Hello Kathy, welcome. From the comments already made, you probably realise that the subject of the trinity is open to disagreement. One thing that bible students are taught early in the study is that it is people who care about them who will try to stop them from studying with JWs. Then they are told that the only way to help their loved ones is to stick with it, and help their loved ones to get everlasting life. The Watchtower Society is very good at playing on emotions.
One thing you might try, though, is the site of ajwrb (Associated Jehovah's Witness for the Reform of Blood). It was set up by concerned Jehovh's Witnesses, including elders. This may help, because it shows how the Society has changed its views on blood. These are links to the site
> http://www.ajwrb.org/index.shtml
> http://www.ajwrb.org/bible/index.shtml
Good luck and please keep us informed about your progress