After Jesus was baptized he regained all his heavenly memories. So that means that the human body can handle infinite knowledge. Unless Jesus had a freakishly large head. Which would have been awkward.
JoinedPosts by Paralipomenon
Deep thoughts: Is Jehovah omnipotent?
by Paralipomenon injehovah is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
he is the god of gods and all powerful.
this is a fairly accepted teaching and one that no active witness would argue with.
How would you react if someone at the hall called you by your username here
by JH in2 years ago, i went to a meeting and the brother talking in the front said that the internet was full of dirty rats..... he was looking at me when he said that.
If they could actually pronounce it I'd give them props.
Then I'd be wondering what I was doing in a hall... -
I have some very good news...
by Abandoned in...but i can't say anything more right now.
still, it's amazingly, wonderfully, ain't the sky a gorgeous shade of blue today kind of news.
wish me luck... .
But the truth is that I've found a partner to "cash."
So this is clearly in reference to Johny Cash and a "partner" was when he did a duet with Gordon Lightfoot in 1969.
Gordon Lightfoot remade the song "If you could read my mind"
OMG it's so clear now!
You have psychic powers!!! -
Practical Jokes on JW conditioning
by Paralipomenon induring my fading process i started to see a routine that much like pavlov's bell.
years of mental conditioning had people trained to behave and react in a certain way.
one thing that always annoyed me was the conditioned applause response to talks at the assembly.
During my fading process I started to see a routine that much like Pavlov's Bell. Years of mental conditioning had people trained to behave and react in a certain way.
One thing that always annoyed me was the conditioned applause response to talks at the assembly. I noticed a very similar conditioning and made it my goal to try to emulate the discussion and trigger this during one of my talks. Now being outside of the assembly environment so it's harder to trigger, but I had a goal.
I'd deliver a very passionate delivery of the topic and try to get people to focus.
Ask alot of rhetorical questions then immediately provide the answer.
Carry this through your talk so they are paying attention and answering the questions in their mind.
Then at the end, you make a small adjustment and ask a question that demands a conditioned affirmate.
Raise your voice and put specific emphasis individually on the last few words.
BROTHERS... Shouldn't we be doing the best we can in this Time of the End?
One night, two people started clapping and immediately stopped, embarrassed.
I couldn't contain the grin that broke out across my face.
That was the last talk I ever gave. -
Post your Watchtower "fine print" warnings....
by JH inlike anything you buy today, there is always something written in fine print that means, your product won't be covered under such and such eventualities.. now lets apply this to the watchtower.. what do you think the watchtower should have put in fine print so that the new jw's who just joined can see what awaits them.... this is what i would have written in fine print, if i was the watchtower.. your new journey starts here.
from now on, you dump all your worldy friends and family that don't want to become jw's.
once baptized, you can't look back and question the watchtower.
Warning: Prophesies in older publications appear closer than they are.
Your opinion on my really important question, please.
by jambon1 indoes a jw upbringing simply confuse a child or is it really damaging?.
i have no doubt that a jw child is, at least, confused with life.
in my own case my wife brings up my 2 children (aged 5 & 2) as jw`s.
Being raised by witnesses is a mixed blessing. On one side I learned quite a bit about world events, associated with older people that taught me values and life lessons. My childhood was very good and I had two parents that sometimes fought but mostly were good. No different from any normal family.
From reading some people's experiences with abuse or overbearing zealous parents I got off quite easy. The major issue was with guilt in my teen years that followed me deep into adulthood.
As a child I always did what I was told and would be good to make my parents happy. As a teenager I started becoming accountable for my actions and my view of the world started changing.
As soon as you are baptized you are treated like an adult without the time allowed to actually grow up. That put alot of stress on me and the guilt for not being able to live up to adult standards was painful.
You are never good enough, you can never do enough, you are weak, you are imperfect, you are undeserving of God's love, but he loves you anyways.
If you don't care, then these feelings just roll off your back. Many adult JW's are just putting on appearances, but to a young person actually striving to hit an impossible mark it was too much. -
Hey, y'all wanna see some REAL crazy? I've gotcha covered!
by Schism inwow.
ok. i told them that the meeting was off.
you seem to be able to quote scriptures quite well.
LMAO Ah good stuff.
I would totally make a hotmail address called Schism'sDemon (replace with your real name) and send your mom an email.
Use poor spelling and grammar, it's the demon way.
Offer to send her some Anne Rice books and say that if she ever gets bored he has a friend he can send her. Just make sure to turn the lights off first because "it hurtssss the eyessss..." -
The fastest scripture looker upper
by SacrificialLoon ina comment by rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.. i would always see how fast i could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else.
of course everyone else didn't realize i was racing them, but i'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up.
being able to look up jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
Ugh, flashbacks...
Then in the teen years we upped the ante.
We'd start with the bible closed, then when we heard the scripture we'd have one shot to open the bible as close as possible to where the scripture would be. Closest to the actual page won. -
Nearly Middle Aged Woman Asks: Should I watch the Sopranos?
by Crumpet inokay last night the sopranos got voted the best drama ever to be shown on tv.
i have never watched a single episode, but before i commit myself to starting from season 1 and working my way through to season 6 or whatever it is up to can anyone here tell me what is good about it.
what are its strengths?.
I only saw Law & Order SVU after watching Oz. I think just about every major character in Oz has made at least an appearance on SVU if not a leading role.
A man dies and goes to heaven...
by Paralipomenon in...and is greeted at the gates by st. peter.
"welcome to heaven" says peter, "by our records you lived your life as a faithful catholic so i'll lead you to catholic heaven" .
"oh really" says the man "you have different heavens?
...and is greeted at the gates by St. Peter.
"Welcome to Heaven" says Peter, "by our records you lived your life as a faithful Catholic so I'll lead you to Catholic heaven"
"Oh really" says the man "you have different Heavens?"
"But of course, every person that dies is reunited with those of their faith here in Heaven"
They start walking along and pass by large structures, Peter points at the different ones.
"This is for the faithful Jews, this one is for Buddists and this one for Muslims"
"But I'll ask you to remain quiet when we pass the next one"
They keep walking by silently until they are well past the building.
"Why did we have to be quiet" asked the man "who was in there?"
"Oh those were the anointed Jehovah's Witnesses," replies Peter "they think they're the only ones here"