Welcome Cornish. I take it that means you are from Cornwall?
I am looking forward to getting to know you better and to hearing your story
just to say hello to all who vsit this forum.. i would love to tell my life story sometime but there is so much to say that i dont know where to begin,but a few things about myself.. i left the borg mindset in 1995 as i would not surrender to the emotional blackmail shunning teqniques,and was told i had basically dissasociated myself,even though my last words were 'i wanted to follow god and christ not a religion' an announcement was made that i had dissassociated myself from the christian congregation,cheek,eh!.
i was born into a jw family in 1962,and most of my immediate family see me as a filthy apostate because they are indoctrinated, my hobbies are horses,ham radio and the net,.
when i have a chance i hope to post more,cheers for now
Welcome Cornish. I take it that means you are from Cornwall?
I am looking forward to getting to know you better and to hearing your story
good morning.
i am contemplating marriage to a long time jehovah witness.
i, myself, have no intentions of becoming a jw.
Inquiring, even a JW marrying someone who is studying to be a JW is frowned on, so you can imagine how marrying outside the religion is viewed. You won't be able to be married in the JW' Kingdom Hall.
Once you are married, however, there will be a lot of effort put in to converting you. You too, Law. If you do become JWs,you can't just change your mind. You could be considered to have disassociated yourself, or you could be disfellowshipped. Both of these options would lead you to being shunned. They usually call people who leave 'apostates'.
A JW has 5 meetings to attend per week, plus they are expected to do study of the literature and bible, and also, it is expected that the JW will go out preaching for at least 10 hours a month. For the preaching work, there is a meeting first, which takes from anywhere from a quarter of an hour to three quarters of an hour each week, plus the preaching work. It is very time consuming.
Then there is a district convention, for 3 days each year, plus a circuit assembly for 1 day and another circuit assembly lasting 2 days.
You asked about children. The elders will expect your children to be brought up as JWs, and usually will bring pressure to bear to get that done. The children will be expected to attend all meetings.
I hope that answers all your questions, but if you have any more, just ask.
edited because I discovered a mistake
would appreciate any info or experiences on this subject.... a brother is disfellowshipped, 2 years later reinstated, five years later disfellowshipped again, immorality, 4 years later reinstated, becomes elder, 8 years later runs off with pioneer 16 yr old , divorces wife , dumps girl, remarrys 5 years later, appointed elder again, i believe due to the buddy system, how many times do'es a person have to be disfellowshipped before they say no to any priveledges let alone being an elder again ?
The NWT of the bible, in 1Tim 3 gives the qualifications for overseers and ministerial servants. They should be irreprehensible etc. They should also 'have a fine testimony from people on the outside'.
There is nothing about being reinstated to a position of oversight if one has lost it because of misconduct.
However, this man does not seem to qualify from 1 Tim 3:1-7.
As Ozziepost said
1. There is NO example in the New Testament of a judicial committee. The only mention of disfellowshipping a person, in 1 Corinthians, is addressed to THE CONGREGATION, not to a committee.
2. There is NO mention in the New Testament of restrictions i.e. if you're re-instated, you're re-instated. That's it.
Hallo Its_my_life, glad you are here.
You say you have a hunger for knowledge, but feel that you are too old. Close to 50 is not too old. Maybe you could find what fields have shortages, then train for it. I know where I am there is a shortage of maths and science teachers, for example.
JWs = jay double us = dubs, I think
what makes someone 'beautiful' to you?
has it changed over the years, so that you consider something else?
what attracts you to someone?
I like someone with a genuine smile.
But I agree with Seeker
I really do care more about the inner person. I've known some "plain" folks who have become beautiful to me after I got to know them. And I've known some "beautiful" persons who became ugly in my eyes as I saw who they were inside.
After all, people who are beautiful inside are much nicer to be around
something i just read, proofs are at:.
dear brothers:.
The more I find out about this organisation, the more disgusted I get.
They ran down the Catholic church for the same sort of thing. All they are concerned with is the protection of the organisation, not the children or any of the people.
I am too angry to say any more at the moment. [>:(]
just so certain ladies do not feel alone in cringedom i will confess my red-cheekers !.
i was a well-developed 15 yr old getting too volupteous for my school uniform ( ok too fat then) and the zip had bust on my only school skirt.
my mum replaced it using an old zip from another garment which happened to be quite a bit longer than a normal skirt zip.an unmarried brother came to visit one morning and was sat in our living room having a cuppa while i was frantically getting ready for school.
Keep it up, this thread is the funniest.
One time, one of the brothers on the mikes at the KH had to go to the toilet. He didn't know what to do with the microphone, so he put it in his shirt pocket. But he left it switched on. He was told off for that.
as ive mentioned in other posts, i felt obligated to go to the dc (in hamilton) this weekend to help my family with my aging mom, who in my opinion just goes for the social outing because she is physically not able to stay awake for more that 1/5 th of the whole sessions except intermissions.. i know others have posted their observations of the dc they attended but id like to make an addition from things that just jumped right out at me and made me go argggghhhhh!.
and btw....i felt some of the comments made seemed to be as though they were answering their justification of some of the things being brought out on the internet, including here.. on friday, even in talks that were not about higher education, they managed to slip in their subtle propaganda, as in:.
- bob alton, said peter and john were outspoken about gods word and were unlettered and ordinary men they didnt need higher education to speak wondrous things of god.
Redhorsewoman, yes it is the same old stuff as they have been spouting for decades. By making it general, it can apply to almost anything.
That way, the elders can apply it to whatever the main problems are in their congregations, when they do the rehash at the meetings.
Wolfy, you commented
(BTW..My firewall goes nuts when I come here...Wondering if anyone else has that experience.)Mine does, too
i thank all of you for your responses to my posting "i need your help".
this posting goes hand in hand with that one.. i recieved this e-mail from an elder today.
it seems that his whole personality has changed over the weekend.. -since you are going to reply to my last note... i thought that i would mention something:.
I would be suspicious at a change of mind. Whatever you do, don't let down your guard. Don't put anything in writing that could possibly be twisted. Remember, if there is a chance it could be taken to mean other than what you intend to say, it probably will be.
He said
I thought that I would mention something:I am saddened if you decide to leave the Christian Congregation. I think about you a lot. I never foresaw this situation arising... probably because I was distracted by this whole business mess
If you answer him, you can be too distracted by the business mess to think of anything else.
I agree with expatbrit
Perhaps a non-commital reply to gain more time is in order, along the lines of "having some things to sort out first; will call you later" kinda thing.Now start making alternative business arrangements, fast!
I think that is good advice, if you can follow it. Don't admit to ANY doubts about the 'Christian Congregation'
i love quotes of wisdom, so i thought i'd post some for others who like them too.
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere - Frank A Clark
Opportunities multiply as they are seized - Sun Tzu
Wealth is enyoing what we already have, not getting more of what we think will make us happy - John Rogers and Peter McWilliams
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain - Dolly Parton