Wouldn't you need to use spare ribs and fruit drink if that were the case?
i just thought of something.
this is my first memorial as a member of jwd.. the only thing i could muster up was a cup of coffee and a doughnut.. i'll be around the real stuff tonight.. warlock .
Wouldn't you need to use spare ribs and fruit drink if that were the case?
"crisis of conscience" pointed out a lot of the following:.
jehovah's witnesses simply can't abandon the 1914 teaching because it is too much of a pivotal date on which a major portion of their doctrinal and authority structure rests.
their belief system is tied with 1914 in the following ways:.
"Crisis of Conscience" pointed out a lot of the following:
Jehovah's Witnesses simply can't abandon the 1914 teaching because it is too much of a pivotal date on which a major portion of their doctrinal and authority structure rests. Their belief system is tied with 1914 in the following ways:
That in 1914 Jesus became "present" or invisible to human eyes, but now beginning a judgement period for all his professed followers and for the world.
That in 1914 Jesus now began active rulership toward all the world, his kingdom officially taking power.
That 1914 marks the start of the "last days" or the "time of the end" foretold in Bible prophecy.
That three and a half years after 1914 (in 1918) the resurrection of Christians sleeping in death, from the Apostles onward, began.
That about that same time (in 1918) Christ's true followers then living went into spiritual captivity to Babylon the Great, being released the following year, 1919, at which time Jesus
acknowledged them collectively as his "faithful and discreet slave," his approved agency for directing his work and caring for his interests on earth, his sole channel for communicating
guidance and illumination to his servants earthwide.
That from that time forward the final "harvest" work has been in progress, with salvation or destruction as ultimate destinies.
So you see, to weaken belief in the significance of the foundation date of 1914 would weaken the whole doctrinal superstructure that rests on it. But more important to Brooklyn that that, it would also weaken the claim of special authority for those acting as the official spokesman group for the "faithful and discreet slave" class. To remove that date as having significance would collapse their doctrinal and authority structure. That is how crucial it is. I think they want to change it. The GB probably cringes when the topic of 1914 comes up. I see it almost like the blood doctrine. They keep inching further and further away from what they've held on to. If they could get away with it, they would totally reverse that policy I think, acknowledging that the Scriptures weren't talking about "blood" in that sense. But too many lives have been lost and too many families have been destroyed over that one teaching alone. So, just like the saying goes, "When you lie, you have to keep telling more lies to cover up the old ones."
a friend and i were discussing the possible means by which the wts could drop 1914, the last remaining significant prophetic flop-date to which they cling.
i believe they will feel compelled to do so, and i believe they will do so within the next 5 years.
they tend to drop significant prophecies before crucial anniversaries that make them a clear laughingstock.
LOL that's brilliant. 5 stars!
And it would be exactly their style to drop a theological bombshell like that in a "Questions From Readers". Their whole theology hinges on 1914. And they arrive at that date based on a false date of Jerusalem's destruction. That religion is more screwed up than chocolate cornbread.
As a Christian, it means a lot to me, because Jesus told us to make it a practice in His honor. So tonight, at home in private, as I do every year, I will read the verses from Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 13 to myself. Then at the appropriate time from the verses, I will eat unleavened bread, and drink wine.
The Witnesses can enjoy their watered-down version of it without me. They've already replaced Jesus with the "organization" and they teach that His mediatorship doesn't even apply to the vast majority of their followers. What a fruitcake religion!
its http://www.myspace.com/jasontaylor1979.
please add me friends!.
Its http://www.myspace.com/jasontaylor1979
Please add me friends!
there was an interesting comment from a british mp about the ill effects of pedophile hysteria.
currently there are many instances where men are guilty until proven innocent and it's starting to impact society.
90% of all all teachers from grades jk to 3 are women.
It is a big problem, because kids are learning that they can manipulate the system by lying about something like that. Like if they don't get along with a male teacher/coach, they can just fabricate this awful story about him touching them, and that will end his career, true or not.
BUT, at the same time, if it DIDN'T work this way (guilty until proven innocent), the pervs out there would prey on kids even more.
Its one of those catch-22's.
