Aleman likes to call people swine when they don't bow down and kiss his ass. Are real one and Aleman the same person?
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
real one --- please provide proof here
by kwintestal insorry to saratonin wrath for his thread being hijacked.
real one ... please provide the evidence that you said was out there on this thread here to avoid further hijacking of the other thread.. insults towards non-believers are also better suited to this thread then the other one as well.. kwin.
IMPORTANT: Elders Mtg at Patterson
by confusa ina witness just informed me about a couple that we know who had their assembly recently, and it was announced at the private elder's meeting that there will be a special meeting with all the elders in the us in patterson.
it was mentioned that we are now living "in the end of end of times" and that the un is talking about prohibiting religions.
has anyone heard of this??
Millions now living will NEVER die!!!!
by sacolton ini love everyone!
have a great day!.
one watchtower to rule them all,.
bite me, no Mother's and Father's Day is not celebrated, either. The origin of Mother's Day dates back to 250 BC when Cybele, a Roman godess, was worshipped. From what I have found, Father's Day originated in 1908 in a Mother's Day sermon in a WV church. However, all I did was a quick google of these things, as JWs really don't even know why these holidays aren't celebrated. This past May, my grandfather called my mother to inform her that he and her 4 siblings were all chipping in for a flower arrangement to placed on my grandmother's grave. She refused to pay $10.00 for the recognition of her dead mother.
New Year's celebrations are frowned upon, as well as even saying "Happy New Year!" Why? My guess is because JWs know how to suck the fun out of anything.
real one --- please provide proof here
by kwintestal insorry to saratonin wrath for his thread being hijacked.
real one ... please provide the evidence that you said was out there on this thread here to avoid further hijacking of the other thread.. insults towards non-believers are also better suited to this thread then the other one as well.. kwin.
Whoa...I love threads that inform me of arguments going on in others...LOL. I didn't even open the original thread. Now am going to go read from some ignorant shit telling us how to be happy. YAY!!!!
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The only time I appreciate this message is when that one dude puts an embedded youtube clip on the end of every post.
Visit with my uncle
by Bumble Bee inwell, yesterday was probably the last time i'll see my uncle alive.
i was aprehensive about the visit, but all in all it went ok. (you can find the back info here and here
we got to the hospital and my three cousins were there with their children (who i haven't seen in many many years).
At least he has/had a sense of humor about his condition and whether or not their words of comfort were true, they were comforting for him and the rest of your family, nonetheless. I wish small words like that could comfort you, but just know that I care about you very much and if there is anything I can do, please let me know. I have some vaca coming up and would love to see you again.
by sacolton ini love everyone!
have a great day!.
one watchtower to rule them all,.
Bite me, to be honest, do JWs really know why they are forbidden to do anything? A lot who were raised as a JW, like myself, just went along w/ the flow. I just googled the origin of Valentine's Day. This is what I found.
Anything pagan in origin, well except a weddng ceremony and the rings, are forbidden by JWs. As far as 'being caught" and any punishment, I have never heard of it, but then again, I have never heard of anyone "celebrating" it before. The same goes w/ Mother's and Father's Day. However, I am sure that most JWs look at it as a way to, again, be cheap, unappreciative bastards.
by sacolton ini love everyone!
have a great day!.
one watchtower to rule them all,.
Oh wow! I was sitting here reconciling our Flex Spending account and my boss yelled out my name. I thought she was asking me about a bank rec she needed a copy of about 15 mins ago, but instead she walks into my cube w/ a delivery of flowers. I got flowers!!!!! I've never had a flower delivery from someone outside of my bloodline. Even when I was married, flowers weren't delivered to me, for whatever reason. I have such good friends.
Happy Valentines Day!
How do I go out with new ex-dub friends with my wife still in? Tell or lie
by oompa inwith my 22 year old df'd son in a very nearby city, and having met a few here that i want to do stuff with, how do i go about this?
thanks to my son, who has some older df'd friends, i was able to spend a couple of weeks at the beach together with them the last two summers.
it was me and five evil df'd ones on my boat, so i called a dub friend who was friends with the beach gang, and told him i was on the ussdf!
Oompa, why are you so open and honest about your feelings w/ us (perfect strangers) and you can't address them w/ your WIFE, the person you vowed to love, honor, cherish, and DEEPLY RESPECT? You can live w/ her, have children w/ her, make love to her, but you can't open up and talk to her?
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
JC, I received your message last night and returned one to you. It's not opened yet and I hope that it's just because you had gone to bed and haven't yet been on-line to read it. I hope you are doing well and that, if anything, this thread has opened up some communication between you and your boyfriend.