neverknew -- online shopping, it's the best! And it's easy. I always look for free shipping, too.
Lisa Rose, you are organized! All I have done is make jam and look for gift bags at the store. I'll bake just a couple of days before Christmas.
i like a lot about christmas, lights, music, smells, food.
i like the idea of lots of presents, too, but i totally don't like the idea enforced by advertising that all of us must spend loads of money buying gifts for everyone we know.
and i think that gifts for adults should be consumable, a bottle of wine, candy, that sort of thing, a token of friendship, a little treat, but nothing grand.. so, i've made about four dozen jars of jam from wild grapes i picked in the fall, and i'm going to make lots of cranberry bread and pumpkin bread.
neverknew -- online shopping, it's the best! And it's easy. I always look for free shipping, too.
Lisa Rose, you are organized! All I have done is make jam and look for gift bags at the store. I'll bake just a couple of days before Christmas.
they're gettin' it done.. .
What's interesting to me is their motivation. I read some stuff about their space program and they talked about mining resources on the moon. I wonder if they are the ones who'll make some science fiction stories come true, stories of people living and working on the moon? It would be expensive -- they'd have to ship up all the food, air, water and so on for the workers, but as some minerals become rare on earth, it might pay.
as a former witnesses, i have spoken to tons and tons of christians since my exit.
some want to convert me to their faith, heal me of what they see as false information in my youth and so on.
when ever i speak to them, not being a christian now, i have certain things that guide me.
I can't be arsed these days to talk to believers, they are so wearisome.
Funny! Yeah, I refuse to listen to a load of preaching. I've heard it all before. But sometimes it's fun to listen to true believers talk, those of the pagan persuasion or the weirder reaches of religion. But, I flat out tell them I don't believe a word of it, very cheerfully. Seems OK with most people.
there are certain songs sung at christmas time that have nothing whatsoever to do with christmas.
i've been reading lyrics lately to make sure, then i make comments to my uber-jw wife, who really, really hates what i'm saying.
for example, the song, "let it snow" has nothing to do with christmas.
It's rather nice to be free enough to sing a damn christmas song if you want to, without looking over your shoulder to see who is going to see you and report you to big brother. I am not religious, but I like music and some christmas music is very nice.
OK, all together now -- O HOLY NIGHT
i like a lot about christmas, lights, music, smells, food.
i like the idea of lots of presents, too, but i totally don't like the idea enforced by advertising that all of us must spend loads of money buying gifts for everyone we know.
and i think that gifts for adults should be consumable, a bottle of wine, candy, that sort of thing, a token of friendship, a little treat, but nothing grand.. so, i've made about four dozen jars of jam from wild grapes i picked in the fall, and i'm going to make lots of cranberry bread and pumpkin bread.
I like a lot about Christmas, lights, music, smells, food. I like the idea of lots of presents, too, but I totally don't like the idea enforced by advertising that all of us must spend loads of money buying gifts for everyone we know. And I think that gifts for adults should be consumable, a bottle of wine, candy, that sort of thing, a token of friendship, a little treat, but nothing grand.
So, I've made about four dozen jars of jam from wild grapes I picked in the fall, and I'm going to make lots of cranberry bread and pumpkin bread. I don't have anyone in particular in mind, just as it is appropriate I give people little bags with the jam and bread and say Merry Christmas. Neighbors, friends, delivery person, and so on.
What do you do about Christmas presents?
just thought i would share with everyone how my jw sister treats our family.
my stepmother passed away 2 weeks ago, and had been in and out of the hospital.
so my brother told my jw sister, and she came running to town (5 hour drive) and they didn't call me but did call my oldest sister who then called me.. the jw sister took what items she wanted and left town.
I don't think that's just a JW thing -- I hear stories all the time about how relatives act when someone dies. Greed.
is there an official name for the comedic device where one replaces one word with another word having a similar pronounciation but a different (usually derisive) meaning?.
for example, some skeptics deride the bible by spelling it "buy-bull".
same or simliar pronounciation but entirely different meaning.
pun if deliberate, malapropism if not
one of the thing i appreciate most about this site is reading other people's experiences while in and out of the cult.
when i read other people's stories, it helps to validate my own experiences.
i rarely talked to anyone else besides my husband concerning my doubts, and so for the entire time that i was in i thought i was the only one having these negative experiences with the brothers in the kingdom hall.
Hello Jen1
You're going through a tough time, but it will get better. I am the sort of person who always likes to have a plan -- think of where you want to be in a few years, make a list of things you'd have to do to get there, and then just starting doing those things. Time will pass whether you have a plan or not, so might as well have a plan and get somewhere you'd like to be.
There's a video of Hugh Laurie playing St. James Infirmary on youtube -- he manages to make it boring, somehow.
Well, as a group they are obnoxious. As individuals, I've met some nice ones, very pleasant people.