JoinedPosts by glenster
Scottish church does country proud
by slimboyfat in
scottish church enters the twenty first century.
shame they backed down over israel last week though.
^ so there.
Seriously, is this the astrology/God belief connection you're wondering about?: -
Only people who make mistakes have to admit they made mistakes
by Terry indoes the jw religion rest on "insider information" or not?.
the average rank and file member believes this is true.. there is a "magical" belief about the faithful and discreet slave.. it is muddled, of course.. "how do they know?".
they just know..... the fds with the hotline to heaven likes to revisit old ideas and fluff them up like a pillow.. the dog whistle is a device only heard by dogs.
They've made every indication of playing prophet and more recently denied that
they have any special ability to predict. On one hand they ask to be considered
like anyone who might hazard a prediction without claiming special prophet
abilities previously implied, but on the other they require followers to agree
to all GB distinctions, including prediction, or be disfellowshipped instead of
categorizing current predictions as a matter of personal conscience. seem to want to be considered as the best at interpreting, the best
guided short of intervention, and you have to agree to be in the club. -
Why all the FORGIVENESS in the universe doesn't solve THE REAL problem.
by Terry ina wife who forgives her husband for beating her preserves the marriage.
but, forgiveness doesn't solve the real problem.. a victim of molestation who forgives the molester earns our awe eases their burden of anger, but, once again it doesn't solve the real problem.. forgiveness skirts the real problems.. .
for thousands of years mankind approached god for pardon for various sins, crimes, misdemeanors and--through rituals of sacrifice actually obtained forgiveness.. but, forgiveness didn't solve the real problems and it resulted in the deaths of millions of animals.. .
Again, a leading case that's too general about Christian belief at a few
points.Interpersonal abusive behavior is discouraged scripturally. Spiritually, the
believer is encouraged to pull for the other for God and leave the judgment
about it to God, not just leave bad human behavior to God. Complimentarianism
is conservative vs. liberal. The conservative choice and worse is also due to
social trends that are broader and older. generally, being irresponsible about the known things (evolution) and
harm (rights for women and LGBT people) over a possibility is conservative
stipulation added to belief (or socially or politically added by a non-believ-
er), not just belief.The known things and concern to not harm will never make a case against belief
in God, only what religious and political stipulations to not add to belief or
non-belief in the basic God concept.To be a credible possibility, it has to be reconciled to the known things,
including the bad things of it (tragedies, death) and people (overindulging
the self at other's unfair regard or treatment, needless harm).Those things are debated regarding how to reconcile them with an all-benefi-
cent God concept--do you blame God for the bad or allowing the possibility of
it, see a freedom of choice in it, etc. But that problem is eliminated by not
requiring the stipulation. You can still rue the bad just as much but it's then
like being able to believe in life for the good in it, and to believe in helping
with and encouraging the good in it. God, you could believe He wants you to do that and add afterlife as a
sweetner. Just blaming God for the bad then turns on itself as a judgment
parallel to arguing against belief in life due to the bad of it. It's not the
perspective I'd recommend for a possible God presiding over life any more than
for life. -
JW's are refrigerator magnets.......
by Lied2NoMore inwt has deified the a/c outlet as "god".
the cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "gb" .
the inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the wt "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time".... and the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization".... loyal jw's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.. so its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation"........ but as you look on the floor, several have fallen off, and more have been peeled off by wt df / shunning policy.. so watch your step, someone may get trampled!.
If the AC outlet is money, the GB gets their current illicitly from someone
else when they're not home. The food was put in it, and refrigerator magnets
put on it, by the home owners and misused by the GB to feed followers who don't
know where the GB got it. Clearly nobody is a refrigerator magnet. This is a
misreading of "maggot" i.e. the followers are struck on eating the GB's food,
which has maggots. -
JW's are refrigerator magnets.......
by Lied2NoMore inwt has deified the a/c outlet as "god".
the cord carrying power from the outlet to the refrigerator is the "gb" .
the inner workings that make the freezer and cooler, well...."cold" are the legal dept, writing dept, and to save ink, the wt "bureaucracy" that stores and dispenses "food at the proper time".... and the body of the refridgerator which insulates and embodies all the contents of said refigerator is the "organization".... loyal jw's simply need to "stick" themselves somewhere on the refrigerator, or "organization" wherever there is room, and salvation is assured.. so its a large refrigerator, because some 7 million have affixed themselves to the "organization" or "cooler of salvation"........ but as you look on the floor, several have fallen off, and more have been peeled off by wt df / shunning policy.. so watch your step, someone may get trampled!.
If the AC outlet is God, the GB is a refrigerator but the plug is bent and won't
fit in the outlet. JWs are an ad agency for it that hasn't cleaned behind the
refrigerator and noticed though some ate stuff from it and died at the hospital. -
Happy Mother's Day
by designs into all of you moms and sons and daughters happy mother's day!.
over 100 years ago anna marie jarvis started mother's day.
by 1914 she had won over congress and the day commemorating mothers became official.
Glenn Beck's Hitler again
by glenster inbeck compared mayor bloomberg to hitler..
my favorite reaction (2010):.
Good monitor for gaming--fastest w/good color
by glenster inviewsonic vp2770 2560 x 1440 semi-glossy pls review:.