because the "Society" says so.
JoinedPosts by SoCal101
Utterances from the mouths of JW`s that prove they are in a cult. Any?
by jambon1 inquotes from the wt publications are indeed hair raising enough.
but i find the utterances of jehovahs witnesses themselves to be even more intriguing.
mainly because it shows just what kind of people the religion produces.. below are some that stand out to me in from my time in the organisation.
Bright spots after having left the organization
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 20px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 20px; color: #0000cc; } --> bright spots after having left the organization .
often, after having left the organization a person experiences.
a host of negative emotions regarding their life in the watch-.
Bangin' lots of women. HEHE no serious..bangin'..well you know. After getting that out of my system(no pun intended), I met the love of my life and we celebrate EVERYTHING! It is fantastic!! My whole life is bright! Seriously, I wake up every morning and thank God I no longer have to bang on doors and that people love me for me. Wow!!! Life is one big bright spot!!
My Husband is a Genius!
by exwitless inok, i can't help myself.
i have to brag: little drummer boy just finished his college degree in computer administration with a 4.0 gpa!!!
i've lost track on how many letters go on his title after his name now.
Congrats! May you be blessed...It is so awesome!
Convince me to move to your State (U.S. Only)
by liquidsky inmy husband and i are throwing around the idea of moving to a different state.
nothing is set in stone yet, but some changes in his career may allow for us to move wherever we like in the u.s. i love washington state, but i would like to move somewhere a little warmer.
i've lived in washington all my life and i need a little help in learning about the rest of the u.s.. so convince me to move to your state.
I have lived all over the East Coast and parts of the West. However, you can not beat California! Sure the housing is expensive(but coming down) but it is because it's worth it!
Reasons why I CHOSE to live in Ventura County, California:
- We are 10 minutes from the beach.
- We are 30 minutes from Malibu.
- We are 30 minutes from Santa Barbra.
- We are 30 minutes from Los Angeles.
- We are at the most 1 hour away from Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, LA Zoo, Getty Museum, Sunset Blvd, all major TV studios, and Universal Studios.
- We are 5 hours away from Vegas, 1 hour away from snow and 2 hours away from desert.
- You should see the variety of produce at our farmer's market; afterall, we are considered the nations salad bowl.
- It's December 15 and I have my window open and my shorts on and my son went swimming last week.
- We are 50 miles north of LA and the air is clean here and the crime is low.
- My son is going to surf camp for summer and it is two blocks from my office. Did I mention I have ocean view. lol
So, yes, I have lived in many states in the last few years. I can admire what all of the states offer in this country of ours; but as for me and my family, we have chosen California to be our home. Now what I admire about other states, so I can't be blamed as being narrow-minded:
- Texas. You do not hold back on you hospitality. Yes, everything is bigger there and they are great people!
- NJ They have the most beautiful farm areas! They can do some country cooking up there too.
- Florida It rains way to much to be named the "sunshine " state. How about we call you the "It's raining, so let's go hang out at the bar and watch the hot waitress'" state. There are some beautiful people there.
- NY I tell you, my wife and I were so impressed as to how friendly people from New York really are. Go into the city. Sure the accents might be a little rough but the people aren't.
- AZ What a beautiful state.
- TN Very green and Dolly Parton has a kick a#% amusement park!
- OK Like it's Ok.
- NC Nice beaches
- NM Beautiful Colors
- UT Awe inspiring landscapes
- NV Vegas, enough said. (trust me, everyone must visit before they die)
- PA Very historical and quaint. Gettysburg is a must see.
- Maryland Baltimore has the greatest attraction called the Inner Harbor.
- Washington DC Smithsonian is a must and the Capitol and memorials are inspirations; especially, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
So, if you are interested, contact me because I am proud of the state that I have chosen only a short two years ago. Life has been good!
Who Will Be The Next President Of The USA?
by minimus ini wouldn't be surprised if hillary makes it.
i hope not, though..
Condi..She is way intelligent, has talent and isn't hard on the eyes.
Doctors Lawyers
by Yesterdays Child inin all my years in dubland i was just wondering ; how many here had doctors or lawyers in your congs?
in the 20 years of my wts days i dont' remember any.
There was a "well to do" elder's family in our congregation. The son ended up going to law school; according to everyone to "serve in Bethel". Well, he became a prominent ambulance chaser. Others in his family became doctors and engineers.
..there's a group of us going to the movies and I was wondering..
...and what are you baking for the get together...
..of course it's not's just a hand..
Finally got the Tract
by liquidsky in>>she was by herself which i thought was kind of strange.
don't they have to go in groups of 2?.
during these hit-n-run tract campaigns they often go to doors by themselves.
I was passing out campaign material around the neighborhood, for a friend of mine running for city council and I found the "tract" left at one of the doors. Of course I took it! I was going to spare the homeowner a ruined Saturday afternoon. I just chuckled at the info.
celebration of life thread
by darth frosty inwhile the dubs were so looking forward to telling the world how false religion was going to end ( wonder how that went for them) i got to thinking, what special event are we looking forward to in the next 3 months.. so right here, right now, what special event do you look forward to in the next 3 months.
for me its going snowboarding and when its really miserble here heading down to warmer climate for a nice lil holiday..
AudeSepere, Thank you for the welcome. We are also in Ventura County! We love this area and the weather is always just perfect.
celebration of life thread
by darth frosty inwhile the dubs were so looking forward to telling the world how false religion was going to end ( wonder how that went for them) i got to thinking, what special event are we looking forward to in the next 3 months.. so right here, right now, what special event do you look forward to in the next 3 months.
for me its going snowboarding and when its really miserble here heading down to warmer climate for a nice lil holiday..
Finding out the sex of our second child, Christmas and planning for a fruitful New Year!