The wbts leadership has specific instructions (educational material,books,etc) on how to preach,conduct bible studies and who qualifies to become an ordined minister.The prime obligation of such ministers is the kingdom preaching.*
The fds say baptism signifies ordination.Almost 8 million j.w. are faithfully serving god as his ministers.Q2 baptism says.....your dedication and baptism identifys you as one of J.W. in association with god's spirit-directed organization(wbts).*
The fds/gb are responsible for their ordined ministers and can't COP OUT via their general counsel that the member held no position of leadership(ordined minister) and the organization(wtbs) is not reponsible. is responsible for their priests likewise the wbts leadership is responsible for their ordined ministers.
*see watchtower/organized to do jehovah's will publications.