Most affairs are from mismatched sex drives or lack of communication.
If people were just honest about what they liked they might not seek it elsewhere.
In the case of mismatched sex drives, which is more fair, the partner who has a lower drive to have sex more often or the partner with the higher drive to to abstain?
Middle road? Compromise?
I think people equate sex with love far too much.
JoinedPosts by Paralipomenon
If your mate cheated on you, could you forgive?
by avidbiblereader invery personal and yet it happens way too often, but would you forgive and if you did, how would it change you and the relationship?.
or is it over?.
Is this where I went wrong in my marriage?!
by deeskis injust got this email of a magazine article from 1955. .
Would she be wearing just the ribbon? I could buy into that!
For women: your view of strip clubs
by Paralipomenon ini have heard two vastly differing viewpoints on this subject over the years.
regarding your significant other, would you care if they went to a strip club or not?
some examples: .
I have heard two vastly differing viewpoints on this subject over the years. Regarding your significant other, would you care if they went to a strip club or not?
Some examples:
Yes it would bother me, it's tantamount to cheating.
Yes it would bother me, but I'd rather know he's going than lie about it.
No it wouldn't bother me, I know he'll be coming home to me
No it wouldn't bother me, I'll go with him.
Just curious where the opinions of the female posters here lie. -
When and How soon should I start dating?
by Crumpet inso i've been officially single for just over a week now.
mr c laughed fondly when i asked him in barcelona if he missed me yet and wanted me back.
so how soon is too soon to get back into the dating scene?
"I do find grocery shopping very erotic!"
Mmmmm, organic vegatables...
Oooh frozen foods..
phew that was a good one... -
"The Secret" - Movie
by Bstndance inoy vey!
so my friend made me watch the "movie" the secret last night.
it's basically a movie about the concept of visualizing and how we can achieve anything we want if we just picture it and not think about the negative.
Self help programs are like a shot of adrenaline.
You get a boost to your self esteem and start in earnest, but eventually if you didn't have the will power to do it yourself, the adrenaline will wear off and you'll be back to square one.
It will work for some people and change their lives, but only if they are ready to have their life changed. Chances are they would have made the change anyways.
Positive affirmation helps, but it won't give you will power. That, you can only give yourself. You'll never find it in a book or DVD. -
Copyright and trade mark question
by rekless ini notice when these words are use on this firum they have a "tm" associated with them.
so are disassociated and disfellowshipped words that are owned by the wtbts?.
The WTB&TS is notorious for attacking Apostateā¢ sites over copyright issues. They are a very legal/law heavy corporation. The TM is just a fun jab at their legal nature.
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly inwatch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
Very interesting.
An article that encourages more people to partake of the emblems, a memorial talk outline change that emphasizes not taking the emblems.
You know what they're doing? They're setting up the R&F to take the fall for the next new light.
Numbers will be higher for this memorial that will skew the stats. Then they can introduce not tracking the memorial partakers as a disciplinary measure.
"This number includes bible studies and visitors that are unfamiliar with the proper way to conduct themselves at the memorial. In fact, some have taken to murmuring that the end is not close because of rise in memorial partakers. This is not in accord with proper Christian thinking. Doesn't Satan use every tool available to try to trick us in this time of the end?"
Tracking is gone, R&F are disappointed with the change, but understand it is necessary for those who are "spiritually weak". The end is still near, people partaking of the emblems will be gossiped about and blamed for inflating the stat that forced the GB to take action.
Life goes on. -
Ex-Witness English tutor encounters a current Witness tutee...
by Rosie Angel ini've been tutoring this nice esl lady named patrice for awhile now.
i knew she was a witness, since i saw her studying out of the revelation book, so i kept my guard up around her.
somehow, though, i recognized an uncited passage from the nwt ecclesiastes in a paper, and i mentioned that she really needed to cite passages from the bible, just like any other book, so she used the odd witness citation.
Quite honestly I'd say approach your boss and inform him of the situation. Let them decide if you should continue to tutor the witness any further. If she learns that you are an ex-witness (as the organization is a close knit web) she may complain to your boss about you and your job may be on the line.
Remember, you've rejected her God so you deserve the absolute worst in life. Religion and work never mix. Be careful with this one. -
As we grow older
by greendawn inas time passes and you grow older and more mature how does your life or your outlook on life and one or other issue change?
i was thinking yesterday how silly it was to fall in love with a girl, focus exclusively on her and run the risk of serious disappointment and trauma if she left when there were so many other women in the world.
when you had no marriage or children to worry about.
I've gotten more patient with age. As a youth I was very impulsive and wanted things now and right away. With time and experience I've seen that greater results come from taking the time to make a decision.
STAR CHART that will blow your mind!!
by magdalenefan inthe jews were astologers, they had to organize the encampment of the twelve tribes according to the zodiac.
this is a lost art today.
try this website .
So we should put on a false front to seem more welcoming to any JW's that might stop by?
I'm getting a deja vu feeling here.
Personally I took the test and it was fun. Really all it is a alot of flattery and generics. I think there is a little bit of science to it at an abstract level. Your birth month will dictate what seasons will be like at crucial points of your life. Would it be winter when you were learning to walk? Chance are you would be indoors more and might be taught more intellectual development. Seasons affect our moods and actions. Consequently our actions affect our raising of our children.
I can see a general idea behind it, but by no means would it predict exact personality. Most of these will be very vague and flattering. People that truly buy into it will adapt their life to adjust to their sign making predictions more accurate.
aAusing site, I see no reason to praise the results or criticize the OP.
(also there is no identifying information given that can be tied back to the site visitor)