yeah, that's creepy as hell.
Notice how the only person dumb enough to fall for their bs is a little kid.
Shame on you, dubs.
not sure if this was previously posted here... it was sent to me by a regular jw and this person thought it was the best thing ever.... so sad... .
(since i don't post often here): my current status is that i am "inactive" and happier than ever... i have not been to a meeting in 3+ years..
yeah, that's creepy as hell.
Notice how the only person dumb enough to fall for their bs is a little kid.
Shame on you, dubs.
my girlfriend used to be an avid capoeira practicioner for over year.
she has reaped many benefits from it: increased physical fitness, flexibility, some self-defense skills, and stress-relief.
she enjoyed it.. unfortunately, an article came out in the spanish version of the "watchtower" ("atalaya" in spanish) essentially saying that capoeira should not be practiced because it has some spirituality stuff in it that was wrong.
Yeah, I read that article too.
Bunch of BS.
The old a-holes in Brooklyn don't like it when their slaves do normal things with their time, because it takes away from the ineffective door-to-door bs.
When they don't like something, they slap the "pagan" label on it. However, wedding anniversaries, baby showers, and most wedding traditions with "pagan" influences are ok.
soon after we arrive on this earth, we become aware of the most fundamental fact of our existence, that we won't be here very long.
an average life span lasts less than 30,000 days.
we sleep a third of that time, so the days we experience number less than 20,000. we may try, but we can't ever completely deny our mortality.
I'm 21. I figure I'll worry more about it as I get older.
This is selfish, but I hope we continue "living" in some way after death.
BS Organization is appropriate too.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style2 { font-size: 22px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; color: #990000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: #990000; } --> why cant you just accept that its the truth!problems occur in the jehovahs witness world when an individual decides to think for him or herself.
personally, i suffered a great deal in the truth because of independent thinkingthinking like satan.. what about youre experiences?as a witness, did you feel doubts or questions come into your mind and if you dared, .
voiced your opinion on the matter, were you disciplined for it?
I haven't brought up anything...yet.
Your formatting reminds me of the tower. =\
hello fellow jwd people....i just wanted to tell everyone "thank you" for everything on here-it has been extremely helpful for my brain to realize (i hope!!
) i'm doing the right thing to not be a witness some of you may or may not know, i stoppped being a witness about 3 months ago.... it's a weird thing to not go to meetings anymroe/service/have only witness friends/think the end is coming and....soon.
i only left b/c of intellectual reasons, so reading everyone's posts on various subjects and whatnot has been a huge help to help dispell some of the witness "truths" that i thought were true since i was 1 year old..... and, on another random note, my profile pic is actually a pic of a duck at bethel!!!
Once you're convinced, you can never go back. =)
Where are you in California? If you don't want to say, I understand. I'm near L.A.
my brother, who got baptized not too long ago, sent me an email that recently many ex-jws are coming back to the organization and that he want me to come back as well.
he also told me that he's going to be an aux.
pioneer next month.
It's always a guilt trip.
Why don't you ask him to name specific ex-JWs that have gone back to the Borg?
Most people here are former Witnesses, DFd, DA, inactive.
Some are active, but that's 'cause of family ties.
there are many words or phrases jw's use daily and especially at the meetings.
we all know pioneer means something different to jw's than to others, same thing for publisher and so on.. i was wondering, what the he!!
i hear that in almost every freaking talk and i want to throw a ypa book every time i hear it.
"faithful and discreet slave"
"[insert word here] system of things" <---WTF
at my school (community college), throughout the week, there are always two dub ladies off to the side of the main path where the bookstore and academic offices are located.. they usually get there in the morning and bring some folding chairs and a table where they place the tower and awake rags, among other things.. anyway, i usually take a break near their "spot," since it's close to the cafeteria.
i have never seen them try to talk to anyone.
they just watch people pass by while they talk to each other.. good job, dub ladies.
At my school (community college), throughout the week, there are always two dub ladies off to the side of the main path where the bookstore and academic offices are located.
They usually get there in the morning and bring some folding chairs and a table where they place the tower and awake rags, among other things.
Anyway, I usually take a break near their "spot," since it's close to the cafeteria. I have never seen them try to talk to anyone. They just watch people pass by while they talk to each other.
Good job, dub ladies. Jahoopla is going to kill all those college students because they were trying to get an education.
I would mess with them and bring up, well, anything the WT has messed up on, but I don't know if they go to the same Hall as I do.
So, did you ever hear of something like this?
If you would mess with them, what would you ask?