JoinedTopics Started by Trevanian
Is this a coincidence? !
by Crumpet innote my post numbering!
and its halloween!.
does this mean i am the anti christ?.
Why no warnings against "fading" in the literature?
by sir82 init has been pretty firmly established that the wts monitors ex-jw discussion boards generally, this one in particular.. on this forum and others, the strategy of "fading" is often discussed.
fading can be defined as gradually lessening one's activity in the congregation to the point where he virtually "disappears", becoming inactive & attending virtually no meetings.
thus, a more or less "normal" life can be achieved without the stigma and privations of disfellowshipping.. other ideas on how to get around the pain of disfellowshipping discussed on this type of forum have been discussed, if not in the literature, at least in boe letters.
Okay guys, lets get back to what this board is all about -- here's MY story
by oppgirl63 inafter trevorgate, i feel compelled to contribute more to the board.. you said this board has been a little crazy latelyso heres my story.
i tried not to be too long and ramble too much.. forgive my spelling or punctuation in advance.. .
lets begin in 1984i was going to college and met my now jw roommate.
Just a little Update...(with pictures)
by RichieRich inso today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
Wikipedia being abused by Jehovahs Witnesses
by Simon ini had a look at the wikipedia entry for jehovahs witnesses yesterday and noticed that it wasn't as comprehensive as it once was.. most links to non-pro-jw sites have gone as is anything truly critical or exposing of their beliefs and practices.. last night i added a link to this site to the "other sources" section.
this morning it is gone.. i wonder whether this is some private zealot who has decided to do it or an organised campaign?.
Former elder wants your advice--PART 4
by Confession inso now that the entire midwestern region seems to know about this "confidential" judicial committee, i suppose it was time to get started with it.
we arranged to have both accusers come at specific times.
i ask, please, for your level-headed, thoughtful advice.
Do they allow internet at bethel?
by freedom96 in.
just curious, with all the internet bashing, etc, if a bethelite wanted to have internet access in their room, would it be allowed.. if so, i wonder if they monitor the activity?
How is JWD doing ?
by Simon insomeone came out with the tired old claim that the site is dying, there is a mas exodus, yada yada yada.
some people would really love for that to happen, i know .... we have gone down a few places on bigboards simply because some new sites were added to it that have more posts - the sites we are ranked alongside all went down by the same amount at the same time and we've gone up against some and down against others (not that sheer post numbers matter that much).
also, a combination of optimising page caching and alexa changing how they rank things has reduced the ranking on that too ... but how are we really doing?.
Apostate terminology
by Mum inmy daughter and i, fun-loving apostates that we are, have some terms we use regarding the wt organization and other cults.
i would like my fellow posters here to tell us their terms, buzz words, etc., to add to our list: to get the ball rolling, two of our favorites are:.
cookie-cutter theology.
What Its All About - Lurkers
by Amazing inits all about lurkers: there are at least three main types of lurkers, 1. a jw with doubts, concerns, feeling that something is wrong with the religion, 2. an ex-jw who is caught between two worlds, and does not feel free yet to live a normal life, 3. a non-jw who is either involved with a jw, or a relative of a jw, or is in the middle of being studied with by the jws.. defining moments: everything we write, say, and do is observed by the lurkers.
in a single moment, or a series of collected comments, we will eventually cause a lurker to have a defining moment ... a point in time where they decide that being a jw is not for them anymore, or that they can stop living between two worlds, or cease studying, and not join the religion.
we may never know who we help, or how many.. flame wars and character attacks: when we get embroiled in these, whether we are the instigator or the brunt of the attacks ... what are we really doing?