Well the legal system is quite strict on what these POA's do. If there is any thought that your mum is trying to unreasonably (in the courts opinion) influence a sick little old lady who does not practice that religion I cannot see how they can allow her to make such a decision. Your mum can influnce all she likes but if she is unconscious needing blood and the hospital is aware that auntie is not a witness, they will either ignore your mother or get an injunction and say that your mother unreasonably influenced her. I am sure the other auntie will say at the required houe she is not a witness. I think she picked your mother because she can hold her own, not because of her view on blood.
These POA's are practically worthless on anyone under the age of 18 as they are vulnerable. Elderly people are protected for a similiar reason. I would not be suprised if a rich old person gets sick, a witness with a POA with adult children in and out of the truth, if the one in the Truth has the POA and the old one is a bit potty or there is large estate at stake, I would not be suprised if the wordly children did not go to court to get some control. Perhaps this has happened already? Anybody?
I think you need to be honest with your mum and tell her that she had better speak to your aunties sooner then later about what she wants/does not. If she is that old and ill, there are going to be a few difficult decisions to be made, blood being only one of them. Let your mum decide if she thinks she can handle the stress on her biblically trained conscience and let her know you are only thinking of her. Is it possible you can have a phone call with your auntie and say something in jest like 'make sure mum lets you have a blood transfusion' ha ha. Old ladies want to hang around. This will put the fire under her.
Also if she gets very ill there will need to be a phone call to the sons to see her, and when they ask why is she dying and told as she would not take blood there will be tears. They could probably sue your mum and the hospital for wrongful death and the HLC will be in no way involved as your aunt is not a witness - that is quite a scary possibility. It would be a civil case and all that has to be proved is that on the 'balance of probabilites' that blood would have helped her treatment etc. If you get a son sobbing that the lack of blood transfusion, prevented him making amends, well it could get messy. This mind you is the worse case scenario, and due to expense probably would not get to court, but solicitors letters are expensive. The thing is your mum may have no intention of influencing, sound her out first.
Blood or no blood, it is a huge repsonsibility.
I can read you on the crazy mum health stuff. My mother has just told me she has cured her brain tumour and a sister at the hall (a nurse no less) said that was why she was tired because her system that had been fighting it. I know two people who have had brain tumours, one has survived only because her local hospital in the states is the hospital in the hospital in the US to go to and the other one died leaving 4 small children. What is it with kooky medical BS??