Scripturally, I'm reminded of Matthew 11:18-19, where Jesus talked about how John was slandered against for what he did, and when Jesus did the opposite, He was slandered as well. But in verse 19, "wisdom is proved right by her actions" (NIV). That being the case, these men being accused should be examined by their colleagues and co-workers as to whether or not the evidence of their daily life indicates that they could have tendencies to molest children.
i don't think so lol.
I say:
how's david?
She says:
good good
I say:
still studying?
She says:
he's visiting his sis this weekend so i dont get to talk to him
She says:
he was never studying
I say:
I say:
i thought he was or something
She says:
She says:
She says:
he went to 2 meetings and read some of the bible teach book
I say:
what was his response?
She says:
he doesnt like the teaching that jesus is micheal
She says:
is hates the idea of not being able to have facial hair
She says:
and thinks disfellowshipping is judgemental
I say:
what do you think about the teaching that jesus is michael?
She says:
makes sense to me
She says:
well some times i get confused but i dunno
I say:
so is he under the impression that if he gets baptized and DOESN'T shave his beard, then he will be destroyed at Armageddon?
I say:
or has somebody made him think that?
She says:
could he get baptized if he didnt shave
I say:
i don't know tbh
I say:
i don't think so lol
She says:
we've never talked about destruction at armeggedon
She says:
i dont think so either
She says:
because im pretty sure shortly after my dad shaved his beard he was baptized
I say:
well with things like facial hair, i think to myself, "its either wrong in Jehovah's eyes or not"
She says:
my dad explained well
She says:
it well
I say:
and since all of God's chosen people of Israel wore beards, and evidence shows that Jesus even wore one...i don't know
She says:
but we dont live at that time
She says:
most of society makes bears iffy
She says:
I say:
but does Jehovah change?
I say:
i'm not asking does the watchtower society change?
She says:
i mean society as in the world
I say:
because if Jehovah changes, then i can see where beards could be off limits
I say:
i know
She says:
no because the SECOND the new system comes, everyone will be growing beards
I say:
so does it really make sense?
I say:
see, its either wrong or it isn't
I say:
neatly trimmed beards are worn by respectable people all the same
She says:
yes because its from the faithful and discreet slave that jehovah appointed over his belongings
She says:
or whatever the scripture says lol
She says:
but then whos to say whats neatly trimed and whats not
I say:
haha you make me laugh
She says:
She says:
and i make myself laugh
I say:
"or whatever the scripture says lol"
She says:
I say:
because we also have to remember how Jesus spoke of those who would teach "commands of men" as doctrines that didn't hold true to his teachings
She says:
i dont think of it as a doctrine
I say:
its treated as one
I say:
it carries consequences and so forth
She says:
all i know is i aint a guy so i dont worry about it
I say:
plus, the same brothers that condemn beards, used to condemn vaccinations...but now they say its ok to have them
She says:
She says:
they very well could say beards are ok
I say:
I say:
are you being serious?
She says:
BUT if we submit to it arent we showing our humility and all that jazz
She says:
some bro said something like that
She says:
i wasnt really paying attn
She says:
hes quite boring
I say:
She says:
it wasnt a talk btw lol
I say:
it seems that you don't really check into all this stuff, you just kinda accept it and say, "hmm ok works for me" LOLOL
She says:
pretty much
I say:
well alright
She says:
if it doesnt bother my conscience im a ok
I say:
but if your conscience has been molded by inaccurate things, it won't be attuned to what the Scriptures actually say about it
I say:
its like taking a trip and saying, "I'm just gonna go by this compass no matter what it says"....but then the whole time, you unknowingly had a magnet under the compass so you weren't getting a correct reading...even though it FELT right, doesn't mean that it actually was
She says:
i dunno what to say so ima just agree
I say:
I say:
hey speaking of michael, though
I say:
did you know that daniel 10:13 doesn't say that Michael = Jesus, but just says that Michael was "one of the foremost princes". Then at Reveleation 19:16, Jesus is referred to as "King of Kings"??
I say:
so doesn't a King > Prince ????
