believe any of it anymore.
some of it i do still believe is true and legitimate, but most of it i feel is bs.
What I'm going to tell my parents
by B_Deserter inif my fade ever comes to a head, and my parents demand i explain myself, i now know exactly what i'm going to say.
you believe that the watchtower society is the only channel to god.
i know you realize they're imperfect men, but i also know that if they ordered you all to go on a killing rampage of your non-witness family, there would be people that would be willing to go, and maybe even you would kill me.
Whats the worst thing you have heard from the stage???
by karter inat a circuit assembly the co stopped his talk and asked the attendants to remove a crying baby and his mother .. she go up walked out the back started crying as she was studying she never came back.. saved by the co i say..
Any EXJW Catholic's?
by Wordly Andre inif so hello!
and how many of you are doing the christmas novena?
wife and i started ours on dec 16th.
So is it Evolution or Creation
by Punk inhttp://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5521410965822202656 take a look
Looking for an old watchtower article need some help
by looseend in"millions now living will never die.
i am not looking for the book, just the article.
if anybody can help me find this i would appriciate it.
Aviator pictures and usernames- Where and why did you choose yours?
by winnie injust curious.
are some of them a personal photo?
ones that are not, why did you choose them?.
Atheists, Why the Anger?
by XJW4EVR inok, so you deny the existence of a god, or you lack belief in a god.
my question why do you get so angry over a mythical being?
no one gets as upset over the tooth fairy, santa claus or the easter bunny, as i have seen some of the atheists on this board get over the slightest mention of god.