I will confess, other than hearing the initial news report, I had avoided any and all commentary on this case until yesterday.
I read up the evidence as submitted in the trial and really this should never have gone to court under a murder-2 charge. This was a politically motivated trial to quell public outrage. The first AG got it right with not prosecuting the case.
Intent, mindframe or whatever the public assumes about Zimmerman, the facts and evidence did not back it up. Read through the transcripts and mentally change the race of the players, the evidence still points to self defense.
The best witness to insinuate opening agression from Zimmerman committed purgery. The prosecution forensics was a scatterbrain. The whole aim of the trial was to go for a murder-2 charge.
If they wanted a shot at a conviction, they should have argued manslaughter from the start. As such, tossing manslaughter in at the very last second gave the jury very little to work with. The arguments were for murder and the evidence did not back up that claim. In my opinion if Zimmerman was black and Trayvon was white it would have never gone to court. It would be self defense and dropped. I think he could have been argued to a manslaughter charge since he was told to stay where he was by the police and forced the encounter. He comes across as arrogant and cop-wannabe, but that doesn't make this a racial killing.
If you can say one good thing about racism, it is that racism itself doesn't discriminate color. There are racists of every creed, color and culture in the world.
If you want to argue that I am incorrect in my opinion of this case, argue the evidence, not the news talking points.
I think the jury made the right call with the case that was provided to them.