I say:
She says:
She says:
well no where does it say micheal = jesus
I say:
i know
I say:
and michael is only mentioned in the Bible 5 times
I say:
never as Jesus
She says:
micheal isnt mentioned in revelation right
She says:
i cant remember
She says:
actually ill look it up
I say:
i'm not sure
She says:
She says:
the war in heaven, at 12:7
I say:
ah ok
I say:
but Jesus is mentioned in Revelation, too
She says:
now that scripture doesnt make sense
I say:
i know
She says:
because in the same passage it mentions christ
I say:
She says:
She says:
isnt the only reason that its believed they are the same, is that there arent two armies of angels
She says:
and both christ and micheal are spoken of having an army
I say:
She says:
what u mean nope
I say:
we KNOW there are many many armies of angels
She says:
wait wait wai
She says:
She says:
i gotta look it up because i swear i read that
I say:
She says:
dont laugh at me homo
She says:
She says:
"since God's Word nowwhere indicates that there are two armies of faithful angels- one headed by Micheal and one headed by Jesus- it is logical to conclude that Michael is none other then jesus Christ in his heavenly role"
I say:
but the word is plural in the scriptures
I say:
and in the Greek
She says:
what word
I say:
for armies
She says:
I say:
all through the book of revelation when it describes armageddon and the heavenly forces being led
She says:
yea i know, ive seen armies of angels lol
I say:
so it doesn't make much sense
She says:
well we'll find out one day
I say:
She says:
paul, in his discussion about god's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (gentiles) but lived by its principles.
"(indeed, when gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.
) this will take place on the day when god will judge men's secrets thorugh jesus christ, as my gospel declares.
Since we are declared righteous by God's grace, and not by works in conjuction with the Law, I would say no.
paul, in his discussion about god's judgment, contrasts those who were under law (jews) but failed to live up to it with those who were not under it (gentiles) but lived by its principles.
"(indeed, when gentiles who do not have the law, do by nature things required by law, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bear witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even fending them.
) this will take place on the day when god will judge men's secrets thorugh jesus christ, as my gospel declares.
I've always applied this scripture by Paul talking about our individual consciences. When the Gentiles were doing the things of the Law, yet they had no knowledge of the Law, Paul was showing how our Creator has given all of us an inherent ability to know right from wrong. For instance, if you were to travel to the most remote parts of the developing world, among indigenous tribes, and lets say that one of them kills another person in their tribe, they automatically know that what they did was wrong.
A good scriptural example that predates the Law covenant would be that of Joseph in the house of Potipher. When Potipher's wife wanted to sleep with Joseph, he recognized that it would be a sin against God.
something weird happened there, it didnt post.
now i have to re write it ha.. .
hey folks.
One thought that I would work into the reply would be in response to what he said about "making sure of the more important things", God and Christ, and such:
Mention to him that part of "making sure" of those important things would be to heed the counsel from God and Jesus as outlined in the Bible. For instance, we can't ignore what Jesus said at Matthew 24:23-24 about those, like the WTS, who claim that Jesus returned invisibly. Jesus didn't say, "Be on the lookout for people who claim that I have appeared, and then years later, change their teaching on it. That will be the true religion. Even though they were wrong, they have my blessing." No, Jesus WARNED us to watch out for very things that the WTS has done. Even in verse 25, Jesus emphasizes it again by saying, "See, I have told you beforehand."
Help him to understand the confusion that he might be feeling, and that our Creator helps us with that through the scriptures, too. Share Deuteronomy 18:20-22 with him concerning that. God makes it clear in those verses that any man, group, organization that prophecies/predicts things claiming that they come from God, and they DON'T come to pass...God assures us that this man/group/organization is 1. false, 2. will die, and 3. is nothing to be afraid of.
In light of those verses and God's strong disgust toward false prophets, it would be logical to accept that the verse in Proverbs 4 about the "light getting brighter" was NOT included in the Bible canon as an excuse for false prophecy. God's revelations to His people throughout the centuries have been clear, complete, and backed by evidence of His spirit. And individually, as Solomon said, the light DOES "get brighter" for us as we progress in our understanding of God and the Scriptures.
Hope my input was helpful.